Sunday, June 7, 2020

Perfect Love - Trinity: Unity of the Lover, the Beloved, and the Dynamism of Love

Trinity is about Love, because God is Love. If God were not Love, there would not be Trinity.


Because for Love to exist, there have to be both the Lover and the Beloved - the one who loves and the one who is loved.  So, the Father is the Lover, and the Son is the Beloved. And, the Holy Spirit is the very dynamism of the Love between the Father, the Lover, and the Son, the Beloved.

The Love between the Father, the Lover, and the Son, the Beloved, works, in a way,  like the Newton’s Third Law: force and its counterforce between the two objects. But the force and the counterforce between the Father and the Son works more like Newton’s Law of the Universal Gravity: Two objects attracting each other. And the Holy Spirit is the dynamism of the Love of the Lover applied to the Son, the Beloved, attracting each other stronger and stronger to keep the two as one in perfect unity.

The Father, the Lover, applied the dynamism of His Love to His Son, His Beloved. In return, the Son applied this Love back to the Father, the Lover. Being affected by the Father’s Love, the Son is not only the Beloved but is another Lover. And, there is always this dynamism of Love between the Father, the Lover, and the Son, the Beloved.

And, One God plays all these three: the Father, the Lover, the Son, the Beloved, and the Holy Spirit, the dynamism of the Love, because God is Love, after all.

The dynamism of the Love, the Holy Spirit, cannot be contained between the Father, the Lover, and the Son, the Beloved. This dynamism is too powerful to be in contained. That is why the Trinity is expanding with its dynamism, the Holy Spirit. This dynamism, the Holy Spirit is the life force from the Father to His Beloved Son. But, this life force dynamism has also been sent to us, because we are also God’s beloved, for being made in His image.

We are not a mere object of the Lover’s Love. We have been given this life force, the Holy Spirit, the very dynamism keeping the Father and the Son as One, hypostatic homoousios (John 10:30). We have given this through the breath of the Father, the Lover as His beloved (Genesis 2:7), and the Son, the Beloved, also has applied this life-giving dynamism on us to keep our souls alive through his breath (John 20:22) so that we can receive the same dynamism with much greater forces on Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4).

This way, through the Holy Spirit, the very dynamism of Love, sent by the Father, the Lover, to the Son, the Beloved first, and sent back to the Father by the Son, growing stronger as set back and force to gravitate each other to keep them as One, has been sent first by the Father in His breath and then by His Son’s breath, and now also as much forceful dynamism on Pentecost to make us as One  Body of the Son, the Beloved (1 Corinthians 12:13), as this Love’s desire to unite us to the Triune God (John 14:20; 17:21).

Because we are empowered by this dynamism of Love, the Holy Spirit, and now accompanied and guided with wisdom as another Parakletos (John 14:16, 26), we go further expand the sphere of this Trinitarian Love with this dynamism of Love, the Holy Spirit to make disciples of all nations, first by baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19) to establish the Kingdom of God, who is Love the Triune. 

Where there is One living God, who plays the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, there is always this dynamism of Love, as sung in Ubi Caritas: Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.  As Pope Benedict XVI has said in his 2005 encyclical, Deus Caritas Est, in reflecting 1 John 4, where God is agape,  Our One God is not only caritas (agape) but also amor (eros). And the Holy Spirit’s dynamism reflects both caritas (agape) and amor (eros) caritas (agape) but also amor (eros) (i.e. Song of Songs 1:1-4), in addition to philia (i.e. Romans 8:29; Hebrews 2:11). But, all of these aspect of God, who is Love is derived from chesed , which is reflected in all verses of Psalm 136.

And this life-giving dynamism of Love, the Holy Spirit enabled Mary the Immaculate Virgin to bring the Son to this word in the human flesh of Jesus (Matthew 1:18; Luke 1:35), so that incarnated Logos-Theos can dwell among us as the Father’s co-Beloved (John 1:1-14), as our Parakletos in flesh (1 John 2:1), and as our merciful and eternal High Priest (Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:6; 7:1-3). Then, upon Ascension of the Son, this life-giving dynamism has been poured with greater strengths upon us on Pentecost and stays with us as another Prakletos (John 14:16, 26) so that we are never left as orphans (John 14:8), because our Parakletos in flesh has promised us to be with us always until the end of time (Matthew 28:20). This way, we continue to be with the Son as One Body of Christ, born again of the Holy Spirit as the Father’s beloved and fellow beloved of His Beloved.

Because of Trinity, our One God is the perfect Love with full of life-giving force, and this force is eternal, eternal life, having conquering death with Resurrection in Paschal Mystery of the Son. And, thanks to the Father, who has sent the Son, and the Holy Spirit, to us, we have been benefactor of His Love and this dynamism of Love, giver of life, keeping us in this Love, represented with agape, eros, and philia.

As our One God is Triune, God is, indeed, omnipotent and omnipresent Love. 

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