Tuesday, December 30, 2014

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Friday, December 26, 2014

The Real Christmas Gift - In Your Sock? or In Your Heart?

Some goofy kids were preoccupied with the coming of Santa during the Advent season, whether they had been good or naughty. And, on Christmas morning, those who were not nice found dead roaches or dead rats in their hung socks. Ha, ha, ha!, laughing Santa…Just kidding. I know and kids know that Santa is not a mean guy like Mr. Grinch.  Meanwhile, good kids must have found goodies in their socks.

But, the one who has come on Christmas is not Santa. It is baby Jesus, the Messiah, the Lord in human flesh, the Emmanuel, to dwell among us...And, the real Christmas present is this special baby, who were born in a stable in the outskirts of Bethlehem. This baby's mom, Mary, and earthly dad, Joseph, were not rich. In fact, they were poor..couldn't even afford to have a nice comfy room to let Mary deliver the baby. So, she had to give birth in a stench-filled barn, where farm animals were kept.

Now what? Though the baby is the Son of God, it is a relentless reality, especially to the poor, to raise a child. This was no exception to Mary and Joseph, who were rather poor.  God did not send an envelope of cash to Mary and Joseph, in commissioning them to raise His Son. God did not let Mary and Joseph win a lottery to get rich so that it would ease their “burden” of raising a child.

To Mary and Joseph, receiving the baby from God, was a joy. Not a burden.

To Mary, finding herself to be pregnant even though she had not had married to and had sex with Joseph yet, was a great surprise. But, as she accepted it as God’s will, her initial anxious surprise turned into a great joy, as she sung in Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55).

To Joseph, finding that Mary became pregnant even though she was not married to him yet and did not have sex with him yet, was something difficult to bear. So, he was tempted to secretly cancel his engagement with her. But, learning that her pregnancy was a miracle done by God, he accepted the Son of God in her womb as his son, with honor.

Imagine – if a thought of abortion had crossed the minds of Mary and Joseph? It was a totally unexpected pregnancy. And, they were poor.  So, unexpected child means unexpected addition to financial burden. 

Such thinking is what dominates today’s secular culture.  We live life only for ourselves – to pursue our own self-serving interests.

But, as exemplified with the way Mary and Joseph responded and accepted this surprise done by God, having a child amidst their struggles with poverty as a total surprise was not a burden to be despised. Because of their faith in God, this surprise event became an unexpected blessing, joy, and honor to this poor couple.

At first, the greatest Christmas gift came and was received in the immaculate womb of Mary, through the sperm-like work of the Holy Spirit, pneuma (Matthew 1:18) Perhaps, it was like how God put his ruah into clay to give life to the first human, Adam (Genesis 2:7).  This is the prefiguration of the greatest gift.

It was not received in Mary’s sock but in her womb.

Then, as she gave birth to this baby, Jesus, in the stench-filled stable, on that cold night in the outskirts of Bethlehem, this greatest gift came out in a tangible way and received in the loving hearts of Mary and Joseph.

So, have we received this greatest gift sent by God on Christmas? Or, are you still complaining about some of the gifts you received from Santa?

This greatest gift, Jesus the Messiah, is sent to all of us on earth. Mary and Joseph were the first ones to receive. This gift is not like Santa’s gifts, which are given conditionally, as God’s greatest gift for our salvation is given unconditionally – whether we have been nice or naughty. But, this gift can be appreciated only by those whose hearts seek God first and those whose hearts that repent their sins.

To selfish hearts, this baby would be nothing but a burden, even tempting to commit things like abortion. But, to faithful hearts with hope, like the hearts of Mary and Joseph, this is not a burden but a joy – in spite of the reality of hardship in life. 
Get it? This is what Christmas is about.

Perhaps, we can appreciate the meaning of Christmas in light of the Ignatian spirituality of gratitude and generosity.

What we can learn from St. Ignatius of Loyola through the following prayers of his is like this. First, we sublimate our own ego…by surrendering it to the will of God, so that our attitude of gratitude grows. Then, with our magnified grateful heart, we receive the real gift of Christmas with joy, with our magnified soul, as Mary reflected in her Magnificat.


Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, 
my memory, my understanding
and my entire will,
All I have and call my own.
You have given all to me.
To you, Lord, I return it.
Everything is yours; do with it what you will.
Give me only your love and your grace.
That is enough for me.


Lord, teach me to be generous.
Teach me to serve you as you deserve;
to give and not to count the cost,
to fight and not to heed the wounds,
to toil and not to seek for rest,
to labor and not to ask for reward,
save that of knowing that I do your will.

May our hearts be clean hearts (Psalm 51) in receiving this precious gift with gratitude. May our pure hearts be as clean as the new wine skin to receive the new wine (Matthew 9:17) so that we can share this gift and whatever comes with this gift with others more generously - as the new wine is generously poured out of the new wine skin for others to share. 

Merry Christmas!

The Octave of Christmas until the circumcision of Jesus and the Twelve Days of Christmas until Epiphany have just begun!  May our hearts grow more in joy during this Christmas season – even life continues to give hard times.

May your Christmas joy grow and grow during these Octave of Christmas and the Twelve Days of Christmas! 

Friday, December 19, 2014

Simbang Gabi: Advent journey of “Pagbabalik-loob sa Dyios” – God Not Only to Proclaim the Good News But Also to Share the Love of God in the Light!

Simbang Gabi is a Filipino Advent novena to prepare for Christmas. As you can easily guess from Tagalog evening greeting, “Magandang Gabi”(Good Evening),  the Tagalog word, “gabi” suggests night-time darkness.  The word, “simbang”, derives from “simbahan”, which means church.  Thus, “Simbang Gabi”, literally means “Church of night time darkness”.

In fact, in the Philippines, Simbang Gabi Mass begins early in the morning (usually 4 am), while it is still dark, before or at the crack of dawn.  Because of this, it is believed that Simbang Gabi was influenced by Misa de Gallo , which literally means “Mass of rooster”, in Mexico, during the Spanish colonial time.  While it is still dark in the morning, Simbang Gabi novena Mass begins.  When it is over, the sun is rising, as the sky becomes brightened.

Another notable fact of Simbang Gabi is that white is used as this novena’s liturgical color, even though purple (violet) is used during the Advent season for Mass, except for Gaudete Sunday (the Third Sunday of Advent).  While purple liturgical color means penance,  white symbolizes purity, innocence, and joy. Thus, though Simbang Gabi falls on the season of Advent, its use of white liturgical color suggests that Simbang Gabi focuses on the purity, innocence, and joy that the light of the Messiah, the Christ, brings upon his coming (advent).  Simbang Gabi reminds us that what follows the darkness of sin, for which we repent, as symbolized with the purple liturgical color of the Advent season, is the light of Chris the Messiah, turning our once-sinful and guilt-laden hearts into new hearts of purity, innocence, and joy. Truly, the white liturgical color of Simbang Gabi suggests that we are to become pure and innocent as we go through penance and conversion, as our preparation for the coming of the Lord.

During  Simbang Gabi Mass, a church becomes like a lantern light in the darkness of night before the sunrise. By the time the light of a church is turned off upon ending Simbang Gabi Mass, the sky is already bright as the sun is rising or already risen. So, there is a juxtaposition of Simbang Gabi’s focus on the rising hope and light, besides purity, innocence and joy, represented with white liturgical color, during the time of purple penance liturgical color of the Advent season, with the light of the rising sun.

One thing about delivering a homily in Simbang Gabi Mass is to focus on a hopeful message in the scriptures during the latter part of Advent, past Gaudete Sunday. Though historical context of the scripture readings during Advent tends be associated with darkness of time in the deuteronomic cycle of sinfulness, Simbang Gabi really emphasizes the coming (advent) of the Messiah, who will change our lives, ushering us from the darkness of sin to the light of God to rejoice.  The fact that liturgical color for Simbang Gabi is white, though this novena takes place during Advent, for which purple to symbolize penance is used.  Simbang Gabi makes an exception to have white during the time of purple.

During Advent season, Old Testament narratives used for First Reading often contain a potent Messianic prophecy rather in an apocalyptic manner.  The hidden prophecy of the Messiah echoed in a way to reveal its Messianic nature a bit more in the corresponding Gospel Reading.  Therefore, Simbang Gabi Mass homily is delivered to help us connect the Old Testament prophecies of the Messiah to the Gospel Reading message.

Old Testament apocalyptic prophecies of the Messiah often allude to Jesus’ Davidic family lineage through Joseph, the faithful husband of Mary.  In some cases, the post-Exilic restoration prophecies are juxtaposed with the Messianic prophesies, making a metaphoric impression of newly rising light of hope.

Aided by a homily, as you mediate on how an apocalyptic Messianic prophecy in the Old Testament for the First Reading is revealed in the Gospel Reading during Simbang Gabi Mass, you will feel new light rising from a dark part of your heart to turn your heart filled with the divine light of purity, innocence,  and joy.
As your heart is filled with the light of purity, innocence, and joy, in connecting Old Testament reading  messianic prophecy and descriptions of the coming Messiah, including the nativity narratives, in the Gospel reading throughout Simbang Gabi Masses,  your life is being transformed. This transformation is, in fact, conversion, which Filipino Catholic theologian calls, “pagbabalik-loob”, which literally means, returning to our innermost being, essential core of our being.  Biblically, our “loob”(innermost being, essence) is purity and innocent, as in the time of the Garden of Eden, before Original Sin (Genesis 2).  Psycholospiritual state of purity, innocence, and joy, was our home to return to (pagbabalik), as it was in the Garden of Eden, where God and humans were in intimate harmony.  

As St. Augustine said in “Confession”, our heart is not at peace unless it finds its rest in God.  As Hannah (1 Samuel 2:1), our heart rejoices in God, and as Mary said in Magnificat (Luke 1:46-47), our spirit rejoices in the Lord, our Messiah, as we praise Him. As we let God into our heart, upon repenting and making conversion of our sinful and guilty heart, as the divine light of purity, innocence, and joy fills our heart, we become more joyful and willing to share the joy of God’s love with others.  We begin to love each other (Luke 1:34-35; John 15;12) and our neighbors (Matthew 22:39; Leviticus 19:18) more willingly as our heart becomes more joyful with God’s light. This way, we are truly becoming the light of the world (Matthew 5:14), as said by Jesus.  Becoming the light of love, like the light of Christ the Messiah, whose coming we prepare for during Advent, with joyful anticipation through Simbang Gabi, is an important objective of this Filipino Advent novena. This transformation to become a light of Christ’s  love with joy is a Simbang Gabi effect.
This Simbang Gabi effect is well captured by “Ang Pasko ay Sumapit” , a popular carol, often sung as we finish Simgang Gabi Mass. This carol reminds us that God is love (1 John 4:7-8), and love to be shared (1 John 10-11, 16-17)...."Dahil sa Diyos ay pag-ibig........Tayo ay magmahalan. Ating sundin ang gintong aral . At magbuhat ngayon .Kahit hindi Pasko ay magbigayan!"

Simbang Gabi Mass is ended,  Let us go in peace and proclaim the Good News! Let us love one another and share love of God that we enjoy with each other, even beyond Christmas! !  This is Simbang Gabi effect! 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Advent: Season Hope for Salvific Light of God Beyond Religious Boundaries: Immaculate Conception, Bodhi Day, Guadelupe, Santa Lucia, Simbang Gabi, and Chanukah

Light  in the Rising Conditions and Causes Behind the Fact that Immaculate Conception, Bodhi Day, Guadalupe, Santa Lucia, Simbang Gabi, and Chanukah to be in Advent Season

December 8, is the solemn feast of Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary, the Theotokos, to the Roman Catholics, as well as the Bodhi Day to the Japanese Buddhist. I do not think it is a mere coincidence.

Am I just superstitious? No. I am more in to empirical science with my psychology background. However, with my theology background, I realize that there is just so much in reality but so little that we can comprehend. The rest of the reality that we cannot comprehend at this time, with our current sensory-cognitive capabilities, is accepted as a mystery, which is not to be confused with a myth.  Though I am Catholic, in fact, my study of and family background in Buddhism, helps us see that there is nothing by coincidence, as things exist and happen due to rising conditions and causes, which we can understand only as little as a tip of iceberg.  Given this background, I want to explore possible rising causes and conditions that put the solemn feast of Immaculate Conception in Catholicism and Bodhi Day in Japanese Buddhism not only on the same day but also so close to the feast of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe (December 12), the memorial feast of Santa Lucia (December 13),  Simbang Gabi (December 15-24), and Chanukah (December 16-24, this year – 2014). Given religious meanings of these sacred days in Christianity, Buddhism, and Judaism, I believe that light, in particular, light of salvific hope, associated with the coming Messiah, is what makes sense to have these sacred says to fall on this time of the year – Advent .

There must be certain reasons or rising conditions and causes, as Buddhism teaches, for light to be a common theme not only for Immaculate Conception and Bodhi Day but also for the feasts of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, Santa Lucia, Simbang Gabi and Chanukah.  In fact, as candle lights and festively decorated lights are commonly seen at this time of the year, this is a season of light, though it is the darkest time of the year, if you live in the northern hemisphere, due to the proximity to the winter solstice.  Though Mother Nature tells that it is the darkest time of the year, God on the other hand, reminds us that this is when we recognize light more, because God created light first (Genesis 1:3) in His Creation process.

In God’s Creation, light must be the foundation to everything He created and blessed. This includes humans, which God created on the sixth day in His own image (Genesis 1:26-31). At that time,  there was no darkness of sin and its consequences, though there were day and night to punctuate time.  But, the focus of this punctuation is light (Genesis 1:14).


As indicated in Revelation 12:7-9, Satan, as in a serpent, came to Garden of Eden, which was the paradise on the newly created earth,  and tempted humans, as in Adam and Eve, into sin against God, Original Sin.  That was when the darkness of sin and its consequences, such as suffering and death, entered human life (Genesis 3). And, as the rest of the books in the Scriptures, both the Old Testament and the New Testament, describe,  Original Sin resulted in a vicious cycle of sins, called the deuteronomic cycle. This is an endless cycle, so far, of darkness of sin, indicating the eviction from Garden of Eden (Genesis 1:14-24) and not being in the Kingdom of God.

Throughout ages, as written in the Old Testament, especially through the words of prophets, humans’ deuteronomic (repetitive) sins have angered God to a point of punishing them, God’s mercy always overrides His anger.  God sure punishes for our sins. Yet, He always wants us to be back in harmony with Him. 
God always wants us back to Him. This is the nature of God’s mercy. And, this reflects why God’s Creation process was not completed until humans were created and why God created us in His own image.  To God, losing humans would mean losing His own image. It would bring so much grief to Him.  This is why God’s mercy always prevails to bring us back to Him when our sins separate us from Him.  And, as Buddhists use light as a metaphor to address the light of Amitabha, who is the cosmic Buddha, Christians view the mercy and benevolence of God as light that shines in the darkness of sin and its consequences, such as suffering and death.  Believers are willing to return to be in intimate harmony with God through repenting and reconciliation. So, we sure desire to have something like what Adam and Eve lost, Eden, which literally means “paradise”, more figuratively, as we hope to attain intimate harmony with God. And, it is the Kingdom of God that Jesus came to teach us and to usher us into. This is God’s redemptive plan, which will eventually win over our deuteronomic cycle.

Immaculate Conception

Now, the above-mentioned Old Testament background is very important to appreciate the solemn feast of Immaculate Conception as a feast of light – light of messianic and redemptive hope.  Immaculate Conception of Mary was God’s way of preparing to bring the light of messianic and redemptive hope. In other words, arranging Mary to be conceived without any stain of Original Sin in Anna’s womb,, though it is not a virgin conception,  is to prepare Mary to be fit to conceive and give birth to Jesus as virgin.

Bodhi Day

Because of this light, Gautama in northeastern India (now Nepal) became enlightened and began to see the light of Dharma through the Eightfold Path on Bodhi Day. Upon becoming bodhisattva with enlightenment, the light of Dharma and the immeasurable mercy of Amitabha have become accessible to those who seek, leading to Nirvana by practicing Gautama Buddha’s teaching of the Eightfold Path and Paramitas.
About 500 years after Gautama opened his spiritual eyes to the light, God, who first created light (Genesis 1:3) began His preparation to send His light to the world, which has been infested with the darkness of sin, by making the Word (logos), the Holy Spirit, become flesh in Jesus. But, for this to take place, God needed the right human vessel. And, God chose Mary, before her birth, to be conceived in Anna’s womb without any stain of Original Sin, making this Immaculate Conception.  Because of Mary’s Immaculate Conception, she was able to conceive the Son of God, as announced by Angel Gabriel (Luke 1:26-38, the Gospel reading for the feast of the Immaculate Conception) and gave virgin birth to himthe divine light, has come to this world, as Christ, and the Messiah, through Jesus, to deliver us from the darkness of sins into the light of the Kingdom of God, as said in John 1:1-14; 8:12; 9:5; and 12:46.

The light to the world, Jesus Christ, the Messiah, came to this world through the virgin birth in Bethlehem, as described in Luke 2:1-14, Christmas Midnight Mass Gospel reading, and prophesized by Isaiah, about 700 years before (Matthew 1:18-25, the shorter version of the Gospel reading for Christmas vigil Mass), because Mary was immaculate, full of grace, ever since her conception. And, this light, Christ the Messiah, has begun God’s mission to deliver us from the darkness of sins in this world into the Kingdom of God, our ultimate “promised land”, which is envisioned in Revelation 22.  Christ the Messiah is the guiding light to us, shepherding us through the darkness, as sung in Psalm 23, while Buddha, an enlightened one, who has received light, has begun teaching the Dharma to deliver us from the darkness of dukkha, suffering to Nirvana.

Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe

The light of God has also touched us and the world we live, through Mary’s apparition to Santo Juan Diego on Tepeyac Hill in Mexico, December 9, 1531, as Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe to bring the light of healing and hope, in response to people’s cries.  Mary, who is Immaculate Conception, as she identified herself to Santa Bernadette of Lourdes, France, in 1858, “Je suis l'Immaculée Conception”(I am the Immaculate Conception), said these words to San Juan Diego:

I am truly your merciful Mother, yours and all the people who live united in this land and of all the other people of different ancestries, my lovers, who love me, those who seek me, those who trust in me. Here I will hear their weeping, their complaints and heal all their sorrows, hardships and sufferings. And to bring about what my compassionate and merciful concern is trying to achieve, you must go to the residence of the Bishop of Mexico and tell him that I sent you here to show him how strongly I wish him to build me a temple here on the plain; you will report to him exactly all you have seen, admired and what you have heard.    As recorded  in  “Huei tlamahuiçoltica” (The Great Event)
The Marian apparition as Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe was to shine the world with the light of God’s mercy through Juan Diego’s cooperation with her.

Santa Lucia

Santa Lucia, St. Lucy, is a patron saint of eye sight for the miracle of her eyes restored upon her burial, though her eyes were gouged out for persecutory execution. Another legend says that Lucia was able to walk as if she could see even after her eyes were taken out.  Not to mention, etymological meaning of her name is light (lux in Latin – luc) , which is deeply related to eye sight. In Scandinavian nations, where winter darkness is much longer, the feast of Santa Lucia is characterized with candle lights to lighten communities.
Not to mention, theological significance of Santa Lucia is not just about eye sight but metaphorically about our spiritual abilities to see God’s truth, as enlightened ones, bodhis, can see the truth of Dharma. The eye sight in a spiritual sense, is the abilities to recognize God’s wisdom in Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:9), which is the truth – the teaching of Christ, the Messiah, which continues on as parakletos  (John 14:26).

God has given us eye sight to see the truth (Exodus 4:11), even our physical eyes were gouged out. Thus, the feast of Santa Lucia reminds us of the importance of keeping our spiritual eye sight to see the light of God, meaning, seeing the truth of God.  And, the light (John 8:12) is also the truth and the way (John 14:6). Thus, our spiritual eye sight enables us to see God as the light, the truth, and the way, in the Messiah.

Simbang Gabi

The Filipino Catholic Christmas novena tradition, Simbang Gabi, is also about light of God.  Its prototype was Misa de Gallo, which has been a popular celebration on Christmas Eve through Spanish-speaking Latin America since 1587, given that the Philippines had been Spanish colony for more than 350 years until 1898.
Though Misa de Gallo takes place on Christmas Eve, Simbang Gabi is celebrated for 9 days leading to Christmas – from December 15 until Christmas Eve as it is a novena. But, both Misa de Gallo and Simbang Gabi starts before dawn. When Mass is over, the sun is rising or just risen.

Simbang Gabi is a 9-day preparation for the coming of Christ, the messianic light. And, each Simbang Gabi  celebration takes place in a way to welcome new light of a day, as it starts before sunrise and ends around sunrise.  Interestingly, the color of celebrant priest’s vestment color is always white for Simbang Gabi, though this novena is during the season of Advent, for which purple is used as the nature of Advent preparation is penance.  White as a liturgical color symbolizes light. Thus, Simbang Gabi is about light, who is Jesus (John 8:12), the Christ, the Messiah, and the Son, who is coming, juxtaposed with the rising sun at dawn. Perhaps, there is a bit of pun to put the Son, who is coming, and the sun, which is coming on the horizon, in Simbang Gabi. That you must ask your Filipino Catholic friend.


Chanukah is known as a Jewish festival of light. It is because of the miracle of the menorah candle light still burning even on the 8th day thought the oil for the candle was to last only for a day, when the Temple in Jerusalem was redeemed for purification from the hands of Greek oppressors, who defiled the Temple. The miracle menorah candle light that kept burning for 8 days, has become a symbol of God’s redemptive power, associated with salvation of the faithful.

Chanukah prayer includes:

We light these lights
For the miracles and the wonders,
For the redemption and the battles
That you made for our forefathers
In those days at this season,
Through your holy priests.

Though the light that symbolizes the presence of God, God being with us, Emmanuel, was kept for the Temple’s redemption in 165 BC, it was not the case in 70 AD, as the Temple was destroyed  completely into ruins by the Romans. Even today, the Temple is not rebuilt.

This makes some people wonder why God did not keep His light as He did back in 165 BC – why God did not make the second miracle of light for another redemption of the Temple.

But, to those who believe in  Christ’s resurrection, God did not leave the Temple destroyed but rebuilt in a very different way already with the Resurrection, as these words of Jesus are written, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days” (John 2:19).  Thus, the menorah light that kept burning until the Temple redemption and purification upon Maccabean revolt’s victory over Seleucids Greeks, who desecrated and defiled the Temple. In 165 BC, has been burning as the light of the risen Christ, even the Temple has been destroyed physically ever since 70 AD.. 

Jesus said, “I am the resurrection”(John 11:25). This statement of Jesus explains what he meant by his words in John 2:19. Thus, the risen Christ is the New Temple, who sits on the throne of God in the New Jerusalem (Revelation 21, 22), where he continues to shepherd us, through parakletos, upon his Ascension (i.e. John 10:11, 14; 14:16, 26; 15:26; 16:7), until the end of time (Matthew 28:20).  It means that the light of Chanukah, the menorah light that lasted for 8 days in the Temple  to signify God’s presence over God’s people’s victory of the Maccabean revolt is never lost, in spite of the Temple’s permanent destruction by the Romans in 70 AD., as the risen Christ’s presence, as the rebuilt Temple, is no longer necessarily visible and tangible.  The Chanukah light continues to burn and shine in the hearts of the believers.


God's Salvific Light in the Rising Causes and Conditions Beyond Religious Boundaries, Accented by Immaculate Conception and Bodhi Day

The solemn feast of Immaculate Conception of Mary is about how God had chosen Mary for the Messiah  to come to this world, as said in John 1:1-14 and 3:16. For the Messiah to come as the Word in flesh (John 1:14), meaning as God’s tangible revelation, Mary, who was chosen as the physical vessel to become pregnant with the Word in flesh, has to be born immaculate, meaning, absolutely free from any stain of Original Sin. And, the Messiah that Mary was prepared to be immaculate to serve as a vessel of his advent (coming), is the light (John 8:12).

On the other hand, Bodhi Day is about historical Buddha, Gautama Buddha, attaining enlightenment under the bodhi tree, awakening to the Four Noble Truths, which leads to the Eightfold Path, in response to his long quest of answers on causes of suffering (dukkha) and a way to overcome it. Thus, it is the day to commemorate Gautama Buddha’s enlightenment with the truths about suffering (the Four Noble Truths – the nature, cause, cessation of, and liberation from suffering. And, the way of liberation from suffering is the Eightfold Path.

When Gautama was born in Lumbini, Nepal about 2,500 years ago, the world did not seem to know a way to overcome suffering.  Suffering was like a business as usual. People were more toward finding ways to avoid suffering. But, such efforts did not see to get anywhere. People were living in the vicious endless cycle of Samsara, reincarnation. On the other hand, when Jesus was born from the immaculate body of Mary, the blessed virgin, about 2,000 years ago, in Bethlehem, Judah, the world was in the darkness of the deuteronomic cycle of sins, which has been spinning ever since Original Sin, because we keep sinning and sinning throughout generations.

About 500 years prior to the advent of the Messiah, Gautama went on a journey of seeking an answer to the questions on suffering: what it is, what it is caused by, what can stop, and how it can be overcome. For this, Gautama even went through ascetic monastic life. But, such a life of austerities did not bring any light to a tunnel of suffering, as he was suffering tremendously. Gautama gave up an ascetic life style and came to a village exhausted.  Seeing Gautama, seemed almost lifeless, a village woman, Sujata, offered him sweetened milk. Gautama regained liveliness and bathed himself in the Najranjara River as his strengths returned and began meditating under the bodhi tree. During the meditation, Gautama fought forces of Mara (Satan), who tried to derail him from his seeking and defile him with various temptations. Yet, Gautama overcame and attained the light of Dharma wisdom, as Jesus overcame temptations inflicted by Satan when he was about to complete his 40-days-and-night fasting in the desert (Matthew 4:1-11).

When Gautama overcome attacks by Mara (Satan), he came out of his meditation and began his ministry for overcoming the darkness of kleshas (defilement), which brings dukkha (suffering). When Jesus overcame assaults by Satan, he came out of his fasting and started his ministry for overcoming the darkness of sins. Gautama Buddha taught the way of breaking free from the vicious Samsara cycle of suffering to be delivered into Nirvana. Jesus Christ taught the way, by being the way, truth, life, and light, to shepherd us from the endless deuteronomic cycle of sin into the Kingdom of God.

In approximately 500 years of time span, both Gautama Buddha and Jesus Christ came to this world of darkness of sin to show the salvific light. But, with Jesus, we have come to know that this light of salvation is God’s constant work to deliver us from the vicious endless cycle of sin into the Kingdom of God better than what Adam and Eve lost, the Garden of Eden.

Immaculate Conception of Mary had to take place so that God can ensure that the Word becomes human flesh blessishlessly, as the Messiah – so that the faithful will be delivered from the deuteronomic cycle and ushered into the Kingdom of God. 

Advent is the time to remember how our ancestors in faith, at the time of John the Baptist, prepared for the coming (advent) of the Messiah in human flesh, as a result not only of Annunciation (Luke 1:26-88, the Gospel reading for Immaculate Conception Mass and feast Mass for Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe) but also Immaculate Conception.

The apparition of Mary as Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe shows the salvific light of God is always casted upon us. However, for this light to work, it takes our cooperation to God’s salvific will, as exemplified by Santo Juan Diego.  The memorial feast of Santa Lucia reminds us that God’s light is never lost, even though our physical eyes are taken away or lose their visions, as in the case with Lucia. As long as we kep our faith, we can always see the salvific light of God.  Simbang Gabi  teaches us how we can prepare for the coming of Christ the light, in connection of preparing for the rising sun, in a unique Hispano-Finilipo way. And, Chanukah, to Christians, is not only remembering that God never abandons us even His Temple was physically defiled by enemies of God’s people, as the miraculous menorah flame burning symbolizes, but also the ultimate miracle menorah light is continuously burning in the hearts of the faithful, preparing for parousia (second coming ) of Christ, the light, for the judgement and deliverance into the Kingdom of God at the end of time.  And, these are all in God’s magnificent salvific plan, which kicked off, when we started our deuteronomic cycle of the darkness of sin, accented with Immaculate Conception and Christmas, during Advent season.  Though Bodhi Day seems to have irrelevant to this God’s salvific plan, who knows, God may have let Gautama become enlightened about 500 years before Jesus, the ultimate enlightened one, came. Thus, like John the Baptist shortly before the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry in Galilee, Gautama Buddha also prepared a way to see the light by overcoming the darkness of sin (kleshas), though he did not mention God. If you study Buddhism – the teaching of Gautama Buddha, you sure notice how Buddha’s teaching makes sense in Christ’s teaching  as the way into the Kingdom of God.

Immaculate Conception, Bodhi Day, Nuestra Senor de Guadalupe, Santa Lucia, Simbang Gabi, and Chanukah are all connected through the salvific light of God, as in the rising causes and conditions, , crossing three religious traditions: Catholicism, Buddhism, and Judaism.  And, December 8, the day for both Immaculate Conception and Bodhi Day highlight this truth veiled in mystery. 

Immaculate Conception in the Advent Context

Immaculate Conception is a clear sign of God’s salvific plan at work during the time of darkness of absence of God’s messenger in Judea. This dark and empty era lasted for about 400 years between the presence of the last Old Testament prophet, Malachi, and the advent of the Messiah on earth, Jesus, about 2, 000 years ago – except for a brief period of the Maccabean victory, symbolized with the menorah light of Chanukah, about 160 years before the coming of Jesus.

To prepare for the advent (coming) of the Messiah on earth in a human figure, God had to make certain preparation. And, Immaculate Conception of Mary was the first major step that God took in order to bring the Messiah in human flesh as blemishless sacrificial offering  in light of Yom Kippur. But, in order to make it the ultimate Yom Kippur to complete this sin offering sacrificial ritual once for all. It was the meaning of Good Friday. For the Messiah to be offered for our sins to be blemishless (Leviticus 17:1), he must be born without any influence of Original Sin, though he is to be born and to come into a form of human flesh (John 1:14). For this condition, the woman, who is chosen to make the Word becomes human flesh (John 1:14) must be completely free from any stein of Original Sin. Thus, Mary was already chosen by God, before Annunciation and even before her birth, to be conceived immaculately in Anna’s womb, though Anna and her husband, Joachim, had intercourse to bring Mary to this world. 

Theologically, human intercourse is considered as an act of bearing a stain of Original Sin, as Adam and Eve had their children, Cain and Abel, after they committed Original Sin and were evicted from Eden (Genesis 3:1-4:2).  Because of this, God had to take an action to keep Mary’s conception, which resulted from a human intercourse, free from any influence of Original Sin. And, this is Immaculate Conception, enabling Mary to be the very one to conceive Jesus in her womb, making the Word become flesh in her womb, and give virgin birth to the Son, Jesus, as the Messiah to suffer and to be sacrificed (Isaiah 52-53).

Though the sacrificial aspect of the Messiah invokes a dark impression, this is a critically important part of God’s salvific plan to bring His light to this world of darkness of perpetual sins, which was appeared as if God were absent from.  But, it is in this darkness of sin, which separates us from God, God forces Himself to come to us as the light of salvific hope. It is because God’s ultimate mission is to bring every faithful person into the Kingdom of God, as envisioned in the last three chapters of Revelation.

Because Mary was immaculately conceived, Mary is full of grace, meaning that she was absolutely free from stain of Original Sin, in spite of her parents, Anna and Joachim, had an intercourse, as Adam and Eve gave birth to Cain, who killed his brother, Abel, and Abel, who was killed by his brother, Cain.  Cain’s murder of his brother, Abel, has a symbolic meaning of how steins of Original Sin can be transmitted intergenerationally through intercourse. However, Immaculate Conception of Mary makes a shining exception so that Mary becomes able to conceive Jesus from the Holy Spirit that God impregnates her with the Son, Jesus, the sacrificial Messiah without any influence of Original Sin, even though he has to come in human flesh.

In other words, Immaculate Conception of Mary is to endure that Jesus can come into this world in human flesh without any blemish from stains of Original Sin.  After all, it is to ensure that the light of God in Christ (John 8:12) comes in the purest form, as white light.

That is why the liturgical color of Immaculate Conception Mass is white.

In celebrating Immaculate Conception of Blessed Virgin Mary, we know that we are preparing for the coming (advent) of the purest light, the blemishless sacrificial Messiah, to shepherd us to the Kingdom of God.

In this Advent, let’s praise the Lord and give thanks to God for this wonderful work for our salvation! Halleluiah!! Also, we praise our theolokos and our spiritual mother, Mary!
Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum. Benedicta tu in mulieribus, et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus. Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, ora pro nobis peccatoribus, nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen. ....
Hail, Mary! Full of grace, as you were conceived Immaculate, the Lord is with thee! Blessed art thou, amongst women, blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus, the Messiah and the light!! Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen!