Saturday, August 19, 2017

A Case Study of Two Types of Faith: Peter’s Faith and Canaanite Woman’s Faith

As we move from the 19th Sunday to the 20th Sunday on Cycle A, it is helpful for us to compare and contrast Peter's faith in the 19th Sunday Gospel story and the Canaanite woman's faith in the 20th Sunday Gospel story to assess and reassess your faith.  This is a good mid-term faith check, as we have passed the middle point of this liturgical year. 

Comparing the Gospel narratives of Matthew 14:22-33 (the Gospel reading for the 19th Sunday A) and that of 15:21-28 (the Gospel reading for the 20th Sunday A), what is a lesson that we can learn from?  With this question in mind, reading these Gospel stories, a contrast can be drawn between Peter’s faith and Canaanite woman’s faith.   In Matthew 14:22-33, Peter’s weak faith resulted in fear and sinking in the water. In response, Jesus saved him from drowning but rebuked him for his puny faith.  On the other hand, in Matthew 15:21-28, Jesus commended the Canaanite woman’s faith, as she demonstrated to him that nothing can compromise her faith in him.  She did not let the Israelites-Gentiles ethnic division become an obstacle to her faith.

Peter, in spite of his privilege not only to be an Israelite but also one of the first disciples, was not able to demonstrate strong faith.  In contrast, although she is a Gentile, being considered as rather spiritually unclean and perhaps inferior, compared to the Israelites, the Canaanite woman impressed Jesus with her faith.

O you of little faith, why did you doubt? (Matthew 14:31) These words of Jesus to Peter sum up Peter’s faith.  In contrast, the Canaanite woman’s faith is characterized by these words of Jesus: O woman, great is your faith! (Matthew 15:28).

What about you? How is your faith? Is your faith more aligned to the Canaanite woman’s or are you more like Peter? Is your faith often compromised by fear? Does fear shrink your faith? Does your faith enable you to remain resolved and keep your conviction? 

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