Jesus wants us to be one with him. He wants us to be
one with him as he is so with the Father (John 14:20; 17:21). If we are not one
with Christ, what would we be like?
We would wonder around the spiritual wilderness,
easily attacked by evils of Satan, infesting the world, and die to our own
sins. That would be like a poor ovum never yoked with the right sperm –
wondering through the fallopian tubes and die within a day. But, if an ovum
meets and yokes with the sperm, it becomes a zygote to bring a new body and
When Jesus sees us being like a dying ovum because
of not being yoked with the right sperm, as we are weary and burdened with
worries and anxieties, as well as stress, having our spirit dying, with sagging
faith, he calls us to him and to take his yoke, surrendering a yoke that has
burdened us.
So, he has said:
“Come to me,
all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon
you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find
rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light” (Matthew
For those who have enjoyed biology, in particular,
embryology, it is easy to realize that the word, zygote, has something to do
with the Greek word for yoke, zygos.
In fact, based on this Greek etymological background, a zygote means that two haploid gamates
are united as a diploid cell, sharing the same 46 chromosomes by the two
haploid gametes, 23 pairs. And, this is what happens to ovum when it is given a
new life by a sperm. Otherwise, a human ovum would die within a day from
So, imagine, the Father in heaven has sent His only
begotten Son out of love (John 3:16) , by incarnating Logos-Theos (John 1:1, 14), to yoke with us, so that we will not
die. If we are not yoked with Jesus, the Son, God incarnate, we would be like an
ovum without being yoked to a sperm. Just as sperms are not to be wasted as in the sin of Onan (Genesis 38:1-10), neither the life-giving sacred sperm from heavenly Father, to us! First, this was sent to Mary, by the power of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:18; Luke 1:35), so that the Father can bring His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ , to us. And, now Christ himself invites us to be yoked to him as an ovum travels to be yoked to a sperm to bring a new life. Just as sperms are not to be wasted, we cannot make the existence of Christ, who has come a long way and all the way from heaven and the time before the Creation, vain, by not yoking ourselves to him.
Remember, it is not just a sperm that travels but also
an ovum also travels from the ovaries through fallopian tubes, while a sperm, along
with more than 250 million ones, travels through vagina and uterus, to meet
somewhere in fallopian tubes. And, there in the fallopian tube, an ovum
successfully yoked to the strongest and fastest sperm, becomes a zygote, to
show, “We are together as one!
By becoming the sacred zygote by yoking ourselves to
Jesus, as an ovum travels to be yoked with the perfect sperm, who has traveled
much more, we share all of his spiritual chromosomes! And, he wants us to share
who he is with us because he wants us to be like him and grow with him and in
him and him in us as one body.
As the sacred zygote with Christ, we are happily
yoked to grow into a new life to come!”. Then, the happy zygote travels further
down the fallopian tube to find a good spot in the uterus to become an embryo
and grow. So, we can see us, yoked with Jesus, becoming the sacred zygote, to
grow into the sacred embryo and a newborn body of Christ, with billions of
cells and many parts, yet one body, as the Church, to be further yoked with
Christ the King as his bride at eschaton!
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