Sunday, June 8, 2014

Pentecost Humor – Pentecost Love Story

Happy Pentecost!

Now that we have received the gift that Jesus promised – the Holy Spirit!

Thanks to the Holy Spirit, we must be transformed into a new being today. And, this transformational process is not just a one-shot event. Rather, the effect of the Holy Spirit is a life-time matter.

We have received the Holy Spirit to bear the fruit of it.  In Galatians 5:22-23, Paul describes what the fruit of the Holy Spirit is composed of. And, the first of this is love. In other word, we make love as a consequence of receiving the Holy Spirit, as love shall be the first fruit of the Holy Spirit.

Speaking of love, it is what brings a man and a woman together into one flesh (Genesis 2:24) to make more and more fruits of love.

So, on this Pentecost Day, there are a man and a woman in love, in preparation to become one flesh with God’s blessings and consecration, are having a conversation after Pentecost Sunday Mass.


Boy Friend, “Hey, beautiful, you know, I love Pentecost. I feel this unexplainable power that just keeps making me to love you more and more.”

Girl Friend, “Well, you sure have gotten a lot of the Holy Spirit, haven’t you?

Boy Friend, “You beccha!”

Girl Friend, “……..(sigh)…..”

Boy Friend, “You know,  In today’s Gospel reading, Jesus said, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’, and he put his breath on the disciples in the Upper Room. And, this softened their fearful stiffen hearts.”

Girl Friend, “Yes, I remember the Gospel, Mr. ‘Cardinal’”.

Boy Friend, “Good! You are a good Catholic. You pay attention to the Gospel reading at Mass. That’s one of many reasons I love you. So you deserve something special, a special gift. The Holy Spirit is a gift, too.”

Girl Friend, “A gift? Christmas is still far away. And, it’s not even my birthday yet. What do you have on your mind?”

Boy Friend, “Hee, hee, hee!  My gift is not something we can put in a box and wrap it. It’s just like the Holy Spirit, a gift from God, we have just received today. So, my dear, as you receive the Holy Spirit, now, receive my kiss..ah, my holy kiss! As the disciples opened their hearts to receive the Holy Spirit, my dear, now open your lips. ”

Girl Friend, “Ahhhhh! You are ‘sukebe’! *  And, you sure are blessed with a gift…a gift of putting the Gospel into your pursuit of ‘sukebe’ desire!

Boy Friend, “Ha, ha! You know me so well, my dear!  That’s right! God has blessed me with this gift of expressing my ‘sukebe’ in a bit holy way with some words from the scriptures! …"

Girl Friend, “Oh, my…….!

Boy Friend, “Listen!  When Jesus says, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit’, we can’t say ‘no’, right?  Likewise, when I say, ‘receive my holy kiss’, you can’t say ‘no’, can you?

Girl Friend, “When Jesus says so, of course, I can’t say ‘no’. But, when you twist your interpretation of the scripture and  cook your ‘sukebe’ with some words from the scriptures…what can I say?…Well, I’ll think about it, ha, ha!

Boy Friend, “…….(sigh)……..”

Girl Friend, “Ha, ha, ha, I know you are so good at applying the Gospel message to kiss me.  So, I am just trying to apply another biblical message in my response to your request. Don’t you also remember, Paul said love is patient in 1 Corinthian? And, Jesus also said to the disciples that they would have to wait for a while until they receive the Holy Spirit. Remember? That’s why these guys stayed in Jerusalem, waiting for the Holy Spirit to come. So, I just wait for what you want me to receive through my lips until God tells you to kiss me by His alter.”

Boy Friend, “You’re the best! I love you!

Girl Friend, “Of course! I am yours, wanting to marry this crazy guy, who thinks like and gives a goofy 'homily' to me as if you were a 'cardinal'! So, just wait, as God also waited for  a while before sending the gift, the Holy Spirit, to the disciples.”


Well, this couple is on the right track to become one flesh through the Sacrament of Matrimony!
And, upon God’s consecration of their love for one another through the Sacrament of Matrimony, he, as a husband, and she, as a wife, will become one flesh in heavenly joy – true ecstasy.

In this divine act of becoming one flesh, a husband’s body represents the move of the Holy Spirit, coming to the body of his wife. But, in order for his body to be received, her body must open itself – just as the girl friend in the above story will open her lips to receive her boyfriend’s kiss – when they become a wife and a husband, blessed and consecrated by God’s alter, upon God’s permission to kiss. In fact, likewise, we open our hearts, in receiving the Holy Spirit on Pentecost.

As receiving a kiss will deepen a couple’s intimacy, leading  the couple to making one flesh, and resulting in more fruits of love: children, receiving the Holy Spirit will enable us to bear many types of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. And, its firs fruit is selfless love, followed by joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, modesty, and self-control (CCC 1832). The Holy Spirit, as a gift, is loaded with the following elements: Wisdom, Understanding, Right Judgement, Courage, Knowledge, and Reverence (CCC 1831).  And, all of these are necessary for us to bear the multifaceted fruit of the Holy Spirit as we ourselves become the first fruit of the gift, called the Holy Spirit.

The girlfriend in the above story turned the wisdom, a gift of the Holy Spirit, into a fruit, self-control, and share this gift of the Holy Spirit with her boyfriend, so that his ‘sukebe’ desire will mature into his selfless love for her, as she becomes more mature to receive this fruit as a gift with her open lips and open heart to lead to her openness to receive him to become one flesh.

*”Sukebe”  is a Japanese word that describes affection based more on senses and carnal desires. In the above story, however, the “girlfriend” used this word out of her sense of humor, responding to her boyfriend’s goofy way of putting his understanding of the scriptures. 

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