Sunday, September 5, 2021

Seasonal Greetings in Japanese Style: Haiku  時候のご挨拶:処暑を特徴付ける昼の蝉と夜の蟋蟀の拙句

In Japan, we, especially among people of letters, exchange seasonal greetings in or with haiku. So, allow me to pretend to be a learned man and compose one, reflecting upon coming to a close of brief summer in Chicago.


蝉鳴けど 日が沈みては 蟋蟀や   仲田昌史

Vibrant chorus of cicadas   Gives its way to soothing chirping of crickets   After sunset       

By Masafumi Nakata


Early September, around Labor Day, it is when brief summer in Chicago is still hanging on but advent of autumn is also for certain. It is, indeed, a coexistence of summer and autumn, as summer reluctantly gives its way of dominance to autumn. In other words, this is in seasonal transition from summer into autumn. At this time of the year, this transition is felt in transition from daytime to evening time, as the former is represented with full-force chorus of cicadas, while the latter is characterized with soft chirping of crickets. The loudness of cicadas during day time still reflects the remaining summer heat. However, once the sun set, cool air comes in with gentle sound of crickets. As evening advances, the voice of crickets becomes clearer, assuring autumn coolness.


Though you may have endured dead heat summer period earlier for fully pumped up with spirit, there is an increased possibility to feel the accumulated fatigues from summer months as cool air begins to touch around this time. So, please do take a good care of yourself.

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