Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Lesson for Peace from a Great War Spanning the Two Marian Feasts: Immaculate Conception and Assumption – From Japan’s Pearl Harbor Attack in 1941 to Japan’s Surrender in 1945

実は、大東亜戦争開戦と終戦の両日は、聖母マリアを祝う宴日でもあります。開戦の十二月八日は、マリアの穢れ無き受胎( 無原罪の御宿り) の日 であり、終戦の八月十五日はマリアの昇天の日です。つまり、大東亜戦争は聖母マリアがこの地の世界に存在した期間とあたかも並行するかのように続きました。それは、単なる偶然なのでしょうか?それとも、何か深い意味が背後に潜んでいるのでしょうか?そうであれば、その意味はいったい何であり、どのようにして知ることができるのでしょうか?







Mary’s Earthly Life and the War of Two Marian Nations Across the Pacific: the United States and Japan

August 15 is the solemn feast day of the Assumption of Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. This is one of the Marian feasts.  This feast marks the end of Mary’s sojourn on earth, which began with the Immaculate Conception.  The feast of the Immaculate Conception is December 8, and the feast of the Assumption is August 15. In other words, the feast to celebrate the conception of Mary is December 8, and the feast to commemorate the last day of Mary on earth is August 15.

Palma il Vecchio - Assumption of Mary 1512-1514 
I am not sure if this is a mere coincidence or something of theological significance. But, December 8 (in the Japanese standard time), 1941 was the day the war between the United States and Japan started with Japan’s attack on the Pearl Harbor US naval base, and August 15, 1945 was the day this most exhaustive and destructive war in human history ended with Japan’s surrender.

Mary is considered as a patron saint for the United States, as well as the Americas.  Interestingly, Mary is also on the side of Japan, as St. Francis Xavier dedicated Japan for Mary, on the day he set his foot on the land of Japan, August 15, 1549, through the port of Kagoshima.  Given there was no such a nation called the United States then, a Marian connection was made to Japan before it was made to the United States.  

Unfortunately, these two Marian nations fought against each other, starting on the feast of Mary’s conception, December 8, and ending on the last day of Mary on earth, August 15. And, what put these two Marian nations, the United States, for which Mary is a patron, and Japan, which is dedicated to Mary by St. Francis Xavier, who brought Christianity to Japan, at war against each other, was an evil spirit that plagued both of these nations. This is quite an irony.

After the feast day of the Assumption of Mary, in 1945, the relationship of these two Marian nations, the United States, and Japan, has changed.  The poison of mutual hatred has been replaced by a new friendship to ensure no more bloodshed in the Asia-Pacific region.

War against the Women of Marian Impression in Revelation – War between the Two Marian Nations across the Pacific in History

The first reading for this fest is taken from Revelation 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10 ab. This reading describes that the advent of the new Messianic era with the opening of the God’s Temple in heaven, corresponding the opening of the womb and the birth canal of the woman clothed with the sun, with the moon beneath hear feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars (Revelation 12:1-2).

 This woman represents people of faith collectively. Namely, she can symbolize he post-exilic Jewish community envisioned in Isaiah 54 in the context of the Old Testament, as she is the wife of God in heaven (Isaiah 54:5), and the son she is giving birth to is the Holy One of Israel, the Redeemer (Isaiah 54: 5).  In the context of the New Testament, the woman with a glorious impression symbolically represents the Ekklesia, the community of the faithful to Christ, the new Israel, not just for the Jews but to faithful people of all nations, with a Marian impression, for her childbirth and the nature of the son she gave birth to.

The description of the male child the woman gave birth to in Revelation 12:5 evokes an image of the Holy One of Israel, the Redeemer of the post-exilic Israel, described in Isaiah 54:6. In the context of the New Testament, the son the woman gave birth to is the Christ, who rules all nations, as prophesized in Daniel 2:44-45, establishing the eternal Kingdom above all earthly powers that fight against each other for hegemony.  In addition, Revelation 12:6 also implies the son’s heavenly enthronement to Christ’s assumption, as God snatches him to His throne.

Isaiah 54:6 gives an impression that this woman had to suffer, while she was not with her husband, but was called by him.  The image of the union of the woman and her husband in Isaiah 54:6-7 implies the God’s redemption of the Jewish people in the post-exilic era. On the other hand, in Revelation 12:6 and 12:14-16 indicate that the woman who gave birth to the Messianic son is well-taken care of God in heaven. Though it is not included in the first reading, Revelation 12:14 alludes to Mary’s Assumption, as Revelation 12:6 suggests Christ’s Ascension.

Peter Paul Rubens,  "Woman of Apocalypse"

Echoing the post-exilic Israel described in Isaiah 54, the woman in Revelation 12 collectively represents those who are faithful to God from the time of John the Baptist, preparing for the first coming of the Messiah by repenting, to the time of Jesus’ public ministry and beyond his Ascension.  The woman is also symbolically projected into a Marian image, suggesting that the rest of her offspring in Revelation 12:17 metaphorically represent us, the faithful today, living after Christ’s Ascension (Revelation 12:5) and Mary’s Assumption (Revelation 12:14).

As Jesus’ very words from the Cross, in John 19:26-27, suggest, Mary has become also the mother to all of us, the faithful of all nations. As we are the Ekklesia, she has also become the mother of the Church.
Now, the woman in Revelation 12:1-2 is also understood as the Mother of the Church, though she is also interpreted as the Church herself, as I mentioned above.  And, this may appear rather confusing to some people, wondering if the woman in Revelation 12:1 with a Marian impression represents the Church or the Mother of the Church.  To this, I suggest that we approach biblical narratives, especially ones with symbolically loaded texts, such as Revelation 12, not through a dualistic either-or perspective but rather through a transcendental perspective. This way, the women in Revelation 12:1-2 can be understood as a symbolic representation of the Church, as the community of the faithful, as well as the Mother of the Church, depending on the context.

During her sojourn on earth, from her Immaculate Conception until her Assumption into heaven, Mary suffered greatly, as her Son, Jesus, suffered.  As we read the Gospel narratives of Jesus’ path to Calvary, Golgotha, as we go through the Stations of the Cross and pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary, we can certainly emphasize Mary’s great suffering through Christ’s pain and suffering.  In fact, when Jesus was only 40 days old, Simeon predicted Mary’s suffering, stating, “Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted. And you yourself a sword will pierce so that the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed”(Luke 2:34-35), when baby Jesus was presented in the Temple for consecration, according to Exodus 13:2-16. Because the first born son of an Israelite belongs to God and is dedicated to service to God, as set in Exodus 13:2-16, Mary had to dedicate Jesus to God and service to God. And, his service to God was to redeem us from the debt of sins, resulting in tremendous sufferings that she had to bear, as he became the sacrificial lamb for the eternal sin offering to God on the Cross.

Even after her son, Jesus died, resurrected, and ascended, the forces of Satan, which is symbolized in the dragon in the Book of Revelation, continued to attack those who followed his teaching, including the Apostles and Mary.  Thus, Mary continued to suffer as she and other disciples were persecuted, described in the Acts of the Apostles, until she was called by God to be assumed into heaven.

The prolonged suffering that Mary had to bear during her time on earth, from her Immaculate Conception until her Assumption can be metaphorically compared to the intensely destructive war between the two Marian nations across the Pacific Ocean – Japan and the United States, given that the war started on the feast day of Immaculate Conception and ended on the feast day of Ascension, as to correspond the suffering of Mary during her earthly sojourn.  It is not a mere historical coincidence that the war started on the feast day of Immaculate Conception and ended on the feast day of Assumption, as if Mary’s earthly life span could be represented or compared to this great war between two Marian nations: Japan that is dedicated to Mary by St. Francis Xavier and the United States that Mary is desiccated as its patron saint.

In a way, these two Marian nations, Japan and the United States, can be metaphorically understood as two of the rest of the offspring of the women in Revelation 12:17.  The biblical passage says that the dragon, Satan, would wage war against offspring and the woman.  If the woman is to be understood as a symbolic representation of Mary, then, the war between these Marian nations can be understood as a Satan’s war against Marian offspring, turning them against each other.  It is Satan that divides people in order to conquer them, as “Satan” literally means one who divides and plot against one another.  Thus, a war that Satan makes war against Marian nations in a way to turn these nations against each other.   Ironically, this war that Satan set against these two Marian nations across the Pacific Ocean, started on the feast day of Immaculate Conception and ended on the feast day of Assumption, as if to taint Mary’s earthly sojourn with this Satan’s war.

In this war, one Marian nation, the Untied States, drove the other Marian nation, Japan, to the brink of destruction, dropping two atomic bombs, weapons of Satan. Though so many lives were lost to this war that Satan waged, the complete destruction of Japan was spared upon Japan’s surrender on the feast of Assumption.  Upon this day, peace began – though battles still continued in Okinawa beyond that day, into the following month. Russians (the Soviets)  also continue to attack Japan’s Karafuto (Sakhalin) Island and Manchuko, the nation that Japan set up in 1932 to counter the Russian (Soviet) threat,   even beyond that day.  The battles in Okinawa also ended, and the two Marian nations began to work their way toward reconciliation and normalization of the bilateral relationship, as the Satan went away from these two Marian nations.

So, who was this Satan, waging war against the two of the offspring of the woman, with an image of Mary?
Given the devilish roles that Russia played from the late 19th century until 1945 in the Far East and in the US-Japan relationship, it is possible that the Satan was behind Russia.  In fact, Mary herself indicated the Satan’s presence in Russia, when she appeared in Fatima, predicting the 1917 Communist Revolution as a work of Devil.

You may have believed myopically that Japan became “mad” and attacked Pearl Harbor out of the blue. If it has been your view, then, you may also have thought that atomic bombs dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were justifiable retributions. But, if you view the US-Japan bilateral relationship from its inception in 1853 until the feast day of Assumption in 1945 and how Russia (the Soviet Union) played its roles in affecting the brewing of a conflict between the United States and Japan, you will realize that Satan was with all of these nations to pit the United States and Japan against each other and further to pit the United States, Japan, and Russia against one another.  With this historical insight, you also understand that a seed for the war between the two Marian nations across the Pacific: the United States and Japan, was planted with the inception of the US-Japan relationship in 1853, and that Russia also influenced the growth of the seed of the war, as the Satan was on all of these three nations.

Henri Meyer, "Le Petit Journal", January 16, 1898"
Historical Footage of Satan to Destroy the Friendship of the Two Marian Nations Across the Pacific: the United States and Japan

Nothing happens in the vacuum.   Ex niholo nihil fit.

As in Buddhism teaching, everything occurs as a result of rising causes and conditions. Pretty much of these are beyond our comprehension. However, we may understand some of them in retrospect.

This truth is not exclusive to Buddhism, as it is also found in the Book of Revelation.

The women in Revelation 12:1-2 did not give birth to a male child out of nothing. It was not by chance, either. The childbirth concurred the appearance of the dragon, the Satan (Revelation 12:3), leading to the war between the dragon and the woman, as well as the war against her offspring, as Revelation 12 began to describe.  Namely, this war is the long war against God, by Satan, as Revelation 12 – 20 describe. But, this war between Satan and God did not happen in the vacuum, as there was the pretext – relevant rising causes and conditions – leading to it.

The ultimate consequences of the birth of the child that the woman in Revelation 12:1-2, leading to the war, are described in Revelation 20-22. But, what about the pretext ?

Starting the narratives on the Scroll and the Lamb in Revelation 5, the stories of the seven seals of the scrolls being broken and what is being revealed upon breaking of each seal in Revelation 6:1-8:1 foretell great tribulations to come, alluding to the war between Satan in the dragon and God, as well as His people, the women in Revelation 12:1-2, her son, and the rest of her offspring. Namely, this is a prediction of the final judgement before the  Kingdom of Heaven, which is imaged in Revelation 22.

Following the stories of the seven scrolls and what the breaking of each of them reveals from Revelation 6:1to 8:1, there are the narratives of the seven symbolic disasters, warned by the seven trumpets in Revelation 8:2-11:19. In fact, these stories from Revelation 6:1-11:19 offers the pretext to the prolonging war between Satan and God and His people, including the women in Revelation 12:1-2, her son, and the rest of her offspring, as described from Revelation 12 to Revelation 20.

The first reading for the feast of the Assumption of Mary, Revelation 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab, touches the narrative of the beginning of the war between Satan and God, starting with the dragon’s attack on the woman and her newborn son, following the pretext narratives, indicating the context behind the beginning of this war against God and His people, including the woman, her son, and the rest of her offspring – namely, Christ and those who are faithful to Christ.

Now, this narrative sequence from Revelation 6:1 on, suggests that the dragon’s war against the woman – Satan’s war against God – did not happen out of the blue. As the narratives of the seven seals of the scroll and seven trumpets from Revelation 6:1 to Revelation 11:19, there had been certain conditions leading to the war, as in the rising causes and conditions.  Likewise, the war that Japan waged against the United States with the bombing of Pearl Harbor on the feast day of Immaculate Conception, 1941, did not happen out of the blue. There had been many factors leading to this beginning of the war between the two Marian nations across the Pacific Ocean: the United States and Japan. For this, we must review the US-Japan relationship since the arrival of Commodore Matthew Perry’s arrival in Japan, 1853. It is also important to examine how Russia’s expansionism in the Far East from the 19th century and the early 20th century has affected Japan, the United States, and the US-Japan relationship from 1853 until 1945.

You may wonder why Russia.

If you review how Russia affected the US-Japan relation and the Russia’s influence on the bilateral relationship of these Marian nations from 1853 to 1945, you can also begin to have a fresh insight on why Mary indicated the Satan’s rising in Russia, and pray for its conversion, when she appeared in Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, around the time the Russian Revolution is in the making.

Mary began to appear, in Fatima, Portugal, to three peasant children, Lucia Santos, Jacinta Marto, and Francisco Marto, in 1916, to send her warning to the world. Her messages can be compared to what the scroll in Revelation 6:1-8:1 revealed with the breaking of its seven seals and what the seven trumpets in Revelation 8:2-11:19 warned, in urging conversion of the world. In particular, Mary’s 1917 message in Fatima is quite noteworthy to examine how Russia influenced the two Marian nations’ – Japan and the United States, relationship, leading to the war that began on the feast of Immaculate Conception, 1941, and ended on the feast of Assumption, 1945. The message is:

If not, Russia will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated' (13-VII-1917).

This is in the third part of Mary’s Fatima message. It basically indicates that Russia will spread troubles throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church, if it fails to heed her revelatory message of warning and convert. The troubles that Russia will spread in this message can be understood as communist, as Christians, as well as other religious, have been persecuted in communist regimes, including the Soviet Union, which was what Russia became upon its series of revolutions, and where communist spread from to form other communist regimes.

In addition to understanding the trouble that Russia will spread in this message as communism, it can be also evil affects that Russia made upon the two Marian nations, Japan and the United States, through its perpetual expansionism in the Far East.
Now, with this in mind, let us review the Far East history in terms of how Russia affected  the two Marian nations across the Pacific Ocean: Japan and the United States, as well as the US-Japan relationship, leading to the war. In this review, it is also important to understand how Russia influenced overall geopolitics in the Far East, involving Japan (the Empire of Japan), Korea (Joseon Dynasty), China (from Qing Manchurian Dynasty to the Republic of China), the United States, Great Britain, France, and Germany.

The below extensive description of the historical geopolitical context behind the two Marian nations’ conflict into the war can be paralleled to Revelation 6:1-11:19 as the pretext to Revelation 12-20.

Prologue to the Relevant Background 

By the middle of the 14th century, the Mongolian dominance in West Asia and Eastern Europe declined, giving Russia a chance to extend its territorial influence toward Siberia and even to the coast line of the Pacific Ocean in the Far East all the way into the 20th century. By the time of the reign of Peter the Great (Peter III), Russia became strong enough to compete itself with Western Europeans’ long-established imperialism. Though expanding its territories westward was difficult as these were also firmly controlled by Western European empires, it was relatively easier to invade vast lands southward toward the Black Sea and eastward toward Siberia and Mongolia. Though the Kingdom of Poland was once the most powerful empire, as it forced its alliance with Lithuania and further with Ukraine, Russia succeeded to penetrate its imperialistic influence in Poland, as a buffer zone in competing with Western European imperialism.  The Russian penetration of the Kingdom of Poland paralleled the Russian penetration of Siberia, Mongolia, and Crimea to form a solid foundation to become the largest empire in the world by the 19th century – from the coast of the Baltic Sea to the coast of the Pacific Ocean. Until then, East Asia, the Far East, which includes China, Korea, and Japan were relatively quiet and free from the Western intrusions and invasions.

During the reigns of Peter the Great (Peter I) and his wife, Catherine the Great, from the late 17th century into the 18th century, Russia took its aggressive expansionist policy, disturbing East Asia, as well as Central Asia. As Russia solidified its territorial footage through Siberia and all the way to Alaska by the 1850s, Russia began to conquer East Asia southward, aiming Qing China, especially its Pacific coastal area and its southern adjacent territory, Korea during the late 19th century, while other Western European imperial powers, which Russia had been in competition ever since the time of Ivan the Great, and newly emerging imperial power, the United States, were also aiming to extend their colonialism in this area of Asia. At first, we must understand this Far East geopolitical historical background.

Besides Russian invasion from the north through from the 17th century on, Asia has been suffering from the Western invasion ever since Portugal established its colony of Western India in 1434, followed by the British colonization of India in 1613 and of Hong Kong in 1842. While Russia swallowed the vast landmass of Siberia, Great Britain colonized India by the time both of these European imperial powers were ready to creep into Qing China in the 19th century. Burma fell under British colonialism in 1824, Hong Kong was taken by Britain in 1842, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos were conquered by France in 1887. In the meantime, Russia revoked the 1686 Treaty of Nerchinsk, which set the Russia-Qing China territorial boundaries, and forged to take over a large landmass from Qing China by forcing Qing into the 1858 Treaty of Aigun.  Additionally, Great Britain and France were setting their footage to conquer Qing China for the expansion of their own imperialistic colonialism in the Fat East, through the Arrow War, 1856-60. 
This was the historical prologue before the two Marian nations across the Pacific Ocean, Japan and the United States joined the imperialistic colonial competition over China – leading to the devastating war in Asia.  Satan already mobilized Russia, Great Britain, and France to set the stage for Japan and the United States to inserts their own relatively new imperialistic colonial desires there.

Far East in the Latter Half of the 19th Century: Plagued by Satan’s Imperialism Thorough the Western Powers Invasions

By the 1850s, Qing China was weakened both by its internal problem and by the Western colonialism. For centuries, in the eyes of the Western colonialists’ eyes, China had been a mysterious sleeping tiger. However, through Qing China’s miserable defeat in the Opium War by Great Britain in 1840, the Western powers began to see China with contemptuous eyes as a mere object of their new colonial exploitation.

Following Britain’s acquisition of Hong Kong from Qing China, other Western powers began to flock in China for economic exploitation and military strategic footage in the Far East, during the 1840s and 50s. At that time, Japan was still a firmly closed country in the Far East to Western nations, except to the Netherlands. Japan closed itself to Western nations during the early 1600s, upon expelling all Christian missionaries from the late 1590s. The continuation of St. Francis Xavier’s evangelization efforts by his successor had to cease. Prohibition of Christianity, followed by persecution, and the closing its ports to Western nations, were to defend Japan from the Western colonial powers, creeping into Asia. Because the Netherlands had never brought Christian missionaries, the Dutch traders were allowed to come to Japan.  However, they were only allowed to the trading port of Nagasaki.

By this time, Russian had already conquered the entire Siberia and made Alaska their territory. They had  been manipulating Mongolia to make its firm access to China, especially to gain unfrozen ports on the Pacific coast.  

Though the United States’ expansionism had already swallowed the Mexican territories in the West and all the way to the West coast by the 1850s, following the Louisiana Purchase and prompted by the gold rush, the American colonial power had not reached the shore of China, yet. While Britain had secured its sure access to penetrate China as an extension of its East India Company by then, and various parts of Asia, such as India, Burma, Vietnam, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines, and Indonesia, were already colonized by European colonial powers, the United States had not made its sure access to exploit China and the rest of Asia yet.

At that time, Satan in the form of exploitive colonial power, was not yet with Japan, as Japan was still “minding its own business” as it was back in the 1600s.But it was already with the United States and other Western colonialist powers, including Russia, creeping toward Japan.

Of course, the United States could not afford to be behind the exploitation race in Asia, already enjoyed by other Western powers.  Thus, the United States was extending its expansionism beyond its California coast, crossing the Pacific, and reached the shore of Japan in 1853.

Encounter of the Two Marian Nations Across the Pacific: Japan and the United States and Its Consequences Evolving into the War

The United States, then a newly emerging world power, demanded Japan, then a feudalistic and closed nation, to open its ports for its interest in 1853 and establish a treaty.  Though uninterested, Japan gave in to the unfair trade agreement with the United States, to avoid possible military confrontation.  This was the beginning of the two Marian nations began their interactions.  But, at the same time, it was also when Satan planted its seed of evil, because Japan became forever changed after this and driven to a point of choosing to become another colonial and imperialistic power for its own survival.

Feeling intimidated, Japan reluctantly signed the very first treaty with the United States in 1858, letting the Americans not only began exploiting Japan economically but also gain an easier access to China. The treaty resulted in Japan’s frustration and suffering of inferiority complex. This is how the bilateral relationship of the two Marian nations across the Pacific Ocean was formed and began, prompting Japan to choose its path of colonialism and imperialism, to prevent becoming a victim of the Western imperialism’s power.

Feeling threatened to accept the unfair treaty with the United States in 1858 was enough insult to Japan. As to add insult to injury, other Western imperialistic powers, including Russia, followed the American path, demanding Japan  to form unfair treaties with them. Unfortunately, Japan during the 1850s did not have the military and economic power strong enough to refuse such Western colonial powers’ pressure to give into their exploitive trading treaties.  But, the emerging leaders of Japan at that time were keenly aware of Japan’s imminent needs to transform Japan into a Western-style colonial power house before these unfair treading treaties with Western nations would become their paths of colonizing Japan.

The 1854 treaty with Russia was, in particular, obviously damaging to Japan, as Russia began interfering Japan’s Karafuto Island, calling Sakhalin to claim it as a Russian island. Thus, among the intimidating Western colonial powers that pressured Japan to give into exploitive treaties with them, Russia, rather than the United States, stood out as an imminent threat to Japan.

 During the 19th century, Russia was expanding its territory to the Far East to gain its strategic access to the Pacific Ocean, as the United States also expanded its territory beyond the Louisiana Purchase of 1803, seceding Pacific coastal territories from Mexico to gain strategic access to the Pacific Ocean, followed by the annexation of Hawaii.  For Russia, the United States’ access to Japan was not something to ignore, to compete with the United States over the hegemony of the Asia Pacific region.

Russian invaded the northeastern territory of Qing Dynasty, the Manchu empire that ruled China until 1911 from 1644, and annexed Qing’s northeastern territory in 1858. Upon this, Russia was putting its footage into Manchuria and the coastal area of the Yellow Sea for further territorial expansion.  While Russia was expanding its territory in the Far East, the United States was making its steps toward the annexation of Hawaii. Of course, it all began with an unfair treaty with the Kingdom of Hawaii, allowing American economic interest to rule this island kingdom between the United States and Japan in the Pacific Ocean.
 From the late 19th century into the early 20th century, Japan felt threat both from the Unites States and Russia, as these powerful nations aggressively inserting their own hegemonic desires into the Asia Pacific region.  But, to Japan, Russia’s threat was more imminent. Thus, Japan and Russia agreed to set the territorial issue straight on Karafuto (Sakhalin) island, rather than sharing the island, by agreeing that Russian takes its exclusive territorial rights on Sakhalin Island, while Japan takes its territorial rights on the Kuril Islands (Chishima Rettou), in 1875.

Beyond its annexation of the Qing’s northeastern territory, right above Korea and Manchuria in 1858, Russia continues to increase its economic dominance in Manchuria through Port Arthur and rail roads in Manchuria. At the same time, United States was preparing to annex the Kingdom of Hawaii, as inserting its exclusive economic and industrial rights in Hawaii to politically hijack this Pacific island nation.

Russia’s rapidly increasing economic influence and physical presence became a greater threat and compelled Japan to make sure that Russian influence would not be inserted into Korea, which stands between the Russian-dominating Manchuria and Japan. For this, Japan began to inserting its interest in then-Chinese province Korea (The Joseon Korean Dynasty was under the Chinese imperial control). Given the weakening power of Qing China in the late 19th century, losing its northeastern territory to Russia and allowing Russia to dominate its economic privilege in Manchuria, Japan felt that Qing China was not able to protect Korea from the Russian invasion.  And, Japan’s influence on Korea to make it become independent from China resulted in the First Sino-Japan War in 1884.

 "Go Fishing, Tobae, February 1887

With Japan’s victory over Qing China in 1885, Japan gained Taiwan and its exclusive rights in Port Arthur. At the same time, with China’s defeat by Japan, Korea became independent from China, after almost 1,000 years of Chinese control.  The victory also enabled Japan to have its access to China as Russia and other European imperial powers already had. However, Japan was not able to secure Manchuria and China from the Russian immediate threat.

Using the 1884 Triple Entente as leverage, Russia, together with France and Germany pressured Japan to return Port Arthur to Qing China, thought it was legitimately given to Japan through the Treaty of Shimonoseki in 1885. Realizing not having enough military power to fend off these three European powers, Japan agreed to return Port Arthur to China, while keeping Taiwan. However, soon after Port Arthur was returned to Qing China, Russia illegitimately occupied to connect this strategic port to the Trans-Siberian Railroad to further take over Chinese territory.  Soon, France and Germany also began to put their strategic posts in Port Arthur to start eating the “Chinese pie”, while Russia had a larger piece and Britain already had another large piece in Hong Kong.  Clearly, Satan was with Russia to prepare the Far East to become a trouble spot, like the Balkan in Europe.

Russian-led Triple Intervention in 1895 to pressure Japan to return Port Arthur to Qing China came with an plausible argument that Japan’s control of Port Arthur would be detrimental to peace in Far East and the independence of Korea.  But, this argument was nothing but Russia’s excuse to “steal” Port Arthur from Japan so that it can divide China with other Western colonial powers, such as France and Germany.  The Satan in Russia also invited Great Britain the United States to pressure Japan to give up on Port Arthur.  Even though Britain was in the Triple Entente with Russia, it declined to join Russia, France, and Germany to demand Japan to return Port Arthur to China. Likewise, the United States did not join Russia, either.  However, these Western powers also declined Japan’s request to counter the Russian-led Three-Nation Intervention against Japan.  At that time, Satan did not directly pit the two Marian nations, Japan and the United States against each other – though it was certainly with Russia, manipulating both Qing China and Japan.  This Russian manipulation led to Japan’s military confrontation with Russia soon and annexation of Korea.

Losing Port Arthur to Russia through Russia’s deceptive tactics of the Three-Nation Intervention soon after its victory over Qing China, rather than returning this war prize to China, really infuriated Japan.  The frustration from this incident really reminded Japan to further build its military power to stand  in par with Western powers – so that this kind of insult would never done to Japan. Not to mention, Japan viewed Russia as the greatest threat not only to Japan but also to peace and stability of Asia.

Given how Russia was in “stealing” Port Arthur from Japan in 1885 to conquer China further beyond the 1858 gain, Japan realized its imminent need to protect newly independent Korea from Russia’s threat, as the protection of Korea was of critical importance for preventing Russian invasion of Japan. For this reason, Japan had to make newly independent Korea an ally to. However, Korea remained politically and socially very unstable and even made its pro-Russian gesture.  Thus, Japan had to continue its influence on Korea to stabilize under Japan’s protective measure, while countering Russia’s dominance in Manchuria through its access to the coastal area of the Yellow Sea, rewarded by the victory of the First Sino-Japan War. Obviously, as Japan made its way to counterbalance Russia’s geopolitical interest in Manchuria upon the Sino-Japan War, Japan had to confront Russia in Manchuria, resulting in the Russo-Japan War in 1904. The Russo-Japan War was certainly an inevitable consequence of the First Sino-Japan War.

Japan defeated Russia in 1905 and expelled the Russian dominance out of Manchuria and Liaodong Peninsula (Port Arthur), resulting in Japan’s increasing influence in Manchuria and Port Arthur. Recovering Port Arthur from Russian hands was very important. Also with this victory over Russia, Japan legitimately gained the southern half of Karafuto (Sakhalin) island from Russia. These post-war settlements with Russia were brokered by the United States.

 By defeating Russia, Japan officially controlled the railroad system in Manchuria and increased its coastal economic privilege by redeeming Port Arthur from Russia.  This made Japan a bit more secure from the Russian threat. However, newly independent Korea still remained unstable, vulnerable to Russian invasion. Thus, Japan chose to annex Korea to directly set its military defense line against Russia on the Korea-Russia border. Japan’s annexation of Korea in 1910 was welcomed by the United States, as the United States and Great Britain also welcomed Japan’s victory over Russia in 1905, as Japan’s rule of Korea was beneficial to the stability of the Far East, because Korea failed to be acknowledged by the Western powers to have the abilities to function as a sovereign nation.

Western nations did not want Russia to further devour Asia and expand in the Far East. They also realized that the ongoing internal conflicts within the Joseon Dynasty of Korea continued to keep Korea unstable and vulnerable to a future regional conflict, as either China would invade to recolonize or Russia would invade to colonize. The newly independent Korea was not able to successfully intervene and prevent riots. For this reason, Japan had to send its military to protect Japanese citizens in Korea from riots and other social unrest factors. Given this reality of Korea, the international community – namely the Western powers – consented Japan’s annexation of Korea, for the sake of Asia’s stability, especially to prevent Russia’s further southward expansion by devouring Korea.  The fact is different from what Korean anti-Japan propaganda tells about how Korea was annexed to Japan in 1910, as the Korean propaganda is totally out of context on this matter.

On the surface, the United States welcomed Japan’s victory over Russia, as it is also of the US interest to keep the Russian power small. It was the United States that brokered the post-war reconciliation process between Japan and Russia, resulting in the Treaty of Portsmouth. The United States was also affirmative of Japan’s intervention in Korea to stabilize this newly independent nation of social unrest and its final resolution to annex, for the sake of regional stability in the Far East, especially to keep Russia off Korea.  The United States finally agreed to revise the unfair term in its treaty with Japan, as it recognized Japan as a powerful imperial power, like Great Britain.  The unfair condition to Japan in the 1858 US-Japan Treaty was finally removed with Japan’s victory over Russia in 1905, signaling that the United States began to acknowledge Japan not with contempt any more. 

In fact, by then, Japan and Great Britain established the Anglo-Japan Alliance in 1902, as Russia was also a threat to Great Britain’s interest in China. In fact, this Japan’s alliance with Great Britain enabled Japan to secure a loan from Great Britain to finance the war against Russia.  Though Britain was in the Triple Entre with Russia, along with France, it did not respond to Russia’s invitation to pressure Japan to give up Port Arthur in 1885 and rather supported Japan financially during the Russo-Japan War.  This certainly makes Britain’s stance to Russia double-standard. And, after the Russo-Japan War, Britain readjusted its position with Russia through the 1907 Anglo-Russo Entre.

The Anglo-Russo relationship really tells that an alliance between or among nations can be cleverly manipulated and even betrayed as Britain did with Russia by supporting Japan’s efforts to defeat Russia during the Russo-Japan War covertly. It is because an alliance did not guarantee to preserve mutual interest and benefits of the signed nations. In the imperialistic paradigm at that time, such alliances were used only to relentlessly pursue the nation’s own interest even at the expenses of the other nation in alliance, as Britain did.  In fact, this double-standard character in an alliance began to be seen also in the US-Japan friendship from 1905 on, becoming a relevant factor to the war between the two Marian nations: the United States and Japan.

Until Japan’s victory over Russian in 1905, Japan and the United States, the two Marian nations, appeared to enjoy a friendly term – though it was based on the unequal, American-dominating, treaty.  The United States did not join Russia to pressure Japan to give up Port Arthur shortly after it was legitimately acquired by Japan through the Treaty of Shimonoseki in 1885. Throughout these years until 1905, the United States did not interfere and intervene against Japan. In fact, the United States made a gesture to have become even friendlier to Japan by lifting the unfair conditions out of the previous US-Japan treaty upon Japan’s victory over Russia. But, this friendly gesture of the United States to Japan was an American double-standard toward Japan from that time on to cleverly manipulate Japan, not as obviously as through the unfair treaty but more covertly through orchestrating multilateral diplomatic engineering against Japan.

By 1905, Japan was no longer a small nation in Asia to be seen with contempt to the United States.  As Japan became a stronger nation, it became a nation to be viewed as a potential threat to the US interests, especially to the American ambition in China and the rest of Asia. The fact that the Philippines was already a US territory by that time also contributed the US to start viewing Japan as a potential threat, behind its friendly gesture to Japan by brokering the post-Russo-Japan-War settlement with the Treaty of Portsmouth and by mending the US-Japan relationship to a more equal term. By that time, the United States also annexed Hawaii. Thus, Japan’s rising national power in the Far East became a potential threat to the United States’ expansionist efforts to secure its hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as its Open-Door Policy on China.

At this point, Satan was already on the relationship of the two Marian nations across the Pacific Ocean to tear it up further. A seed of hatred was already planted by Devil first in the larger Marian nation: the United States, as the United States began to see Japan as a potential threat. And, soon, anther seed of hatred would be planted in the smaller Marian nation on the other side of the Pacific Ocean: Japan, as Japan would begin to notice American manipulations against Japan through the international diplomatic means. These seeds of hatred in both Marian nations continued to grow in setting a path toward the war, starting on the feast of Immaculate Conception, 1941.

As the United States began to view Japan as a new potential threat, Japan also began to feel the negative effects of the American manipulations to prevent Japan from gaining further economic and military power to fend off Russian threat in Manchuria. Upon gaining Hawaii, Guam, Saipan, and the Philippines, the United States’ national interest was not only to maintain the security of these newly acquired territories but also to gain more access to China, competing with British, French, Russian, and Japanese establishments in China. To gain more favorable access for itself, the United States proposed the Open-Door Policy on China so that China would not be taken advantaged by Britain, France, Japan, and Russia – so that the United States would not left behind in international competition to gain pieces of Chinese pie.

From that point on, the United States also began to wedge into the Anglo-Japan Alliance to pull Great Britain closer to the United States from its alliance with Japan. This became evident with the 1922 Washington Naval Conference . The way this treaty on adjusting  the naval powers of among the Untied States, Great Britain, and Japan, was quite unfair to Japan, as to weaken Japan’s naval power, while boosting the American and British naval powers.

While Russia, then-became the Soviet Union, remained as a threat,  Japan began to feel that the United States was certainly against Japan, also destroying the Anglo-Japan Alliance, given the way the 1922 Washington Naval Conference turned in favor of the United States and Britain against Japan.  

Following the victory over Russia in 1905, Japan continued to secure Manchuria, Korea, and Port Arthur, not only as a buffer zones in defending Japan from Russia but also as a new economic development zones to make sure not only Russia but also the United States would not intimidate Japan any more. By this time, Satan was also in Japan as Japan had already become a practitioner of imperialism, just like Russia and the United States.  The Satan that infected Japan then made Japan follow a similar pattern to the way Satan affected the United States earlier, given the way Japan angered China upon the First Sino-Japan War of 1884-85, leading to Japan’s establishment of Manchuko, and the way the United States intimidated Japan ever since its first contact with Japan in 1853. As the United States imposed the unfair treaty upon Japan, by intimidation, Japan also used intimidation tactics and imposed unfair treaties upon Qing China. But, when Qing China was taken over by the Republic of China in 1911, China became more hostile to Japan with its the new Chinese nationalism, for the unfair treaties that Japan imposed over its predecessor, Qing China – though it did not show the same hostility toward Britain, France, Germany and Russia, the Western imperialism that had imposed similar unfair conditions upon China.

While Russian (Soviet) threat remained, the relationship between the two Marian nations: Japan and the United States continued to become sour more evidently, upon the 1922 Washington Naval Conference, as Japan continued its economic developments in Manchuria, Korea, and Port Arthur, to build its economic and military power in the Far East.  At the same time, the new Chinese nationalism drove China to confront Japanese establishments in China more hostilely. Thus, Japan struggled in maintaining its economic and military establishments in northern China, gained through the victories of the two previous wars: the First Sino-Japan War and the Russo-Japan War – Japan’s successful attempts to secure Japan from Russian threat.

The increasing Chinese hostility toward Japanese establishments in the northeastern China throughout the 1920s led some Japanese military leader to secure Japanese national interests in northeastern China by establishing more solid power in Manchuria, namely, Manchuko, keeping the Japanese establishments in the region safe from the Chinese hostility and the Russian threat more effectively.  This Japanese thinking to secure Manchuria more effectively from the southern threat by the Chinese hostility and the northern threat by the Russians, leading to Japan’s establishment of Manchuko follows a very similar pattern that the United States took in securing its economic and military interests from Native Americans’ protests.  For this reason, the Jackson Administration of the United States destroyed the Republic of the Cherokees, which did not fight the United States but sought for a peaceful and equal treaty with the United States during the 1820s.
At that point in history, Satan was infecting Japan, China, Russia, and the United States, to steadily prepare the path for the two Marian nations to pit against each other in war.

By 1930, Japan’s military leaders desired to gain total control of Manchuria, keeping this geopolitically strategic place completely secure both from Chinese attack and Russian threat.  And this contributed to the Liutiaohu Incident (a.k.a the Mannchurian or Mukden Incident) in 1931, further leading to Japan’s establishment of  Manchuko in 1932, as Japan’s satellite nation. The United States was very critical of Japan on the Liutiaohu Incident of 1931 and refused to acknowledge Manchuko as a legitimate nation, by issuing the Stimson Doctrine in 1932. Through the Stimson Doctrine, the United States bitterly criticized Japan’s establishment of Manchuko as violation of the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, which denounce the use of military forces to resolve an international conflict, also citing the legal doctrine of “ex injuria jus non oritur”.

Obviously, Japan’s efforts, to secure itself by establishing Manchuko not only as Japan’s defense zone from Russia but also to build itself to discourage the United States and Russia to treat unfairly, were costing this small Marian nation in the Far East tremendously. The Establishment of Manchuko prompted not only the United States’ hostile stance toward Japan but also blatantly hostile responses by the Republic of China.
Though the region of Manchuria was not originally a Chinese territory but the homeland of the Manchu tribes, who conquered China in 1644, establishing the Qing Dynasty, the Republic of China, which overthrew the Qing Dynasty in 1911, claimed the land to be theirs.  The way Japan manipulated the Manchurian affairs was to restore the lineage of the Qing Dynasty in a way to make the Manchuko pro-Japan. Therefore, the Chinese claim of Manchuria and legitimacy of Japan’s control of Manchuria through the re-establishment of the throne of the native Manchu dynasty is debatable.

In addition to this intra-Asian issue involving in Manchuko, the United States increased its insertion of powers against Japan began to increase in more hostile manners, given the American interest in China through its Open-Door Policy.  Thus, the United States began to see Japan as a more realistic threat to the American national interest in Asia, exhibiting more critical attitudes toward Japan through the League of Nations and the Stimson Doctrine. This increasingly critical American stance toward Japan soon became the American hostility toward Japan.

Upon Japan’s establishment of Manchuko, the Republic of China brought this matter to the League of Nations, denouncing Japan and  trying to mobilize the Untied States and other Western powers to its side against Japan – though 20 nations and states, including Vatican, directly and indirectly approved Manchuko as a legitimate nation.  Though the United States and Great Britain were officially against the legitimacy of Manchuko, on the stage of the League of Nations, these Western powers inserted their economic interests by establishing many businesses in Manchuko, rather than practicing trade embargo or economic sanction. Satan infecting these Western colonial powers sure made them practice double-standard policies.

The League of Nations, which was created upon the 1919 Paris Peace Conference, as a result of resolving the matters from the World War I, sent the Lytton Commission to investigate the 1931 Liutiaohu Incident (Manchurian or Mukaden Incident), which Japan reasoned to establish Manchuko in 1932. However, the ambivalent nature of the Lytton Commission Report was no help in resolving the conflict between the Japanese interest and the Chinese interest in Manchuria and determining the cause of the Liutaiohu Incident.  This is often cited as an example of the ineffectiveness of the League of Nations in living up to its lesson from the World War I for world peace and conflict resolution.

In response to the Liutiaohu Incident, Japan’s establishment of Manchuko, and  the Lytton Report, the United States maintained its hardline stance against Japan with the Stimson Doctrine, and the Republic of China increased its heat against Japan, resulting in series of violent attacks against Japanese establishments throughout China.  In response to the Lytton Report, finding its conclusion unacceptable, Japan resigned from the League of Nation in 1933, isolating itself from the international community of the League and siding with the Kingdom of Italy and the Nazi Germany. At that point of history, the ground for the World War II was already fertile.

As the  Chinese military continue to attack the Japanese establishments in China, the Marco Polo Bridge Incident happened in 1937, becoming a prompting factor for the Second Sino-Japan War, which continued further into the Great East Asia War (a.k.a. the Pacific War).  Japan attempts to settle the conflict with China. But, China continue to choose to fight against Japan, as it finds the conditions that Japan offered to be unfair and disadvantageous to China. Therefore, the conflict between the Republic of China and Japan escalated. To make this matter worse, in December 1936, Chiang Kai-shek’s Republic of China and Mao Zedong of the Chinese Red Army (Chinese Soviet Communist) already joined together, after years of fighting to take control of China, to fight against Japan. Thus, the Chinese attack on the Japanese establishments continue to increase on its scale, inviting greater Japanese military responses, to make the Chinese-Japanese conflict escalating into the Second Sino-Japan War.

Anti-Japan propagandas portray as if Japan suddenly invaded China, taking advantage of the Chinese vulnerability at that time, out of the emperor’s wild dream to conquer the entire world, starting with conquest of China.  However, the Japanese economic and military establishments in China were legitimate as these were based on the bilateral agreement between the Republic of China and Japan. It was China that first fired against Japan (the Japanese establishments in China), refusing to resolve the conflict through a diplomatic means, reasoning the unfair condition that Japan had imposed, such as the extra territorial rights.

Of course, the whole long-seated Sino-Japan conflict leading up to the Second Sino-Japan War did not start with the Marco Polo Bridge Incident in 1937. Though some attribute it to the Liutiaohu Incident (Mukden Incident) in 1931, resulting in Japan’s establishment of Manchuko in 1932, as this event made China’s anti-Japan hostility more evident.  But, China, as the state of the Han Chinese, has no legitimate claim on Manchuria, if Japan has no right to claim it, because it originally belongs to the Manchu people. During the time of imperialism, it was Japan that resurrected the ousted Manchu dynasty back in its homeland of Manchuria for Japan’s strategic interests in response to Russia’s continuing threat and in need of Japan’s further military and economic development so that the United States and Russia would not intimidate Japan as they used to do.

Others argue that the roots of China’s hostile anti-Japan stance is traced back to the First Sino-Japan War, 1884-1885 and the way the settlement from this war was made with Japan. What brought China (then, Qing China, China ruled by the Manchu dynasty, not by the Han Chinese) and Japan to this war was these nations’ interest in controlling Korea. Though China had been dominating Korea for almost 1,000 years, Japan began to have its influence on Korea, upon recognizing Russia as a threat.  The fact that Qing China had lost a large portion of its northeastern territory to Russia in 1885 made Japan realize that Qing China would not be able to protect Korea from a possible Russian invasion. Besides this, Japan had to put up with Russia’s unfair territorial demand on Karafuto (Sakhalin) in the 1854 Shimoda Treaty. Upon Russia’s total takeover of Karafuto (Sakhalin), in exchange for the entire Kuril Islands in the 1875 treaty also made Japan feel the Russian threat. Thus, Japan could neither afford let weakening Qing China to rule Korea nor allow Russia to take over Korea, as having both Karafuto (Sakhalin) and Korea as Russian territories would mean Russian invasion of Japan to follow.

Given this historical and geopolitical background from the 1850s all the way to the break out of the Second Sino-Japan War in 1937, upon the Marco Polo Bridge Incident, there was the Russian imperialistic threat, prompting the Sino-Japan conflicts over Korea and Manchuria.  Japan’s imperialistic interest in Korea and Manchuria was also prompted by the way the United States imposed the unfair treaty on Japan in 1858. Japan’s more definite interest in Manchuria was further motivated by the way the United States let the 1922 Washington Naval Conference, making Japan feel American belittlement.

As the Second Sino-Japan War progressed and its scale became greater, as both the Chinese Nationalist Army (Chiang Kai-shek) and Chinese Red Army (Mao Zedong) fought against Japan, the Franklin Roosevelt Administration of the United States secretly sent American airmen to China to prepare air bombing Japan under the disguise of the Chinese Air Force.  In addition to this secret operation to attack Japan by using China, the United States imposed economic sanction against Japan to kill  Japanese economy, inviting Britain, which controlled Malaysia (including Singapore), China,  and the Netherlands, which controlled Indonesia, forming the ABCB Encirclement, to block Japan’s sea lanes. Furthermore, the United States sent the Hull Note, demanding Japan to give up its control over Manchuria, in order to avoid further American economic sanction against Japan.  To Japan, the Hull Note was not acceptable.

In response to the Hull Note and to improve its relationship with the United States, Japan requested to negotiate with the United States in regard to the terms of the Hull Note in November, 1941. However, the United States flatly refused. Japan felt being driven to an inescapable corner, prompting to wage war against the United States, while fighting the Second Sino-Japan War. And, on the feast day of Immaculate Conception, 1941, the little Marian nation on the west side of the Pacific Ocean made a direct attack on the greater Marian nation on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, in order to survive the severe economic sanction imposed by the United States. 

In order to secure new supply routes and sea lanes, Japan also had to declare war against Great Britain, and the Netherlands, as these nations also participated in the American led economic embargo against Japan. Some also say that Japan’s war against the Untied States, Great Britain, and the Netherland was to help Asian nations under these Western nations colonial rule gain independence, under the Japanese-led the Great East Asian Shared Prosperity Philosophy, freeing Asia from the Western colonial oppressions. Those who support this argument also remind us that Japan proposed the clause of the racial and ethnic equality in the League of Nation Charter, only to be rejected as the leading nations of the League were practitioners of racism and racism-based colonialism at that time.

To Japan, Manchcuria was a hard-earned land to protect Japan from Russia and also to stand strong against contemptuous intimidation that Russia and the United States put against Japan. After all, Japan followed the American expansionism , as the Devil in Japan’s Manchurian acquisition can be only compared to the Devil in American acquisition of Native Americans’ territories and the Kingdom of Hawaii.  The way Japan acquired Manchuria in 1932 can be also compared to the way Russia acquired the vast coastal land above Manchuria and Korea from Qing China by forcing the 1858 Treaty of Aigun.

And, Japan’s attack of the Pearl Harbor US Naval Base can be compared to the Republic of China’s attack on Japanese military establishment near the Marco Polo Bridge, a.k.a. the Marco Polo Bridge Incident of 1937. If the American response to Japan’s Pearl Harbor attack can be justified as a war of defense and retaliation, so should be Japan’s war against China, in response to the Marco Polo Bridge incident in 1937. As a response to severe economic embargo, Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor can be also compared to the United States declaration of war against Great Britain in 1812, protesting the blockage of American sea lanes in the North Atlantic Ocean by Great Britain, to fight over more Native American lands and resources.
Now, we can see how Satan can confuse our conscience to keep dividing nations.

Logically, if the US response to Japan’s Pearl Harbor attack is justified, then, Japan’s retaliatory war against China in response to the Chinese attack on the Japan’s military establishment near the Marco Polo Bridge can be justified. This is an important lesson to understand how Devil pit people and nations against each other to destroy all.

If you find this argument is flawed because Japan’s control over Manchuria is illegitimate, then, the same argument should be applied to invalidate American possession of Hawaii and the Republic of the Cherokees.  In fact, Japan modeled the United States in establishing Manchuko, except for the Manchuko’s monarchy, because this new nation that Japan control was to be an experimental new nation, like the United States, in the Far East, where the Manchu, who are native, the Japanese, the Han Chinese, the Korean, and even the Russians could live together in harmony. Now, if you argue that it was a mere Japanese propaganda to rule Manchuria, then, you can see the hypocrisy in the American Declaration of Independence, for making equality and harmony of all men in the newly independent nation. Under this equality, those who had been living in the land were treated as subhuman. Though the Japanese supremacy in Manchuko was evident, the way non-Japanese residents in Manchoko were treated were far better than the Native Americans and the slaves from Africa were treated under the name of “all men are equal” in the United States.

An important lesion here: if you are to find a blame one side in conflict over the other, you will never learn what a real root of conflict – how Satan puts us to pit against each other until we kill one another all the way to the extinction of all humans.

It is my hope that the above historical review offers some insights on how Satan entered into the relatively quiet and peaceful Far East, including China, Korea, and Japan.  Satan first let Russia disturb Siberia, Mongolia, then Qing China, the sleeping tiger.  When the Russian devouring mouth was believed to be projected to Korea, Satan also got on Japan to become an imperialistic nation, just like the Western powers, including Russia, that were already fighting for their share of the pie of China. The United States also wanted its own share of China pie, upon acquiring the Mexican territory in California. Along the way, the United States annexed Hawaii and took over the Philippines from Spain, and putting Japan under its advantage through the unfair treaty. But, as Japan grew its power in competing with the Western imperialism with its own imperialism, Japan had to be eliminated in the eyes of the American desire for hegemony.  That is why President Franklin Roosevelt secretly prepare to attack Japan under the disguise of the Chinese Air Force and manipulated the US-Japan diplomacy as to instigate Japan to attack the United States to justify the United States to engage in war as the retributory means.

Perhaps, we must examine how Satan had infected the conscience of those who invaded the lands of another racial and ethnic peoples not just during the years upon Columbus’s discovery of the “New World” but also way back to as ancient time as the Biblical years.

Concluding Reflection for the Hopeful Future 

The above extensive description of the geopolitical dynamics in the Far East through a historical perspective can be understood in light of critical prophetic warning into our future, just as the gradual revelations of the Scroll through the breakings of the seven seals and what seven trumpets directed to in the Book of Revelation.

Just as the Book of Revelation teaches grave consequences of failing to heed the prophetic warnings from 6:1 to 11:19, we must take a lesson from the above-described history of how Satan’s imperialism and pathological nationalism have put nations against each other, including two Marian nations: Japan and the United States toward destruction.

The fact that we continue bloody wars throughout the world beyond the feast day of Assumption, 1945, clearly indicates that we fail to listen to the prophetic message from the Book of Revelation and its implication from the war between the two Marian nations: Japan and the Untied States. The great war between the two Marian nations from the Marian feast day of Immaculate Conception  in 1941 until the Marian feast day of Assumption in 1945  should be taken as a great lesson for us to recognize how Satan divide us and make us hate each other to a point of mutual destruction, in light of the Book of Revelation.
The woman, whom an image of Mary is projected to, in Revelation 12, gave birth to the son, who is a metaphor of Christ. But, upon his birth, Satan declared war against God and God’s people, including the woman, her son, and the rest of her offspring, according to Revelation 12. But, Satan, symbolized with the Dragon, is defeated, before the Kingdom of God is established and Christ the King will reign. This prophecy can be indicated in the history of the two Marian nations’ war – so that we can view that reconciliation of Japan and the United States upon the Marian feast day of Assumption, 1945, gives birth to what is symbolized in the birth of Prince of Peace by the Marian woman in Revelation 12, leading to the conquer of Satan and establishment of his Kingdom.

This Kingdom is not a geopolitical one, as Jesus himself suggested to Pontius Pilate, when asked, “Are you the king of the Jews?” (Mark 15:2)

Those who could not understand the meaning of the Kingdom were infected by evil seeds by Satan and engaged in wars after wars under their own nationalism, imperialism, desire for hegemony, and so forth – repeating bloody circle of war history of the Old Testament, all the way into the 20th century and further into today.

It is no coincidence that the great war between the two Marian nations across the Pacific Ocean started and ended on Marian feast days. Today, these once divided and bitterly pitted Marian nations enjoy mutual trust and friendship. As indicated in Revelation 12, the labor pain of Mary brought the Prince of Peace, the Christ on earth, to fight the very root cause of wars among the rest of Mary’s offspring.

The great pain and suffering can be paralleled to the labor pain of Mary in Revelation 12 – so that we can take a great lesson from the war in a way to let the war to give birth to new peace.

May the peace brought by the true uniting trust and friendship between the two Marian nations: Japan and the United States be a powerful symbolic reality of hope for reconciliation and harmony in this still-war-infested world.

May Mary, the Mother of the Prince of Peace continue to help us fight Satan, who tries to divide and conquer us by making us killing each other.

May Mary help us establish and enjoy the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, without cheesy philosophy that justified the conquering the Native Americans’ lands and the Manchurians’ lands.

May merciful God in heaven repose the souls of those who have fallen during the Satan’s war against God and His people, including those who suffered and died the war these Marian nations across the Pacific fought against each other. 

Perhaps, along with the above historical reflection in light of the significance of Mary in the Book of Revelation, we can also ponder upon the below words from the Anacle of Confucius.

憲問恥、子曰、邦有道穀、邦無道穀、恥也.    克伐怨欲不行焉、可以爲仁矣、子曰、可以爲難矣、仁則吾不知也 (論語、憲問第十四, 1-2)

Yuan Xian asked about shame. Confucius said:"When the state is properly run, one still receive salary without any having results; When the state is in disorder, and one still receive salary without doing anything beneficial to the state. Both situations are deemed as shameful."    Yuan Xian asked, "Compulsion to win, boastful, harbor grudges, covetous,if anyone does not have the above behavior, can he be considered benevolent?" Confucius said:"To have all these is difficult, as for whether one can be considered benevolent because of lack of these behavior, I have no answer for it."

Friday, August 8, 2014

The Parables for Lovers - the Twin Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Precious Pearl (Matthew 13:44-46)

Have you ever felt that you can give up everything you have, even your most important possession, even your own life, for something of immeasurable value?

This is a kind of sentiment discerned from the parable of the hidden treasure and the parable of the precious pearl in Matthew 13:44-52. These are, in fact, twin parables, to teach us what the Kingdom of Heaven is like, starting from the parable of the sower (Matthew 13:3-9), throughout other parables in Matthew 13.

In this set of Jesus’ parables, both the person, who found the hidden treasure in the land, and the merchant, who found the precious pearl, sold everything they had to attain what they desired – the hidden treasure, and the precious pearl, respectively.  Their act of selling all of their earthly possession for the sake of their hearts’ desire, which is the Kingdom, as symbolized in the hidden treasure and the precious pearl of the twin parables, is like practicing dana paramita 布施波羅蜜the virtue of self-giving, generosityfor Buddhists to attain Nirvana.

In these twin parables, a common teaching is that we must give up our own earthly possessions completely – nothing to be held back in us – in order to attain what is of greater value, namely, the Kingdom of Heaven. It is not to give up our earthly assets reluctantly or with reservation but willingly and completely – without any reservation. The parables evoke impressions that both the person who found the hidden treasure and the merchant who found the precious pearl sold all they had willingly in order to attain what their hearts desire.  
An act of willingly giving up one’s possessions to attain the Kingdom, an important teaching from the parables, echoes an essence of dana paramita in Buddhist teaching, as it is also understood as “giving joyfully”(喜捨), not giving reluctantly.

The parable of the hidden treasure suggests that we may encounter an opportunity for the Kingdom by chance, while the parable of the precious pearl tells that the Kingdom is attained through our intentional search.  In a way, an unexpected encounter with the Kingdom in the parable of the hidden treasure is like the Zen (Chan) Buddhism’s teaching on sudden enlightenment (subitism). On the other hand, attaining the Kingdom as a result of years of searching, as indicated in the parable of the precious pearl, seems to correspond to Theravada Buddhism’s teaching on a gradual process toward the enlightenment.

Though sudden enlightenment in Zen Buddhism, which is a branch of Mahayana Buddhism, and gradual enlightenment in Theravada Buddhism, may be seen as opposing thoughts to each other within Buddhism, these are not to be compared to determine which is better. Rather, these are to understand that there are more than one way to attain the state of enlightenment – buddhahood.  Likewise, Jesus wants to teach us that there are different ways to attain the Kingdom of Heaven.  However, whether sudden or gradual, as a way to the enlightenment in Buddhism requires practicing paramitas (波羅蜜necessary virtues to attain perfection), including dana papramita, any possibility for the Kingdom demands us to surrender all our earthly possessions.  

In a way, the fact that the person, who found the hidden treasure in the land sold everything to attain the land where the treasure is and the fact that the merchant who found the precious pearl also poured all of his assets to get the pearl echo the dana paramitain Buddhist teaching of attaining enlightenment for Nirvana.  After all, both the person who found the hidden treasure and the merchant who found the precious pearl in the parables gave up everything they had owned upon their discoveries of these. This is what dana paramita of Buddhist teaching encourages to attain what is the most precious – Nirvana. The virtue of dana paramita is also about an important Buddhism teaching of detachment to overcome the effects of klelshas (fefilement), such as attachment (clinging).

The twin parables of the hidden treasure and the precious pearl are metaphors not only for the Kingdom of Heaven through giving up all of our earthly possessions but also for Nirvana by practicing dana paramita, along with other paramitas, to reflect the importance of detachment.  Paramitas are aimed for perfection, which characterizes Nirvana.  The Sanskrit and Pali word, “paramita” has the prefix, “param”, and this suggests “perfection” and “supremeness”.  The suffix, “ita”, suggests “to reach” or “to cross over”.  Thus, paramita etymologically means to cross over to the state of perfection, which is Nirvana.

This teaching of dana paramita in Buddhism is certainly discerned in Jesus’ teaching besides the aforementioned twin parables of the hidden treasure and the precious pearl. Basically. Jesus teaches us that we need to let go of all of our earthly attachment, like Buddhism’s dana paramita virtue, in order to attain the Kingdom of Heaven, which is metaphorically addressed as the land with the hidden treasure and the precious pearl in the parables.

In fact, Jesus’ teaching of the virtue of detachment from earthly matter, like dana paramita in Buddhism teaching, is not just to attain the Kingdom but also to follow him as his disciples.  For example, Jesus teaches dana paramita as a necessary condition for the discipleship.

If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me"(Matthew 19:21).

Here, Jesus connects perfection to the discipleship, and perfection is what paramitas, including the virtue of dana paramita – willingly giving and detachment for the sake of a metaphysical object of heavenly value – Kingdom of Heaven for Christians and Nirvana for Buddhist.  

Joyfully giving – giving up all our earthly possessions – practicing the virtue of detachment, not reluctantly or obligatorily but willingly and joyfully, as dana paramita is about, is not only a way to attain the perfection (param), which is the Kingdom of Heaven in Christianity and Nirvana in Buddhism, but also to follow Christ as his disciples.

So, have you ever felt that you can willingly and joyfully give up everything you have, even your most important possession, even your own life, for something of immeasurable value – the Nirvana-like Kingdom of Heaven ?

If you have, then, you must also know what real love – agape – is, as it also demands detachment, like what Jesus teaches through the twin parables – requiring dana paramita for the sake of your object of love – the one you love.

Pursuing a person to love and to be loved by is like the person who sold everything to attain the land with the hidden treasure in the parable of the hidden treasure – or like the merchant who sold all his assets to attain the precious pearl. So, when we find a person, as worthy as the precious pearl, then, we must detach all our earthly possessions – at least figuratively.

At first, driven by Eros, we fall in love with our love objects, as attracted. This is a phenomena of fancy biochemistry in the brain and the work of the brain’s limbic system, as this is pretty much in the dimension of emotions. But, as our love matures, it is no longer a physical and emotional attraction. The relationship grows and matures to a point of willingness and joy of self-sacrifice for the sake of the love objects, with whom we grow in relationships.

So, our Eros-driven pursuit of the love object, as in Song of Songs 2, will mature into a kind of pursuit with willing self-sacrifice or detachment as described in the parable of the hidden treasure (Matthew 13:44) and the parable of the precious pearl (Matthew 13:45-46). And, at this level of maturity, the relationship is intimate and also characterized by mutual self-giving as in dana paramita. This also makes our intimate love (agape) relationship is like our relationship with the Lord, as his disciples, because the discipleship also requires the same kind of selfless detachment, as in Matthew19:21.  To make the relationship perfect or param, loves leave their own loving parents in order to create new family together and to become sacramental one flesh. “For this, man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh “(Genesis 2:24).  There is an element of pabbajja of Buddhist teaching in this, too. 

Buddhist teachings of the virtues of dana paramita and pabbajja are about detachment in their essence for the sake of attaining something of immeasurable value , which can be prajna (wisdom) leading to Nirvana, in Buddhism teaching. To Christians, as reflected in the twin parables of the hidden treasure and the precious pearl (Matthew 13:44-46), it is about giving up, letting go of, sacrificing, detaching, all of our earthly possessions and attachment, for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. This is why Kingdom is found in the Sacrament of Matrimony.

After all, being faithful to the Lord and seeking his Kingdom of Heaven through our discipleship is best characterized by falling in love constantly, as reflected in this poem by Fr. Pedro Arrupe S.J.. God is our ultimate treasure, like the precious pearl, and like the ones we can marry.

Nothing is more practical than
finding God, than
falling in Love
in a quite absolute, final way.
What you are in love with,
what seizes your imagination, will affect everything.
It will decide
what will get you out of bed in the morning,
what you do with your evenings,
how you spend your weekends,
what you read, whom you know,
what breaks your heart,
and what amazes you with joy and gratitude.
Fall in Love, stay in love,
and it will decide everything. - See more at:
Nothing is more practical than
finding God, than
falling in Love
in a quite absolute, final way.

What you are in love with,
what seizes your imagination, will affect everything.

It will decide
what will get you out of bed in the morning,
what you do with your evenings,
how you spend your weekends,
what you read, whom you know,
what breaks your heart,
and what amazes you with joy and gratitude.

Fall in Love, stay in love,
and it will decide everything. 

 !Enamórate !

Nada puede importar más que encontrar a Dios. 
Es decir, enamorarse de Él 
de una manera definitiva y absoluta. 

Aquello de lo que te enamoras atrapa tu imaginación, 
y acaba por ir dejando su huella en todo. 

Será lo que decida qué es 
lo que te saca de la cama en la mañana, 
qué haces con tus atardeceres, 
en qué empleas tus fines de semana, 
lo que lees, lo que conoces, 
lo que rompe tu corazón, 
y lo que te sobrecoge de alegría y gratitud. 

¡Enamórate! ¡Permanece en el amor! 
Todo será de otra manera. 

Nothing is more practical than
finding God, than
falling in Love
in a quite absolute, final way.
What you are in love with,
what seizes your imagination, will affect everything.
It will decide
what will get you out of bed in the morning,
what you do with your evenings,
how you spend your weekends,
what you read, whom you know,
what breaks your heart,
and what amazes you with joy and gratitude.
Fall in Love, stay in love,
and it will decide everything. - See more at: