Saturday, November 29, 2014

End of Liturgical Year – Invoking the End of Time, Parousia, Christ the King

Today is the last day of the liturgical year – Year A. It means that today is the new year’s eve in the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church. It is the last day of getting things right to usher the new year – new liturgical year in tomorrow. In fact, the Gospel readings for the last 8 Sundays are more focused on preparation for the final day accounting – juxtaposing to the preparation for the end of time with the return of Christ, the parousia.

It is like this – at the 11th hour of this last day, Christ would return to judge us all, whether still living or already being dead. And, those who are judged to be worthy – those whose names are written in the Book of Life, are entering into the Kingdom of God, as prophesized. After that, the Gate of Heaven, which is narrow, will be closed forever. Jesus opened this gate, after being closed upon the Original Sin committed by Adam and Eve, with his redemptive blood from his Cross.

A liturgical year ends with the week of the 34th Sunday in Ordinary Time. This last Sunday of a liturgical year is also known as Christ the King Sunday (The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe), followed by a new liturgical year with its First Advent Sunday. 

As a liturgical year comes with cyclical nature, like the Chinese zodiac calendar system, when one liturgical year ends with the week of Christ the King (34th Sunday in Ordinary Time), a new liturgical year begins with the First Sunday of Advent.  While the Chinese zodiac calendar has a 12-yaer cycle, the Church’s liturgical calendar comes with a 3-year cycle.  This year, which is about the end, has been Year A. From next Sunday – the First Sunday of Advent, until next Christ the King Sunday, we will have Year B, followed by Year C, to return to another Year A, so that this 3-year liturgical calendar continues on.

Toward the Christ the King Sunday, toward the end of a liturgical year, Sunday Gospel readings are geared to prepare us for the end of time – the time of judgement contingent upon Christ’s return, Parousia.  
When Christ returns to judge the living and the dead and to betroth to the Church, which we make constitute, he will come, riding on a white horse. He is so majestic as the King of the universe, as prophesized in the Book of Daniel, and envisioned in the Book of Revelation.  

To prepare for the return of Christ the King for the heavenly banquet for the wedding of Christ and the Church, his army, angels, will defeat all the anti-Christ and imprison Satan, as written in the Book of Revelation.
 In a way, the Gospel readings for the last two Sundays – Matthew 25:14-30 (33rd Sunday) and 25:31-46 (34th Sunday – Christ the King) are about summing up what all these teachings of Jesus through the Gospel readings throughout the liturgical year are about. These two Sunday Gospel  narratives are also to direct us to conduct “spiritual auditing” to see how well we have practiced the teaching of Jesus – as in our works with the talents that God has givens us (Matthew 25:14-30) and how well we have practiced the  teaching of Jesus (i.e. “love your neighbor” – Matthew 22:39) (Matthew 25:31-46). 

These last two Sundays Gospel readings make it clear that only those who have utilized the gifts and talents from God wisely are entitled to the Kingdom of God. And, they are the ones, who practiced the teaching of Jesus well – especially in practicing his command of loving our neighbors. 

Like the talents given to the servants in Matthew 25:14-30, we need to put the teachings of Jesus in action, in a way to bear their fruits, multiplying.  As Matthew 25:31-46 suggests, putting teachings of Jesus throughout the liturgical year is about practicing works of mercy – putting love in action.

The very command of Jesus is to love our neighbors. And, this is a part of the twin command to love God. In other words, observing Jesus’ command to love one our neighbor reflects God’s command to love God wholeheartedly.  Not to mention, this is exemplified by the Good Samaritan.  Jesus’ new command, given during the Last Supper, “to love one another as Jesus has loved”, is also goes along with this. 

So, in this last Gospel reading for the liturgical year, Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus challenges us if we have practiced his command of loving our neighbor. And, our neighbor means someone in greater need –  a person we tend to ignore or pretend as if he or she did not exist.  Furthermore, in this Gospel narrative, Jesus indicates that such a neighbor in great need can be Jesus himself.

Remember, though Christ is the King of the Universe, his humble root is traced back to poverty.  He was born to poverty – though three wise men from the Orient seemed to know the majestic quality in the babe born into poverty. 

To those who have been using the talents and gifts from God wisely and well, and those who have been loving neighbors as in Matthew 25:35-37, will know that the savior, who was born into poverty, about 2,000 years ago in Bethlehem, has been the Good Shepherd, who has been leading and delivering us into the Kingdom of God. And, they will also know that he is the King of the Universe, who will return, riding on a white horse (Revelation 19:11). 

The first reading for the last day of this liturgical year is taken from the first seven verses of the very last chapter of the last book in the Bible, the Book of Revelation (Revelation 22:1-7).  In this narrative, you see a glimpse of the Kingdom of God, which is where the destination of Christ, the Good Shepherd delivers us through our spiritual Exodus. 

I hope that we all have done so well in utilizing the talents and gifts in practicing Jesus’ teaching, especially in loving our neighbors, so that we will enter into the Kingdom! Christ is returning to judge and take us into our destination of Exodus.

The Euro-American Tradition of Thanksgiving, Catholic Mass, and Exodus

The last Thursday of November has been the Thanksgiving national holiday in the United States since 1863, proclaimed by President Abraham Lincoln. They say that it is to commemorate the first Puritan settlers at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts, celebrating the first thanksgiving in North America in 1620. But, actually, the very first European settler’s thanksgiving celebration in North America was in St. Augustine, Florida, on September 8, 1565.

Those who celebrated the known first thanksgiving in North America in 1565 in St. Augustine, Florida,  were Spaniards settlers . Padre Francisco Lopez was the chaplain for the settlers from Spain, who celebrated the first thanksgiving Mass. The Mass was followed by the first thanksgiving communal meal shared with indigenous people in St. Augustine, using the food left from their voyage from Spain.

In the Christian context, the 1565 thanksgiving Mass followed by a communal meal in St. Augustine, Florida, by Padre Lopez and the Spanish settlers more fitting to the tone of what Thanksgiving should be, compared to the one in Plymouth Rock in 1620 by Puritans from England.  It is because the Mass that Padre Lopez celebrated upon the arrival of the first Spanish settlers, for the ultimate Christian Thanksgiving is built into Catholic Mass as in the Liturgy of the Eucharist. 

To the Catholics, every Mass is a Thanksgiving celebration because of the Eucharist, which literally means “thanksgiving”. Because the Liturgy of the Eucharist is the anamnesis of the Last Supper, at which Jesus took bread and gave thanks before breaking it to distribute to the Apostles at the supper table , proclaiming it to be his body (Matthew 26:26), echoing his self-identification as the bread of life (John 6:35,48), the bread from heaven (John 6:41), and the living bread from heaven to give eternal life (John 6:51). Therefore, the Eucharist offered during Catholic Mass is the real Thanksgiving communion for receiving the living bread of eternal life from heaven through the body and blood of Christ - Corporis et Sanguinis Christi.

The Eucharist, as Corporis et Sanguinis Christi, is the most powerful tangible form of grace, which we are so thankful for. That is why we give thanks to God the Father for this grace of heavenly living bread of eternal life. And, this thanksgiving is apex of Catholic Mass. 

At Mass, we thank God the Father, who has sent this tangible grace or the Eucharist, and the Son, who is Godself and this Eucharist. And, the Liturgy of the Eucharist during Mass reflects the Last Supper, the Passover Seder meal that Jesus shared with the Apostles on the night before he was betrayed and crucified to death. 

As a faithful Jewish man, celebrating Passover with Seder meal was in his desire before he die (Luke 22:15), because he will not eat this until he return in the fulfillment of the prophesy of the Kingdom of God (Luke 22:16). To the Jews, and to Jesus as a Jew, Passover Seder meal is an important ritualistic meal of thanksgiving to God for the deliverance from the Egyptian oppression, on the day of Unleavened Bread, the 14th day of Nisan.  Thus, there is a juxtaposition of Passover thanksgiving from the Last Supper to the Liturgy of the Eucharist in Catholic Mass, as well as Jesus himself thanking for the bread and wine before sharing with the Apostles, following the Passover meal at the Last Supper. 

Until he returns in the fulfillment of the Kingdom of God, we give thanks to God the Father and the Son, for the grace of the Eucharist – the heavenly bread of eternal life and the wine as the precious blood of Christ, which has purchased us for deliverance from the eternal condemnation, in the form of Corporis et Sanguinis Christi. – through the Liturgy of the Eucharist in Catholic Mass. When the deliverance from the condemnation is in fulfillment upon the final judgement, we are “delivered” or ushered into the Kingdom and sit at the heavenly banquet as referenced in Psalm 23:5 and prophesized in Revelation 19:9.  In this fulfillment, once again, Jesus the Christ will share the Passover meal with us all, thanking God for delivering us into the Kingdom safely. 

When Padre Lopez celebrated Mass, followed by the very first thanksgiving communal meal, in St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565, I am sure that he was thanking God for safely delivering the Spanish settlers, whom he accompanied on their voyage, to the New World – with anamnesis of Jesus and the Apostles thanking God for delivering their ancestors from Egypt into the land of milk and honey and Jesus thanking before sharing his body and blood to remember him in concluding the Last Supper.   

In fact, God’s deliverance of the Jews from Egyptian oppression into the Promised Land of milk and honey (Exodus 33:3), Exodus, is what the Jews always refer back to in their Thanksgiving with first-born-son consecration in Exodus 13:1-16 and with harvested crops Exodus 23:14-17 (Bikkurim ) and Deuteronomy 16:9-12 (Shavuot). 

Padre Lopez and the early Spanish settlers landed in St. Augustine in 1565 were delivered safely into the New World. They did not wonder deserts. They did not cross the Red Sea. But, they crossed the Atlantic Ocean in search of their own “land of milk and honey” in the New World. Upon their arrival, they were thankful to God for this deliverance. 

Now, as the end of this liturgical year nears its end, our focus is on God’s deliverance into the ultimate promised land: the Kingdom of God. This deliverance journey we are on is our ultimate Exodus. It means that this journey comes with trials to wipe out sins and their effects so that only those who are cleansed are entitled to be delivered into the Kingdom. Upon our arrival, as described in Revelation 22, we are free to harvest fruits in this land of abundance. In the Kingdom, our ultimate land of milk and honey, with abundant harvest, we shall celebrate our ultimate Thanksgiving with grand feast, with Christ, our Shepherd of deliverance.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving - Zen, Psalm, St. Ignatius of Loyola

Thanksgiving is about focusing on what we are actually grateful more grateful attention to what we tend to take for granted. If we are to live more mindfully, as Zen spirituality and the Ignatian spirituality teach, then, we would not have to have make a "Thanksgiving" holiday, as everyday is a day of thanksgiving. To those who believe in God, thanksgiving also means praising the Lord.

In giving thanks and praising the Lord, we become less wanting - less greedy.

The Zen wisdom, "吾唯知足" (ceasing my desire to have more), which literally means "I only know I am satisfied/content", has been well know in China and Japan. And, this Eastern wisdom match the Biblical wisdom in Psalm 23:1, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want" and echoed in St.Paul's writing in 2 Corinthians 12:9 and further in St. Ignatius of Loyola's Suscipe prayer.

People spend billions and billions for tranquilizer in dealing with anxieties and depression. But, if we make everyday a day of thanksgiving, acknowledging 吾唯知足, which is Zen way of what St. Ignatius of Loyola prays "Suscipe", then, more and more people can live with less anxiety and depression - less money spent for medication. As our gratitude increases, so is faith, according to Jesus in Luke 17:11-19, which is the Gospel reading for Thanksgiving Day Mass.

Clinical psychology affirms the Zen and Ignatian spiritual wisdom of knowing what we have enough, thanking the Lord, and praising the Lord for what He has given us, as below review article show.

"Receive, O Lord, all my liberty. Take my memory, my understanding, and my entire will. Whatsoever I have or hold, You have given me; I give it all back to You and surrender it wholly to be governed by your will. Give me only your love and your grace, and I am rich enough and ask for nothing more." Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola 234 - "Suscipe"

Happy Thankskgiving.

Friday, November 21, 2014



































