Saturday, January 3, 2015

Begin New Year with Laughter - 笑いの効用 上方落語の処方 - Psychosomatic & Psychospiritual Health and Laughter

明けましておめでとうございます。Happy New Year! 

*English article follows the below Japanese article.


え?不景気で笑ってる暇なんかない? あんた、せめて正月ぐらい、そんな陰気な顔しなはんな。。。








In Japan, we say, “where there is laughter, there finds joy”.  Ancient Japanese believed that the Seven Lucky Deities would come to a home on a  boat, loaded with treasures, to bless its family on the New Year’s Day. To ensure the deities of happiness find your home, you must keep your smile as you usher the new year in. It has also been said in Japan that the deity of poverty seeks those who feel miserable and make themselves looks miserable because of the condition. Even though the misery is not lifted, you may, nevertheless, feel “happy” and experience joy amidst struggles, if you make conscious efforts to laugh and smile, in spite of the difficulties. It is because, the deity of poverty, who would keep you in misery for sure, is believed to despise people who acts happy, as well as acts like as if they were happy.

 The Seven Lucky Deities on the Treasure Boat 

In light of today’s clinical psychology, the lucky deities and the poverty deity in the above-mentioned Japanese folk belief correspond to positive belief and negative belief, respectively. In particular, this is related to an important clinical principle of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which has been known for its efficacy in treating depression.  With mindfulness, this yields great effects in fighting depression, as indicated by a research study by Teasdale et al. (2000)*. Thus, it is good to keep our intention (mindfulness) to seek “lucky deities” by making conscious efforts for smiling and laughing.

Another Japanese proverb says, if the beginning is good, then, the ending is also good. It means that if you begin the New Year with a smile, then, you will also close the year with a smile.

Ever since Norman Cousins’ experience of how laughter could alleviate cancer pain and even shrinking cancer mass, resulting in his more-than-20-years of “extra” life during the 1970s, as written in his “Anatomy of Illness” (1981), scientists have been studying how laughter, as well as a sense of humor, can contribute to health, including mental health. And, the results are consistently showing positive correlations.  In the last 15 years,  studies, such as Takahashi et al. (2001)**,   show that laughter boosts immune functions, in particular, stimulating the function of NK cells, to discourage the growth of cancer cells and pathogens in our body.

As the Bible (Proverb 17:22) indicates, laughter sure is the best medicine!
Some may complain that not everyone feels “happy”. It is true that not everyone during the holiday season is in mood for laughter, even when everyone else is saying, “Merry Christmas”, “Happy Chanukah”, and “Happy New Year”.

It is not necessarily “Merry Christmas” and “Happy New Year” to  everyone, as some have been mourning their loved ones’ losses with pain of grief, others have been suffering and struggling with life’s challenges, and so forth.  In fact, it hurts more when everyone else is in merry and jolly mood but you find yourself not so and feel so isolated. And, this is how some of those who are not in mood for laughter and smile feel during the holiday season.

But, this is where Norman Cousins’ lesson kicks in. And, we must be mindful about it – if we do not want the misery to become permanent.

In spite of all this hard reality in life, which can keep us from laughing, if we manage to laugh and smile, then, the pain of life’s suffering may be alleviated, if not necessarily life’s suffering itself would be taken away.
This is what the quality of life (QOL) as well as meaning of life, is about.  This is what resilience of life is about.

As we find something that is likely to make us laugh, we put ourselves in a better position to attract the seven lucky deities and keep these lucky deities with us throughout the year. Keep this always in mind is in our daily mindfulness. This way, we live this Zen proverb: Everyday is a good day (日々是), no matter how life circumstances may turn.  This is our resilience that lead to QOL and meaningfulness in life. 

And, this is not a laughing matter (no pun intended…ha, ha). Otherwise, we would be stuck with the deity of poverty and misery.

*Teasdale, J. D.; Segal, Z. V.; Williams, J. G.; Ridgeway, V. A.; Soulsby, J. M.; & Lau, M. A. (2000).
Prevention of relapse/recurrence in major depression by mindfulness-based cognitive therapy.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol 68(4), Aug 2000, 615-623

Takahashi,  K.; Iwase, M.; Yamashita, K.; Tatsumoto, Y.; Kuratsune,  H.; Shimizu, A.; Takeda. M. (2001). The elevation of natural killer cell activity induced by laughter in a crossover designed study. International Journal of Molecular Medicine 8(6): 645-650

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