Wednesday, December 23, 2015



















As Advent Spiritual Journey Comes Near Its Completion with the Blessed Fruit of Mary Comes Nearer

Like Lent, Advent is characterized with preparation and penance. Fr. Mark Bosco, S.J. of Loyola University Chicago metaphorically compared Lent to a displacement experience as in Flannery O’Conner’s story, “The Displaced Person”.   In a way, upon the Original Sin, Adam and Eve being evicted from Eden, we have been “the displaced people” – being displaced from Eden.

I have, on the other hand, explained the 40 days of Lent to the 40 years of Exodus journey – moving from “spiritual Egypt”, the state of sinfulness, to the “spiritual land of milk and honey”, the state of life in God.  In fact, the Exodus itself is a displacement experience, as well, while it is also a transformative journey, reflecting Psalm 51.

Now, Advent can also be compared to a journey of transitional displacement. It is a journey from the state of displacement from God back to the life in God, symbolized with Eden, where God and human were not separated as they both lived in harmony, like Lent. But, for Advent, it is a journey to return to the state of a life in God by means of God’s grand salvific scheme of making Godself incarnated through Mary’s immaculate womb to dwell among us.  As this incarnated God, God in the human body of Jesus Christ, the son of Mary, dwells among us, we are shepherded back to Eden-like life in God. Advent season is when we journey to meet this incarnated God, our Savior, the Messiah, where he is born.  For this, we journey toward where he is being born, while the incarnated God is coming to dwell among us. As our encounter with this incarnated God – as this divine-human meeting draws nearer, our heart will be more enlightened by the glorious light of God. Therefore, Advent is our spiritual journey from  darkness of our ignorance of falling into sins into  the new light of God’s glory in Christ, the incarnated God.

Unlike Lent, but rather as if evoking lighting menorah during the 8 days of Chanukah celebration, four Advent candle are being lit one by one on each Sunday of the 4 Sundays of Advent. This symbolizes that we are gradually enlightened as Christ comes nearer to us, while our preparation to receive and welcome Christ advances.

During Advent, as aforementioned, there is a two-way movement: God is coming to us as the Word incarnating, and we prepare the way of the Lord. Thus, Advent is our mutual, God-human joint efforts to make God’s salvific scheme work.  This is, in fact, how God’s grace works, as it requires our cooperation to serve its purpose.  Advent is a time to prepare the way of the greatest grace, gift, favor, of God, namely, God Godself in the human flesh, to dwell among us, as God Godself is coming to us, as His self-gift.

Making the way for God to come to this world – to our heart - to turn to God, so that incarnated God, God in the human flesh of Jesus Christ, becomes a powerful agent of our conversion, after so many generations of failing to turn back to God after the Original Sin. Therefore, as John the Baptist preached, repenting and turning back to God – God’s way is how we cooperate this greatest grace, and this is ultimately how we make the way of the Lord to come, while making our way back to God on our transitional displacement journey.  Upon meeting with this incarnated God on the way of God we make, on Christmas, we will be no longer the displaced persons. At least, this is what the Advent journey into Christmastide is meant.

Following the Gaudete Sunday, the very last Sunday of Advent  has two main themes: rejoicing in the fruition of God’s grand salvific scheme through Mary’s immaculate womb and visitation.  As reflected in the Gospel reading for the 4th Sunday of Advent on Cycle C, Luke 1:39-45, and read again on the following day, Mary visited Elizabeth, upon learning her surprise pregnancy and her cousin, Elizabeth’s pregnancy to care for her.  And, Mary was in haste to see Elizabeth, in spite of difficult journey to go through hilly landscape on Judea. 
Mary must be filled with so much joy that she could not contain. That is why she leaped over hills to see Elizabeth, as echoed in the first reading for the following Monday, Song of Songs 2:8-14, in which a young man in love is described as to jump over mountains to see his beloved woman. In fact, this excited and joyful visitation spirit is what characterizes how God is coming to dwell among us as the Word becoming flesh, incarnated God, as Jesus Christ, the Messiah, and Emanuel, which means God being with us.  It is not just visiting but to stay with us as we need. So, Mary stayed with pregnant Elizabeth to care for, although she, too, was pregnant.

To Mary’s caring visitation, Elizabeth greeted with blessings, saying, “Most blessed are you among women!” Furthermore, she also blessed the baby growing inside the womb of Mary, saying, “Blessed is the fruit of your womb!”

And, Mary’s response to Elizabeth’s blessing greetings is singing Magnificat, as reflected in the Gospel reading for Tuesday of the 4th week of Advent, Luke 1:46-56.  Mary’s soul was magnified with joy, as Elizabeth’s benedictory greetings prompted her to deepen and sharpen her awareness of how God Himself has been blessing not only her and Elizabeth but the entire world through the fruit of her immaculate womb, waiting for his full-term to come out.  Thus, harvest time of the fruit of Mary’s womb is near.

As Mary visited Elizabeth in Luke 1:39-45, which is read on the 4th Sunday of Advent and on the following Monday, also as a young man in Song of Songs 2:8-14, which is read on the Monday of the 4th week of Advent on Cycle C, reflects, God in His incarnated form through Mary’s immaculate womb is coming to visit us and to stay with us, as His mission is to dwell among us, till the end of time, as Emanuel. On Christmas, when our Advent journey meets God’s coming in haste to dwell among us, we see the fruit of Mary’s womb, whom Elizabeth blessed.

Now, are we ready to bless the fruit of Mary’s womb, who is very near at this time on our Advent journey? Is our cooperation to this greatest grace of God, the fruit of Mary’s immaculate womb, is ready to welcome Emanuel?

We must remain vigilant, as reminded by the Gospel reading on the First Sunday of Advent, Luke 21:25-28, 34-36.  

Let us joyfully remain vigilant so that we know when the blessed fruit of Mary's womb appears! With this fruit, the greatest grace we receive, we shall be no longer displaced from God! We shall rejoice always in the Lord, as we enjoy our new life in spirit. 

Merry Christmas! 

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Sancte Spiritus: Christmas - Pentecost Juxtaposition - a Las Posadas and Simbang Gabi Reflections

Las Posadas in Mexico (and Spain) and Simbang Gabi in the Philippines are forms of Advent novena, which starts during the week of Gaudete Sunday – during the third week of Advent. Because these novenas take up the last 9 days of Advent, they also coincide pretty much with the Late Weekdays of Advent, the 8 days leading up to Christmas. These are, in a way, symmetrical to the Octave of Christmas, the first 8 days of the Christmastide, from Christmas to the Feast of the Theotokos, also on the day of Jesus’ circumcision and the way when he was named as “Jesus”, which, in Hebrew, means “the Lord saves” or “Joshua”.

Advent has four weeks to prepare for the coming of the Lord as the Word incarnated and as the fruit of Mary’s immaculate womb. To wrap up Advent as our spiritual work of “making the straight way of the Lord”(Isaiah 40:3; Mathew 3:3; Mark 1:3; Luke 3:4; John 1:23) to arrive, we make more concentrated and focused efforts through Christmas novenas, such as Las Posadas and Simbang Gabi.

Novena, a 9-day prayer devotion, to prepare for a feast, trances its origin to Jesus’ instruction to his disciples to stay in the Upper Room during the time between the Ascension and the Pentecost (Acts 1:1-11). There were 9 days between Ascension and Pentecost, and it was a very critical period before the birth of the Church, the post-Ascension Body of Christ, composed of us (1 Corinthians 12:27), upon the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-13) sent down by the Father in the name of the Son (John 14:26) to give birth to the Church and to baptize the Apostles (the foundation of the Church) with the Holy Spirit and fire (Matthew 3;11, Acts 1:5, 2:3).

During this Late Advent Weekdays, as Christmas novenas, such as Las Posadas and Simbang Gabi, are in full swing, given the origin of novena in Jesus’ instruction to the disciples to prepare for the birth of the Church, namely, the Pentecost, in Acts 1:1-11 and his promise of the Holy Spirit as Advocate (parakletos, rather than pneuma) in John 14:26, we can draw a parallel between Christmas and Pentecost. and to baptize the disciples anew (Acts 1:5, echoing the prophesy of John the Baptist in Matthew 3:11).
Paralleling between Christmas and Pentecost?

These two feasts do not seem to be related on the surface. However, they are, indeed. Therefore, we can appreciate Christmas novenas, such as Las Posadas and Simbang Gabi, in juxtaposition to the novena for Pentecost, as both Christmas and Pentecost are about birth. While Christmas is the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ, as the Word, which is God (John 1:1), incarnating to dwell among us (John 1:14), Pentecost is the birth of the Church, as the new “Body of Christ” (1 Corinthians 12:12-27, Romans 12:5), upon the Ascension of the Body of Christ, the Word incarnated, which was born on Christmas.  For both the birth of the original body of Christ – Christmas, and for the birth of the new body of Christ, which is the Church – Pentecost, it is the Holy Spirit that is behind.

What puts Christmas and Pentecost in juxtaposition is the fact that both of these are the births of the Body of Christ (Corpus Christi), enabled by the Holy Spirit sent by God the Father.  The first birth of the Body of Christ, as the Word incarnating, is Christmas, for which we prepare through Advent and its finalization through Christmas novenas, such as Las Posadas and Simbang Gabi. The second birth of the Body of Christ, as the Church, which each of us, the faithful, make up, is the Pentecost.

Because the original Body of Christ came to this world, as the Word incarnated, died, resurrected, and ascended, our Christmas novenas, such as Las Posadas and Simbang Gabi, should be practiced also in light of renewing the current Body of Christ, the Church, which are as we love one another, by the Holy Spirit.
As we practice Christmas novenas, let us renew ourselves, as the post-Ascension Body of Christ, the Church, which was born on Pentecost, by letting the Holy Spirit, once again, to baptize us, given the pre-Pentecostal origin of novena. How can we make the way of the Lord straight without the Holy Spirit, after all?

Veni, veni, Emmanuel…… Veni, veni, Sancte Spiritus! These are in juxtaposition to each other, as we consummate Advent preparation with Christmas novenas, Las Posadas and Simbang Gabi, into the Late Advent Weekdays.

Veni, veni , Sancte Spiritus” is the spirit of novenas both Christmas, as the spirit of the novena for the Pentecost is so.

Sancte Spiritus brings new life to give birth! 

Thursday, December 17, 2015

There is Something About Mary : Immaculate Conception of Mary, the Woman in Revelation 12, Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, and the Theotokos

There is something about Mary during this holiday season of the year: from Advent into Christmastide. Yes, there is a romantic comedy movie, "There is something about Mary" (1998), featuring Cameron Diaz. I am not talking about that Mary but Mary, who is so special in understanding His only begotten Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, in the context of God's salvific grand scheme. And, this season of the year is a good time to deepen our appreciation of God's saving plan and Christology through this very special woman, Mary, because, theologically and soteriologically speaking, there sure is something about Mary. 

As a new liturgical year begins with Advent, we celebrate the Immaculate Conception of Mary on December 8. Then, we celebrate the apparitions of Blessed Virgin Mary, evoking the image of the pregnant woman in Revelation 12, to San Juan Diego on the mount of Tepeyac, Mexico, on December 12. Then, we celebrate the birth of the Messiah, Jesus, on December 25, Christmas, and on January 1, the Octave of Christmas (on the 8th day of Christmas, the day of Jesus' circumcision), we honor Mary as the Theotokos, the mother of God. So, as Jesus is the reason for this season, it is also the season about Mary. After all, unless Mary was the way she was, including her Immaculate Conception, we would not have our Savior as the Word incarnated in the human body of Jesus, born from the Blessed Virgin Mary, who was later Assumed into Heaven to be crowned as the Queen of the Universe (as in the 5th Glorious Mystery of the Holy Rosary), representing the eschatological Church, the Ekklesia.

Because she was conceived sexually through an intercourse that Anna and Joachim had, Mary could have been passed on the “recessive spiritual gene” of Adam and Eve, as we all have.  However, by God’s special grace, Mary was not touched by this “recessive spiritual gene” – the stain of the Original Sin. Thus, Mary was immaculately conceived, and she is immaculate.

The purpose of Mary to be immaculate ever since the moment of her conception – ever since the beginning of her life – was to ensure that she is the one that the Holy Spirit is being sent to conceive the Messiah, as the Son of God the Father. For her flesh to be the suitable agent of God to incarnate, for the Word to become flesh, to dwell among us (John 1:14), God the Father had to intervene what is natural (i.e. the “recessive spiritual gene of Adam and Eve” to be passed, if conceived sexually) with His supernatural power, defying what is natural for the sake of redemptive salvation. This way, God was able to give His only begotten Son out of His mercy on us, the sinners, those who have been tainted by the Original Sin, as reflected in John 3:16.

In this regard, Jesus, the Son of God, the Son of Mary, is regarded as New Adam, and Mary, who was conceived immaculately by God’s special grace, is New Eve, as neither of them possess and are tainted by the marks of the Original Sin – the “recessive spiritual gene of Adam and Eve”.  Even though Jesus, the Son, in the Trinitarian hypostasis, is God, he is also human, as well, because he was born out of Mary’s body. However, because Mary was spared from any contamination of the marks of the Original Sin or the “recessive spiritual gene of Adam and Eve”, in spite of her sexual conception, Jesus was also free from the marks of the Original Sin.
The fact that Mary had been already spared from the influence of the marks of the Original Sin, ever since the moment of her conception, which also means to have saved her son, Jesus, from the influence of the Original Sin, in spite of having human flesh, is echoed in the way the pregnant woman and her son in her womb were saved from the dragon in Revelation 12. And, this juxtaposition between Mary’s immaculate conception and the way the woman in Revelation 12 was saved from the ferocious attack of dragon suggests that the woman in Revelation 12 is, indeed,  Mary and that the baby in her womb is Jesus. Furthermore, this juxtaposition is validated by the way Mary made apparition to San Juan Diego en el monte de Tepeyac, Mexico, in 1531, as Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe.

The woman in Revelation 12 is crowned with twelve stars, clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet (v.1).  If you look at the image of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, you notice that she resembles this image, her mantle casts the radiant countenance with majestic golden ray, like the sun light, while it also has stars, indicating that her heavenly connection. This reminds that Mary was assumed into Heaven, as we celebrate its feast on August 15 and as in the Fourth Glorious Mystery of the Holy Rosary. The moon under her feet reminds  that Nestra Senora de Guadalupe is above what the crescent moon symbolizes – the night and the darkness. The man who holds the moon represents us, who are subject to the night – subject to the marks of the Original Sin – as the “recessive spiritual genes of Adam and Eve” have been passed on through sexual conceptions, ever since Adam and Eve gave birth to Cain and Abel. The fact that Mary stands above powerfully symbolizes the meaning of her Immaculate Conception – her full of grace status, as she is not under the moon but above it and where the sun and stars are.  In the image of the women in Revelation 12, it is the dragon, a symbol of Satan, that is under her feet, as he fell out of heaven, upon his loss in the battle with Archangel Michael.

In juxtaposing the image of the woman in Revelation 12 and the image of Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, as Mary, who is full of grace (completely free from any influence of the Original Sin or the Satan’s temptation) and immaculate, she has appeared to where we the human are and the domain of sinful influence of Satan (Dragon) from heaven (where she was Assumed as in the Fourth Glorious Mystery of the Rosary  and crowned with stars, as in the Firth Glorious Mystery of the Rosary)  to help her Son, Christ, in his evolving saving mission.

An important common string to connect  the Immaculate Conception of Mary, the Woman in Revelation 12, and Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe together,  is the mercy of God’s saving grace for the fallen humanity, which has been in the domain of Satan. This domain is symbolized with “under the moon”, meaning that subject to the darkness. Because of the divine mercy of our Almighty Father God, who has sent His only begotten Son through Mary being full of grace and immaculate, Mary was once again sent to this world from the domain above (heaven) to ensure that her Son’s saving mission will not cease and fall under the Satan’s power. 

We celebrate this on December 8, as the feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, and December 12, as la fiesta por Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, just before Christmas, and furthermore, on January 1, on the Octave of Christmas, as the feast of Mary the Theotokos.

During this time of the year – from Advent into Christmastide, especially, between the feast of Immaculate Conception  (December 8) and the feast of the Theotokos  (January 1), we have so much to reflect on Mary and her important roles, as we continue to prepare for the coming of our Messiah, Jesus Christ, the Son of God the Father and the Son of Mary the Theotokos, the Immaculate, the woman in Revelation 12, and Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe.

It is also interesting to know that  the word, “Guadalupe”,  is associated with “wolf” in its Spanish etymological connection to Arabic words, "wadi"(valley) and “lupe”(wolf).  If you recall Jesus’ Good Shepherd discourse in John 10, Christ is to protect his sheep (us) from the attacks of wolves.  The fact that Mary has appeared as  Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe means that Mary has come, representing her Son, to where wolves are, to make sure that we, as Christ’s sheep, won’t be attacked, as we will not fall into Satan’s sinful temptation. 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Advent – a Time to Overcome Our Emptiness – Existential and Noogenic Vacuum.

Advent season is when many people are driving themselves nuts about shopping and shopping....eating and eating...only to make more waste. This will not result in filling our noogenic emptiness deep within but only landfills. Let us return to what Advent really means.


December - This time of the year is often characterized with lots of eating and gift exchanges.  In materialistically rich nations, such as the United States, I am afraid that this time turned out to become a season of gluttony, following excessive eating on the Thanksgiving Day.

Of course, gluttony is one of the Seven Deadly Sins. It is indeed an irony that this great sin has been committed during this season of preparation for the coming of the Messiah and an ecclesiastic season of penance, as inspired by the preaching of John the Baptist in Luke’s Gospel and Mark’s Gospel.

In his recent encyclical, “Laudato Si”, Pope Francis, also hinted that our gluttonous consumption life style has been critically damaging not only our souls but also our common home, the Earth, in his evidence-based argument on the effects of our rapidly increasing excessive production and consumption, following the industrial revolution.

The truth is that we are no longer waiting for the birth of Christ, as it already took place about 2,000 years ago in Bethlehem, near Jerusalem.  Our Christmas preparation, known as Advent, is actually observed in anamnesis.

It is not these stockings materialistic culture prompts children to become obsessed with, it is not our gastronomical bags our inherent weakness with flesh tends to concern greatly, that we are to fill during the Advent season and the Christmastide.  Rather, it is the emptiness within us that we are called to fill during this post-Thanksgiving holiday season of Advent into Christmastide, by praying, practicing Examen in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola,  and heeding to the Word of God . 

The Gospel reading for the Second Sunday of Advent on Cycle C, Luke 3:1-6, reminds to fill our inner emptiness, as our way of making the way of the Lord, in our Advent efforts to prepare for the “adventus” of the Lord, through these words:

Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low. The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth.   Luke 3:5

In this context, “valley” can be understood as a metaphor for our inner emptiness to be filled, while “mountain” and “hill” can be metaphorically pointed to our rising ego, namely, our disposition for narcissistic arrogance.

The Greek word in the original text for “fill” is “preloo”, and it also means “completeness”.  In fact, these words in Luke’s Gospel were the word that John the Baptist cited from Isaiah 40:3, to prepare for the coming of Christ to begin his public ministry, about 2,000 years ago, by the River Jordan. In the original Hebrew word in Isaiah 40:3, what is written in Greek as “preloo” in Luke 3:5, is  “nasah”, and this means to “lift” and “bear”.  Therefore, in saying, “every valley shall be filled or raised”, during Advent, we are called to fill our inner emptiness and feel lifted as the rising Holy Spirit prompts, while keeping our ego low. Otherwise, we may fall into what Paul Tillich calls “existential crisis”, leading to  what Viktor Frankl calls “noogenic neurosis”. According to Frankl, this is a problem of existential vacuum that characterizes materialistic culture, in which the carnal desires dictate our mind to fill “red stockings” and our gastronomic sacks, for contentment. Frankl also warns that untreated existential vacuum may lead to the psychospiritual quagmire of tragic triad of pain, guilt, and death.

In my past blog article, “Advent Season Preparation Juxtaposition: John the Baptist and St. Nicholas (a.k.a. "Santa")”, I compared  the red stockings, which Santa fills for good children, to our inner emptiness that God fills with the greatest gift of all.  The arrival of this gift is Christmas. The gift is Jesus, the Emmanuel, the Son of Man, the King of the Universe, the Messiah, the Son of Mary, the Living Bread of Life placed on the manger, to feed not our stomach but our heart and soul. This way, God can ensure that we will not suffer from what Frankl calls tragic triad of pain, guilt, and death, and our society will not be characterized with existential vacuum.

Spinoza argued that one of the human characteristics is the fear of emptiness, “horror vacui”.  Out of this fear, we make various attempts to fill emptiness we recognize. However, if you live only a life of flesh (i.e. Romans 8:6), you tend to fill the void within with materialistic objects, which often lead you to addictive downspiral, compared to idolatry, all the way to self-destruction. On the other hand, if you live a life in spirit (Romans 8), transcending the sphere of carnal influences (the domain of a life in flesh). After all, it is Jesus who said these words to remind us of the importance of the Holy Spirit, upon inviting us to receive the Living Bread of Life:

"It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.  John 6:63

Is your Advent focuses on the Holy Spirit, which can be juxtaposed to the Word of God, as written in the scriptures, especially spoken by Jesus, as “rhema”?

If our heart’s desire for Christmas is to receive Jesus to fill your inner emptiness, then, we overcome what flesh desires, while repent and cleanse our heart, to make the way of him to come fill and lift us. This way, we do not let our ego be raised by addictive materialistic pursuit and gluttony.  Let us be awaken to the light of the Holy Spirit – to the sound of “rhema” or “dabar”, comparable to the “pneuma” or “neshmah” in the form of “logos”, the Word. 

As we become awaken to the increasingly nearness of the adventus of our saving Lord, we are naturally inspired to let our inner kindness be known by our works of mercy. 











現に、日本人の宗教離れはニューヨークタイムズをはじめとする欧米のマスコミでも度々とりあげられ、しかも、過去10年以上年間3万件を上回る自殺(これは統計からもれた自殺を含めた実数ではないので、実際の自殺件数ははるかに多いと考えられる)といった同時進行現状をこうした宗教離れに対して鑑みると、19世紀の産業革命の頃のフランスの社会学者、Emile Durkheimが提唱した宗教と自殺の相関性についての理論を改めて“温故知新”する必要性を感じます。









そもそも、宗教と哲学は別々に考えるものではなく、ヘーゲル(Hegel)的弁証論的な対話の中で関数で示すような相関性でもって一緒に考えていくものなのです。宗教と科学についても然りです。そして、このように宗教を現実から切り離すことなく、経験論的にアキナスのように宗教的要素が濃い神秘的現象をも対比対話させながら考えると、Viktor Franklが説くような生きている意味がないような人生の現実においても深い意義を見出せるようになるかも知れません。





Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Immaculate Conception – a Doctrinal Problem to the Sola Scripture Doctrine?

Given the content of the Liturgy of the Word for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary ( Genesis 3:9-15, 20; Psalm 98:1, 2-3, 3-4; Ephesians 1:3-6, 11-12; Luke 1:26-38), there is no word to directly describing how Mary was conceived in her mother (Anna)’s womb immaculately. 

Because of this, some Christians, who interpret the scriptures so literally, believing in sola scripture,  argue that the Catholic doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of Mary is questionable.

If they are to reject the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, simply because the  nowhere in the canonical scriptures explicitly mention, then, the doctrine of Trinity should not be acceptable either, because anywhere in the canonical scriptures Trinity is mentioned.  Jesus did not speak about Trinity, either.

Those who regard the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception to be invalid based on their sola scripture doctrine or belief, usually accept the doctrine of Trinity – even though it is not written in the scriptures.  I am sure that they understand that the doctrine of Trinity came out of the human mind, as enlightened by the Word of God in the scriptures, empowered by the Holy Spirit. In fact, the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of Mary came out, likewise. 

Think about it.

If Mary was conceived with a stain of the Original Sin, would Jesus have been unblemished Lamb of God to save us?

Some of those who reject the Immaculate Conception of Mary may argue that there is no way that Mary would have been conceived immaculately, simply because Mary’s parents, Anna and Joachim, conceived her through intercourse – not as Mary conceived Jesus through the Holy Spirit.

To respond to this, may I remind the below words from the scriptures – in fact, from the Immaculate Conception Gospel reading?

For nothing will be impossible with God”  (Luke 1:37)

Whether natural or supernatural, whenever God wills, it happens such a way, and this was what happened when Anna and Joachim became one flesh to conceive Mary. It  was because God willed to have His Son, Jesus, through Mary. 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Advent Season Preparation Juxtaposition: John the Baptist and St. Nicholas (a.k.a. "Santa")

December 6 is the feast day of St. Nicholas. This year, 2015, Cycle C, because this day was also the Second Sunday of Advent, St. Nicholas had yield his feast celebration to the Lord, as Sunday is Lord’s day for those who believe in the resurrection of Christ, as he rose from the dead on the first day of the week (i.e. Mark 16:9). 

Because of his humility, I am sure that St. Nick does not mind that his day is taken by the Lord.
In celebrating the Second Advent Sunday, the Gospel reading (Luke 3:1-6) contain words of John the Baptist, citing Isaiah 40:

A voice of one crying out in the desert:
“Prepare the way of the Lord,
make straight his paths.
Every valley shall be filled
and every mountain and hill shall be made low.
The winding roads shall be made straight,
and the rough ways made smooth,
and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.
     Luke 3:4-6

Grown-up Christians know that John the Baptist played the role of a harbinger of Christ.  Because of this, many people of his time had thought the John the Baptist was Christ, whom they and their ancestors had been waiting for to come, as indicated in the Gospel reading for the Third Sunday of Advent (Luke 3:10-18). But, as he himself made it clear that John the Baptist was not Christ.

So, John explained:

I am baptizing you with water,
but one mightier than I is coming.
I am not worthy to loosen the thongs of his sandals.
He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
His winnowing fan is in his hand to clear his threshing floor
and to gather the wheat into his barn,
but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire
.    Luke 3:15-17

According to John, someone greater than he is on the way, and he was leading the making of the way of this greater person – the Messiah, the Lord, by preaching for penance, justice, and compassion – and baptizing with water. But, John foretold that the mightier one will baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. John was already speaking about Pentecost, after Christ’s Death (Good Friday), Resurrection (Easter Sunday), and Ascension, even when Jesus was only known to some in Nazareth simply as a son of Mary and Joseph, though the Magi from the East acknowledged him as a king, while Simeon and Anna realized him as the Messiah, when Jesus was still a baby. Perhaps, the shepherd, whom angel led to come to the stable, where Jesus was born, could realize the baby as the Messiah.

Now, in thinking of John the Baptist, I think that we can juxtapose John and Nicholas, as Santa, because both come before Christ comes.  The ways they come to us help us prepare the way we meet newborn Jesus, who is Christ.

For those who think “too old to believe in Santa”, it is John the Baptist, who came to us before Christ came to us – unless we were spiritually as awaken as the Magi, Simeon, and Anna.  Though we are not sure if the Magi acknowledged the baby Jesus also as the Messiah, in addition to the King, Simeon and Anna, being well-versed in the scriptures (the Old Testament), knew that the baby Jesus, brought to the Temple by Mary and Joseph, was the Messiah, whose coming was prophesized in the Old Testament (i.e. Isaiah 7:14).
In order for those who are “too old to believe in Santa” any more to be in spiritually good shape to meet the new born Christ on this Christmas,  John the Baptist is the man to listen, as Luke cites his words in his Gospel.

For those who are believe in Santa, preparing for the coming of Santa can be a good way to prepare themselves for the coming of Jesus. 

Santa wants children to be good, when he comes to fill their hanging stockings with goodies.  This message can be applied to the way these children prepare to meet the baby Jesus on Christmas – though kids today are more materialistic to look for presents under the Christmas tree, rather than meeting Jesus in their heart and at Mass on Christmas morning.  If that is the case, then, such kids may not get anything for the next Christmas eve, as Santa is always checking.

Those who are “too old to believe in Santa” no longer hang red socks for Santa to fill with goodies. But, they work hard, following advice of John the Baptist, in preparing for the Lord to come to their heart. For this reason, they examine and re-examine themselves first and figure out how they can “fill every valley” and “make mountains and hills low”. Namely, “filling every valley”  is about filling the spiritual emptiness in us with joy and hope, while “making mountains and hills low” is about humbling ourselves by making our ego deflated and low.

Filling our emptiness within – our spiritual “valleys” -  is like Santa filling empty stockings with goodies. Striving for our humility, making our ego mountains and hills low, is a grown-up way of being the kind of good kids that Santa love to keep filling their socks every Christmas eve.

What about the grown-ups still believe in Santa?

Well, that is the best kind to spend Advent season in repenting our own sinfulness, filling our spiritual emptiness and lowering our ego for better humility, with joyful smile – because this way of making the way of the Lord for Christmas is not something to grumble about but to rejoice.  After all, the focus of the Third Sunday of Advent is joy (gaudium) and rejoicing (gaudete) . That is why the Third Sunday of Advent is called “Gaudete Sunday”(Dominica Gaudete).  Out of the 3 liturgical cycles (A, B, C), the Gaudete Sunday on Cycle C (this year) is the best ( in my opinion), because it is when we read one of Paul’s prison letters, the Letter to the Philippians, in which Paul emphasizes to rejoice.

John the Baptist is preaching now. Let us hark and do our preparation for the Lord to come! And, Santa is coming just before the Lord will come. Let us make sure that emptiness in us is filled so that we can focus more on others and their needs, becoming more like St. Nicholas!

Best of all, Heavenly Father is bringing a very special gift, perhaps, shortly after Santa finishes filling all the stockings of good kids. That is, of course, the Messiah in baby shape, placed in a manger - not to feed animals - but to feed us as the Living Bread of Life so that we may enjoy eternal life. 

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Advent - Chanukah: Season of the Divine Light

On this Second Sunday of Advent, we read these words that John the Baptist cited from the Book of Isaiah (40:3)- Prepare the way for the Lord! (Luke 3:4) And, Handel also used this for his famous Oratorio, "Messiah".

Upon being reminded to remain vigilant in our preparation for the arrival of the Messiah (in reality, it is Parousia, but in memory, it is Christmas) on the First Sunday of Advent, we are now know that preparing for the arrival of Christ means to make the way for the Lord to come.

Today, at sundown, it is also the beginning of the 8-day celebration of Chanuka in the Jewish tradition. It is the festival of miraculous light kept burning in the temple, symbolizing God's providence and the Jewish victory over the Greek invaders in 165 BC. With their joy, thanksgiving and praising to God, they rededicated the Temple to God. So, this Second Sunday of Advent is also the beginning of the Jewish festival of light and Temple rededication.

Advent is also a season of light to Christians, as the world gets brighter and brighter as Christ comes nearer and nearer to us. So, both Christians and Jews share our delight in God's light.

So, our Advent challenge to ourselves is: How well are we constructing the way of the Lord, who is the light to the world? Are we removing all the obstacles to the light to reach us? What are these obstacles that block Christ the light?

It is our sins that we may not recognize or we refuse to get rid of.

For us to make the way of the Lord, we must re-examine our heart, repent, and make new clean heart. That is why the liturgical color for Advent (except for the Gaudete Sunday, which is the Third Sunday of Advent) is purple, as it is during the Lenten season.

Let us make sure that the way of the Lord we make has the best light conductivity, as we remove our sins!