Monday, December 31, 2018

Let Mary Guide Us Enter into and Journey with Her Son, Jesus Christ!

As we begin a new year in honoring Mary as the Theotokos, let her help us grow in our intimacy with her beloved son, the Son of God, Jesus, throughout the year. 



While we begin a liturgical year on the First Sunday of Advent, we celebrate Mary as the Mother of God (Theotokos) as we complete Christmas Octave. What a nice way to honor the Theotokos, as we let a new year roll in, because Mary is not only the mother of Jesus but also our mother, as Jesus declared her also ours (John 19:27). As this Marian feast follows the feast Sunday of the Holy Family, celebrating Mary brings a great joy that we are in the Holy Family, thanks to Jesus sharing his mother, Mary, with us.

It is also important to note that Mary is essential to understand Jesus, her son, the Son of God, the living Christ. It is because Mary enjoys her unique object relation with Jesus. In juxtaposing Jesus’ unique object relation with the Father in heaven (i.e. John 10:30) to his another unique object relation with his mother, Mary, we can come to deepen our Christological appreciation.  In honoring Mary as the Theolokos as we begin a new year, let us start our journey with Christ, as Mary did. For this, let us enter into the life of Christ through Mary’s life, because her life was for him.

As reflectively guided by the Holy Rosary and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, for example, we can deeply meditate on the Paschal Mystery in the life of Jesus through the life of Mary. It is because Mary was made glatia plena already when she was conceived, as God had already chosen her to serve Him as the Theotokos, God-bearer, mother of God. It means that Mary’s ontological reason was solely grounded in Christ the Son in Trinity so that all the Old Testament Messianic prophecies are fulfilled for us.  Who else among the humans, besides Mary, knows the life of Jesus?  Upon the Annunciation, Mary began to carry the earthly life of Jesus in her womb, and gave birth to him in the fullness of time. Together with her chaste and faithful husband, Joseph, Mary, as the mother of Jesus, took a good care of him, as he grew up to become a strong and wise young man in Nazareth.

Without Mary, the Logos-Theos (John 1:1) could have not become flesh to dwell among us (John 1:14).  For the Logos-Theos to become the human flesh of Jesus in her womb, by the power of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:38; Luke 1:35), God made Mary glatia plena, the Immaculata Conceitio Beatae Virginis, as Bl. John Duns Scott and Pope Pius IX have theologically explained.  Because of this, Mary is an integral part of Christology. In other words, we cannot understand Christology, Christ himself, without understanding Mary as the Theotokos.

From her conception on, Mary’s ontological reason has been solely to serve God as the Theotokos. Otherwise, why God had to keep Mary without any trace of the Original Sin? Because she said “Yes” to the Will of God (Luke 1:38), Mary served fully her ontological reason to be the Immaculata Conceptio. And, this is for our salvation.

When Jesus was conceived, it was in the womb of the blessed virgin, Mary, who was the Immaculata Conceptio, gratia plena.  It was Mary, of whom Jesus was born to this world (Luke 2:7).  It was Mary’s breast milk that baby Jesus enjoyed in growing healthy and strong during his infancy. It was Mary, with whom Jesus developed secure mother-child attachment, though he has been in one with the Father (John 10:30) ever since before the Creation as wisdom (Proverbs 8:22-31) and as the Logos-Theos (John 1:1).  Mary, as his mother, was with him when Jesus was circumcised and given name, Jesus, as Angel Gabriel told her (Luke 2:21).  She was also with him, when Simeon prophesized of Jesus as the Messiah and her suffering because of the Messianic quality of her son (Luke 2:29-32, 34-35). She was the one who expressed how great her anxieties were while he was missing when he was found in the Temple (Luke 2:48). 

It was also Mary, who prompted Jesus’ first miracle (John 2:1-12). Mary was with her son, Jesus, at the foot of the Cross, when he was Crucified and died (John 19:25) and held his corpse in sorrow, as reflected in Michelangelo’s Pieta.  Before he took his last breath, Jesus proclaimed that Mary is also our mother (John 19:27), alluding that we are his brothers in his Holy Family, also reflected in Galatians 4:4-7 (the Second Reading for the Feast of Mary the Mother of God).

It was also Mary, whom Jesus came to see upon his Resurrection, as St. John Paul II implicated in his May 21, 1997, address to the general audience, also as meditgated in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, #218-225, 299, and celebrated in the Filipino Catholic tradition of Salubong. Therefore, only Mary, the Theotokos, has journeyed the whole life of Jesus, the life of Christ on earth, the whole Paschal Mystery, in his life.

Mary, the Theotokos, help us enter deeply into the life of your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as you are always with her and as you know the way to him, who is the way to the  Father.

May our journey with Christ through Mary make our life more meaningful this year. 

Sunday, December 30, 2018











つまり、キリストは天地創造以前からずっと父なる神と一体的に共存しているわけなのです。そして、今から2、000年ほど前、父なる神は、マリアを穢れ無き人間として特別な恵みで満たし(gratia plena)、乙女となった処女マリアに聖霊を注ぎ込み、ロゴス、λόγος、であり、また、コクマウ、חָכְמָה、でもあるキリストを人間の肉体でこの世にイエスという人間で降臨させたのです。勿論、その目的は、私達との深い交わりを通してアダムとイブが犯した原罪以来、穢れている私達を救う為なんです。



天地創造よりも遥か前から存在していたキリストはイエスという生身の人間の姿で穢れ無きマリアを母とし、この世の私達と交わる為に降臨しましたが、その時、イエスがメシアであるこを理解できる人は殆どいませんでした。このことについて、“あなたはクリスマスを本当に知っているでしょうか? クリスマスと最後の審判“という12月27付の記事でも触れました。このことは、イエスの父なる神との関係そのものを意味する人間の姿の裏にある本性について、イエスを身篭り、生み出した、母であるマリアですらなかなか理解できなかったということをルカ2:41-52は私達に語っているともいえるのです。



Thursday, December 27, 2018

あなたはクリスマスを本当に知っているでしょうか? クリスマスと最後の審判


















どうやら、私達は神、メシア、を自分たちの都合や欲望により勝手にイメージしてしまう傾向があるようです。だから、本当のメシアの降臨、存在に対し、寧ろ、無頓着、無関心、無知なのではないでしょうか? 聖書を読んだから、とか、洗礼を受け、教理も勉強して、ちゃんと教会に通っているから、自分は信者でない人と違って神、メシア、キリスト、を理解している、と断言する人程、注意が必要でしょう。なぜならば、当時、イエスの迫害の音頭とりをしていたのが敬虔であることを非常に誇りに思う宗教指導者達でしたから。

クリスマスは12月25日といわれていますが、一日限りのお祝いではありません。25日から元旦にかけての8日間をChristmas Octaveと言い、伝統的に1月6日とされる公現祭までの間を指します。典礼的にはこれに続く主日、主の洗礼、を祝う主日、までの間をクリスマスとします。ラテンアメリカでは、マリアがイエスを産んだとされる12月25日から40日たった2月1日までの間をクリスマスと考え、2月2日にLa Fiesta de la Candelariaというお祭りをしてクリスマスの締めくくりをします。つまり、クリスマスとは12月25日という日に始まり、初八日、そして、1月6日の公現祭、その後に続く主の洗礼の祝日、更に、2月2日のマリアの清め期間が終わり、イエスは寺院で神に奉献されたことを記念する祝日まで、続くものだといえますので、これからしばらくじっくりと瞑想しながらイエスというメシアの降臨の意味を考えてみるとよろしいと思います。その際、大切なのは、どうしてあのような形で、羊飼い、三賢人、シメオンやアンナ、のようなごく一部の人意外だれも気がつかないような形で降臨したのかということを考えねばなりません。













Tuesday, December 25, 2018

What If Jesus Were Born in Chicago Today?! - Would You Recognize?

Imagine, if the Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament were fulfilled today in Chicago, Illinois, rather than in Bethlehem, Judea, about 2,000 years ago.

Where exactly in Chicago could you find newborn Jesus, then?

Michigan Avenue, where all the nice tree lightings and upscale stores and hotels are?  At the Holy Name Cathedral, just a few blocks away from the Michigan Avenue? Or, in that big Nativity Scene in the Daley Plaza? Even the Archbishop Cardinal Cupich gave a blessing to that Nativity Scene...

If this is how you think, I am afraid that you may be missing the true spirit of Christmas. If that is the case, what you think as "Christmas" may not be what Christmas really is about. If your sense of Christmas is hijacked by materialism or hedonism or both, you are like to to seek the babe in such places.

In order not to lose our sight on true Christmas, we need to remember what the Sacred Scripture describes of the Nativity.

According to the Scripture, in particular, the Gospel according to Luke, how did the Nativity of the Lord happen?

Mary and Joseph were on their way to Bethlehem for their census registry in the hometown of Joseph, as ordered by Caesar Augustus. When they were coming near Bethlehem, suddenly, Mary started having labor pain. Yes, it's a real medical emergency! 

You would either call 911 or drive your wife to nearest hospital in rush. But, Joseph did not have a car. No 911 service at that time in Palestine. So, they had no choice but ask around to see who would let them in. They asked around and around, while Mary's labor pain was multiplying and amniorrhexis was so imminent! But, they did not find a place yet. Imagine what was going through the minds of Mary and Joseph at that time. Then, they find a stable that they could get in, and it was where Mary gave birth to Jesus, while farm animals were watching.

Joseph served as a midwife in delivering Jesus. As he came out of Mary's body, newborn Jesus was wrapped in swaddling clothe and placed in a manger.

Who in the world would wrap in rag and put in a manger?! But, it was best Mary and Joseph could do in such an emergency circumstance.

With this Lucan Gospel narrative on the Nativity, imagine, again, Mary and Joseph going on North Michigan Avenue's "Magnificent Mile", from near Drake Hotel, heading south, toward where Michigan Avenue crosses Wacker Drive.

Yes, it is so nice to go through this beautifully lighted focus street. Then, Mary started experiencing labor pain.

When this happened, Mary and Joseph were near Northwestern Memorial Hospital. So, they rushed to its ER, though Joseph had no insurance.

The hospital could not take Mary in as the ER was more than its full capacity.
Mary and Joseph had to find another place.

Neither Mary nor Joseph had a cell phone. They were too poor to have a cell phone service. There was no longer a pay phone on street. Many people passing by but none seemed to care about this couple.

Mary could just scream to get attention from the aloof public to have someone call 911. But, she just remained quiet, trusting God's care. She also told Joseph not to bother anyone as they seemed too busy with their own businesses.

Since there are many hotels on and near the Michigan Avenue, they tried them all. But, none could offered a room for them to give birth. Perhaps, it was because they did not look "nice" enough to be accommodated to these hotels in this upscale area of Chicago.

So, where did Mary and Joseph go?

They came near the intersection with Wacker Drive. Since Wacker Drive goes along the Chicago River, which faced the Lake Michigan, strong chilly winds from the Lake were hitting them relentlessly. We know, it would increase the risk of miscarriage. So, they decided to go down to Lower Wacker Drive, where Mary's body with Jesus in her womb could be shielded from the brutally cold winds blowing from the Lake. However,  Lower Wacker Drive was not a pleasant place as it smelled like sewer and garbage. It is also where many homeless people huddled in their efforts to stay warm.

It was in this stinky place on Lower Wacker Drive, Mary and Joseph found a little space with enough privacy for Mary to give birth. Thus, Mary gave birth to Jesus there on Lower Wacker Drive in Chicago.

No tree lightening there. There were garbage dumpsters. Behind them, homeless people were keeping warmth. Some burning trash to generate some heat.

Then, an angel appeared to the homeless people behind the dumpsters and announced the good news of the birth of the Messiah, saying, “Do not be afraid! I am bringing you good news of great joy for all the people:  to you is born this day in the city, a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign for you: you will find a child wrapped in bands of cloth and lying in a manger.” Then, all the sudden, a bunch of the heavenly angels, praising God, saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors!”

In response, the homeless folks said to one another, “Let us go now and see this thing that has taken place, which the Lord has made known to us!” So, they went in hurry and found Mary and Joseph with the babe wrapped in a rag, placed on a dirty pizza box.

In witnessing the theophany in such a place, the homeless people, singing Te Deum in exaltation. 

While this event was happening in a place on the Lower Wacker Drive, many people were walking on Michigan Avenue with many bags filled with expensive goods, many cars were passing on the Wacker Drive.

How many people in this third largest city in the United States would notice this event?

Do you feel that this story has no point at all? Or, do you see where this story is leading, in light of the original Nativity story in Luke's Gospel?

To appreciate this story, let us ponder why God chose to make Himself visible to us not only in the human flesh of Jesus but through such a nativity story in poverty?

If you are still looking for the God incarnate in where all these Christmas lights are...even where these Nativity scenes are..., you are not getting the true spirit of Christmas but "commercialized" Christmas.

Has Christmas prompted you to be drawn closer to those who have been marginalized and treated as if invisible with genuine σπλάγχνα (splagchnon), רחמ (racham), as Jesus felt for the poor and as the Father felt for the ענוים (anawim). If yes, you can truly find Christmas joy even in a place like Lower Wacker Drive, among the homeless huddling there for warmth.

"Be careful not to let yourselves become occupied with too much feasting and drinking and with the worries of this life, or that Day may suddenly catch you like a trap. For it will come upon all people everywhere on earth. Be on watch and pray always that you will have the strength to go safely through all those things that will happen and to stand before the Son of Man."  Luke 21:34-36

Jesus was born to us as an עָנָו (anav) so that we can stand before him when his salvific mission is consummated.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Let Us Not Confine Christmas on December 25! Felicem Nativitatem Christi Semper!

Christmas can be any day, just as the Lord can come to us any time until the eschaton. Why do we confine this laeta dies on December 25?!

Wherever the Latin Church, namely, the Roman Catholic Church, has influenced, the 25th day of December has been known as Christmas, the day of Chris’ birth in Bethlehem. So it has been incorporated in the liturgical calendar of the Latin Church and all other churches that branched out of it, including many Protestant churches. The truth is, nobody really knows for sure exactly when Christ was born.  There is no biblical description about the date on Christ’s birth. The only biblical note to suggest when Christ may have been born was found in Luke’s Gospel, indicating that it was during Caesar Augustus’ reign and when Quirinius was Roman governor of Syria (Luke 2:1-2). No pin-pointed day in the Jewish calendar. Not in the manner how the Torah tells the dates of Jewish festivals. In fact, Mark’s Gospel has no mentioning about the birth of Christ at all.

In fact, there was no Christmas celebration until the 4th century – until the Romanization of the Church, because December 25th was made into Christmas by the Roman Empire, assigning the birthday of Christ on the feast day of the Roman god of the sun, Sol Invictus, which means “invincible sun”.  Therefore, celebrating Christmas on December 25 reminds us of its pagan background, the Roman celebration of Sol Invictus feast.  Obliviously, the Orthodox Churches do not celebrate Christmas on December 25.

The truth is, nobody really knows for sure when Christ was born – when Christ came to this world in flesh, except that it was when Caesar Augustus ruled the Roman Empire, and everyone in the empire was required to register for the census by an imperial decree (Luke 2:1-3).

So, when really was the real Christmas – real date when Christ was born of Mary the Virgin?

Given that no exact date for this event was given in any canonical book in the Bible, it is better not to be so obsessed about historical date. Rather, we should really focus on the theological, soteriological, and spiritual significance of Christmas, regardless of its exact date in history. Perhaps, nobody knows the exact historical date of real Christmas because the world was not really prepared for it. That is why there no historical record of it. Those who were present at the birth of Christ were the shepherds, who happened to stay awake in keeping the night watch over their sheep, besides Mary and Joseph (Luke 2:8-20).

The birth of Christ – Christmas – had been prophesized at least, 700 years before the birth of Christ, way back in the time of Isaiah (Isaiah 7:10-14, the First Reading for December 20) and Micah (Micah  5:1-4, the First Reading for the 4th Sunday of Advent, C). Some even argue that the prophecy of the birth of Christ can be traced all the way to Genesis 3:15, and this is based on a soteriological perspective. Nevertheless, nobody but Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds, witnessed the birth of Christ. And, no written record was found on this significant event in the salvation history.

Before we even say “Merry Christmas”, we must reflect on this – we do not have exact date on the birth of Christ because the world was asleep when it occurred. The Romans were known as good record keeper. Thus, if the world, which was the Roman Empire at that time, were awake, then, the Bible sure has the exact date of Christmas. And it may not be necessarily December 25.

Spiritually, an important lesson that we should take from this problem is that we are not sure about the birthday of our Savior, the Messiah, the Christ, because we slept over when he was born – when God appeared in the human flesh of Jesus. For this reason, we start Advent liturgical season on the First Sunday of Advent, emphasizing on our need to stay awake and keep our vigilance, characterized with these New Testament Greek words: ἀγρυπνέω(agrupneo) and γρηγορέω(gregoreo). The former suggests the state of being awake and attentive, while the latter reflects the state of vigilance. In fact, these Greek words are used for our readiness for Christ’s return, Parousia, at the eschaton. This means that Advent is like how we actually prepare ourselves for the Parousia, as Jesus himself has taught us.

To help us be ready for his Parousia, which can be at any moment, though it is often believed to be at the eschaton, Jesus has taught us to be vigilant for the sings is coming and be in the state of grace, so that we do not have to be like foolish maidens in Matthew 25:1-13, be like the wicked coward servant in Matthew 25:14-30, and be like the goats in Matthew 25:31-46. In fact, the way John the Baptist preached to prepare the world become ready for the public theophany of Christ reflects the way Jesus has prepared us for his Parousia. That is why the Gospel reading for the First Sunday of Advent focus on our need to be awake and be vigilant, followed by the Gospel reflections on how John the Baptist prepared the world to stand ready to face Christ in his action for the Second Sunday of Advent and the Third Sunday of Advent.

Certainly, Christmas itself is about how the Old Testament prophecies on the coming of the Messiah through the Davidic royal lineage were fulfilled (i.e. Isaiah7:14–16; 9:1–7; 11:1–16; Jeremiah 23:5-6; Micah 5:2), as the Logos-Theos became the human flesh of Jesus to dwell among us (John 1:1, 14), and as Mary the Virgin, who is gratia plena (Luke 1:30), was impregnated by the power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:35; Matthew 1:18, 20) and gave birth to the Son of God. However, spiritual and theological implications of  Christmas challenge us to be ready for the adventus of Christ all the time. Therefore, the real Christmas, in a soteriological sense, must be anytime from now to the eschaton. For this reason, we need to go beyond the Latin Church’s calendar in remaining ready to welcome Christ in us.

Christ comes whenever the Father in heaven wills. We need to respond as Mary, who said, “Here I am, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word”(Luke 1:38), did, when Christ comes to us, whether he comes in a visible and tangible form or in glory.

The historical Christmas already took place about 2,000 years ago in Bethlehem, as the invisible God made His first theophany in the human flesh of Jesus in Bethlehem. Then, as instituted by Jesus at the Last Supper (Matthew 26:26-29//Mark 14:23-25//Luke 22:14-20), taught in his Bread of Life discourse (John 6:25-58), and promised before his Ascension (Matthew 28:20), Christmas, as the adventus of Christ, can be experienced through the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist at Mass until the Parousia at the eschaton. Finally, the last Christmas – the Parousia at the eschaton – will take place in glory (Revelation 19:11-21). Thus, Christmas is a strain of events, starting with God’s first theophany in infant Jesus placed on manger, about 2,000 years ago, in fulfilling the Old Testament Messianic prophesies, continuing throughout the Church history during the Eucharistic celebration at Mass, and will consummate with the Parousia at the eschaton.

If we are looking for the true Christmas? Then, look for the presence of Christ, even while he is still hidden. As we let ourselves be filled with the Holy Spirit, we sure can cultivate the spiritual vision like Elizabeth, who recognized, experienced and rejoiced over the real presence of Christ, while he was still hidden inside the womb of Mary, who visited her, as Fr. Paul Waldorf of St. Gregory the Great parish in Chicago, implicated in his Advent homily on Luke 1:39-45. We can certain  rejoice over our experience of Christmas any time we receive the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and engage in the Eucharistic adoration, until the Parousia. 

Let us not confine true Christmas on December 25, as the Romans did back in the 4th century.  Christ comes to us as we come to receive and adore the Holy Eucharist, thanks to the Holy Spirit, whom Christ called another Parakletos (John 14:16), until the Parousia. To the faithful who joyfully receive Christ in the Eucharist, Christ is born in them anew so that they can be sent on their apostolic mission, with the sending command of "Ite Missa est!", echoing Jesus' commissioning words, "Euntes ergo docete omnes gentes : baptizantes eos in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti!" (Matthew 28:19). As we remain to be apostolic, we are rejoicing over Christmas everyday and reaching out to share Evengelii Gaudium, as in Pope Francis' 2013 Apostolic Exhortation.

Merry Christmas, always! Feliciem Nativitatem Christi Semper! 










Merry Christmas! & Happy New Year!

Friday, December 14, 2018

On Advent "Exodus" Journey into the "Post-Exilic" New Order with Christ

Like Lent, Advent is a season of preparation. While Lent prepares us to journey with Christ through the climax of his Paschal Mystery to welcome the risen Christ in our heart, Advent prepares us to welcome the very first theophany, in which God, who is Logos, is in the human flesh of baby Jesus, born of Mary the Immaculate Blessed Virgin.

In order to prepare for the adventus (arrival) of Christ, we go through nearly 4 weeks of journey, with 4 Sundays to punctuate. The Advent journey begins when we start a liturgical year, with the First Sunday of Advent.

The first week of Advent is a wake-up call, to arouse our soul from the slumber of worldly influences so that we can be vigilant in preparing ourselves for the adventus of Christ, as it is becoming imminent as the Advent season advances.

In order to become spiritually awake, open our eyes of faith, and to stay vigilant throughout the Advent season and the entire liturgical year, we reflect how Jesus has taught us to prepare for his return, on the First Sunday of Advent and during the first week, juxtaposing our actual preparation for the Parousia and the feast of the Nativity of the Lord.

Reading mostly from so-called the Book of Consolation of the Deutero Isaiah, the second week of Advent reflects the imminence of the adventus of God’s salvific promise, specifically juxtaposing the adventus of Christ to the adventus of God’s delivery of His beloved people out of the Babylonian Exile. The adventus of Christ in the early first century was to deliver us from the state of sins, reflecting how God delivered the Israelites from the slavery in Egypt and from the exile in Babylon. Then, we have been preparing ourselves, in reality, for the return of Christ, Parousia, so that God’s grand salvific scheme will consummated as envisioned in Revelation 19-22.
Recognizing God’s salvific act is imminent during the second week of Advent, our guilt and lamentation of consequences of our sins give their way to new hope, which continues to grow in anticipated joy. This is how we move from the second week of Advent into the third week of Advent, which begins with Gaudete Sunday (the Third Sunday of Advent).

Rejoicing in anticipation of the imminence of God’s salvific plan’s execution, namely, the adventus of Christ, we kick into the second and last part of the Advent journey on Gaudete Sunday. In this part of the Advent, the Christmas novenas of Las Posada in the Mexican Catholic tradition and of Simbang Gabi in the Filipino Catholic tradition are taking place to highlight our preparation for the adventus of Christ, from December 16 until Christmas Eve. This is also we hear Christmas caroling more intensely, and we sing “O Antiphones” from December 17 through 23, as follows:

O Sapientia (O Wisdom) – Sirach 24; Proverbs 8 - December 17
O Adonai (O Lord) – Exodus 3:14  - December 18
O Radix Jesse (O Root of Jesse) – Isaiah 11:1 -  December 19
O Clavis David (O Key of David) –  Isaiah 22:22 -  December 20
O Oriens (O Dayspring) – Jeremiah 23:5 - December 21
O Rex Gentium (O King of the Nations)  -  Jeremiah 10:7  - December 22
O Emmanuel (O With Us is God) – Isaiah 7:14  - December 23

What follow each “O” is seven names of Christ found in the Old Testament. From Sapientia before the Creation (Proverbs 8:22-25) to Emmanuel to be seen in the eyes of faith (Isaiah 7:14, 8:8; Matthew 1:23), we reflect gradual nearness of Christ, while reflecting various names of Christ.

Theophany is at hand!  The Kingdom of God is at hand! The nearness of the Lord is like the down, when the sunrise is very near. And, Christ, who is coming and arriving soon, is the light (John 8:12), breaking the darkness of this sin-plagued darkness. Now, are we fully awake and vigilantly watching for signs of his arrival?

After all, our Advent journey is an exodus from an old worldly order to the new order of the Good News of the Messiah. It is also to journey to be ushered into our “post-exilic” era to return to God’s intimate fold, namely, the Kingdom of God.  For the first two weeks, we might have journeyed slow, as we were waking up and the path was very dark. But, for the second part of the journey, we pick up the pace and go faster, as we recognize and follow the increasing light, while it becomes easier for us to see our path.  As the sky become gradually brighter upon dawn, our path to witness the adventus of Christ also becomes progressively brighter, as days draw closer to Christmas Day – as we advance further into the second part of the Advent journey, reflected in Misa de Gallo, which influenced Simbang Gabi. 

Repent to spell out the darkness of sins our of our hearts so that we can rejoice over the adventus of Christ with nothing to hold us back, with nothing to cloud the light of his adventus !

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, Immaculate Conception, and the Annunciation, for Advent Season Reflections

Have you noticed that the Gospel reading for Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (December 8) and the Gospel reading for the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe (December 12) are the same, both taken from Luke 1:26-38 for the USCCB jurisdiction? Not to mention, this Lucan Gospel narrative is also for the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord (March 25). 

What holds both the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe is the event of the Annunciation of Mary’s pregnancy with the Son of God.

The Annunciation came out of the blue and hit Mary by surprise. She was disturbed by Gabriel announcing that she is full of grace (she is God’s favored one) and wondered what sort of greeting this might be (Luke 1:28-29). Then, sensing Mary’s troubled reaction, Gabriel assured her not to be afraid because God chose her to be in favor with Him to conceive His Son, named Jesus, in her womb (Luke 1:30-31).  Then, Gabriel explained that the Son in her womb would grow to serve as the King of the Kingdom with no end, with the Davidic lineage (Luke 1:32-33). However, Mary seemed clueless about what this messenger of God was speaking about. So, she uttered, in response, “How can this be, since I have no relations with a man?”(Luke 1:34).

Mary was wondering how she can become pregnant as she has not actually had a physical relation with Joseph, the man she was betrothed to. She was puzzled how a virgin could have a child of a man, whom she had has not even seen.

In response to Mary’s bewildering, Gabriel further explained that it is the power of God through the Holy Spirit makes it possible to impregnate her, a virgin, without any physical contact. The messenger of God also told her that the child to be born of her will be called Holy, the Son of God (Luke 1:35). Then, Mary was also informed that her elder cousin, Elizabeth, is now pregnant, though she had passed the childbearing age and had been barren (Luke 1:36).  Gabriel reasoned that all of these surprising phenomenon were made into the reality because nothing is impossible for God when He wills (Luke 1:37). Then, finally, Mary was able to settle the whole matter with these resolving words, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word”(Luke 1:38).
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Yes, it is about Mary, who is the Immaculate Conception, serving the will of God, as the handmaid of the Lord, when she appeared to San Juan Diego at the foot of the Tepeyac hill in 1531.  Just as God sent His greeting to Mary by surprise, Juan met her and was greeted by surprise.  She chose this peasant convert to do more for the will of the Lord, the expansion of His Kingdom in the land of paganism.  This was different from what the bishop was doing as his mission was brought by the conquistadors.  Mary, as Our Lady of Gudadalupe, said to Juan in the greeting:

Know for sure, my dearest, littlest, and youngest son, that I am the perfect and ever Virgin Holy Mary, Mother of the God of truth through Whom everything lives, the Lord of all things near us, the Lord of heaven and earth. I want very much to have a little house built here for me, in which I will show Him, I will exalt Him and make Him manifest. I will give Him to the people in all my personal love, in my compassion, in my help, in my protection: because I am truly your merciful Mother, yours and all the people who live united in this land and of all the other people of different ancestries, my lovers, who love me, those who seek me, those who trust in me. Here I will hear their weeping, their complaints and heal all their sorrows, hardships and sufferings. And to bring about what my compassionate and merciful concern is trying to achieve, you must go to the residence of the Bishop of Mexico and tell him that I sent you here to show him how strongly I wish him to build me a temple here on the plain; you will report to him exactly all you have seen, admired and what you have heard. Know for sure I will appreciate it very much, be grateful and will reward you. And you? You will deserve very much the reward I will give you for your fatigue, the work and trouble that my mission will cause you. Now my dearest son, you have heard my breath, my word; go now and put forth your best effort.

With the above words, Mary chose Juan Diego and commissioned him to be sent to his bishop, as her envoy, which means, her Son’s envoy, namely, as an apostle.

Just as Mary was to God and His Son, and her Son, Juan was also obedient to her. However, it was not always easy for him to do as Mary instructed him. Reminding him that she is also his mother, Mary encouraged him to trust in the way a little child trust his or her mother.

What is happening, dearest and youngest of my sons? Where are you going? Where are you headed?

Listen, put it into your heart, my youngest and dearest son, that the thing that disturbs you, the thing that afflicts you, is nothing. Do not let your countenance, your heart be disturbed. Do not fear this sickness of your uncle or any other sickness, nor anything that is sharp or hurtful. Am I not here, I, who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not the source of your joy? Are you not in the hollow of my mantle, in the crossing of my arms? Do you need anything more? Let nothing else worry you, disturb you. Do not let your uncle's illness worry you, because he will not die now. You may be certain that he is already well.

Go up, my dearest son, to the top of the hill, to where you saw me and received my directions and you will find different kinds of flowers. Cut them, gather them, put them all together, then come down here and bring them before me.

My youngest and dearest son, these different kinds of flowers are the proof, the sign that you will take to the Bishop. You will tell him from me that he is to see in them my desire, and therefore he is to carry out my wish, my will. And you, who are my messenger, in you I place my absolute trust. I strictly order you not to unfold your tilma or reveal its contents until you are in his presence. You will relate to him everything very carefully: how I sent you to the top of the hill to cut and gather flowers, all you saw and marveled at in order to convince the Governing Priest so that he will then do what lies within his responsibility so that my house of God which I requested will be made, will be built.

When his uncle became gravely ill, Juan chose to visit him to care for, rather than to meet Mary. To this, she called him to give her his complete trust because she is his mother.  

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The way San Juan Diego was to Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, in 1531, reflects the way Mary, a young virgin, was to God, as His handmaid. It is about obedience based on complete trust, called faith. Mary makes the perfect example of obedience because she is the Immaculate Conception, meaning that she is the only human being with no trace of the Original Sin, as she was conceived immaculately with God’s favor. This is why Mary is “gratia plena”. 

Though no other human being has been immaculately conceived, Juan Diego was a humble man. So, Mary chose him to serve her, as service to her means to serve the one, whom she serves as His handmaid.  

The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, in light of the Immaculate Conception and the Annunciation, not only reminds but rather inspires us to respond with obedience, rooted in our faith, when God calls us to a task of His will. And, this call may come through Mary, Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe.

There is salvific, as well as, apostolic reason for Mary to be the Immaculate Conception, gratia plena. Because of this, she served as the Theotokos, as Gabriel announced her by surprise.  Though it was rather challenging to her and brought her great suffering, Mary nevertheless carried through her mission as the Mother with her obedience. At the foot of the Cross, she was also made as our mother (Nuestra Madre, Nuestra Senora) (John 19:27).  Thus, nuestro hermano y amigo, San Juan Diego, has given us, the rest of Mary’s little children, a good example of serving Nuestra Madre, Nuestra Senora. The story of San Juan Diego and Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe also reminds us of her mercy and encouragement. God continues to let Mary serve Him as the Immaculate vehicle of His will to be done for the Kingdom in His Son’s name, besides in His name and in the name of the Holy Spirit.

Are we always prepared to meet the Lord through Mary to do His will?  Learning from Mary at the Annunciation and San Juan Diego in Tepeyac, our appreciate reading from the Lucan Gospel story of the Annunciation for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and the la Fiesta de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe during the Advent Season.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Immaculata Conceptio Mariae, Ora Pro Nobis!

A reflection of the Immaculate Conception - Gratia Plena for Christ, who came, is coming, and will come..

Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum.
Benedicta tu in mulieribus,
et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus.
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei,
ora pro nobis peccatoribus,nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.
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The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, December 8, is about how God’s grace has been affecting the humans through Mary.  It is to refresh our hope for salvation with Mary being gratia plena (full of grace) to conceive the Son of God so that the Logos-Theos (John 1:1) can makes his adventus in human flesh, namely, making theophany in the human flesh of Jesus to dwell among us (John 1:14). Putting himself amidst us, Jesus, being the Son of God, the Christ, can save us, as his name, “Jesus” in Hebrew, ישוע (Yeshua), means – God saves.  

Based on John Duns Scotus’ argument, “Utrum Beata Virgo fuerit concepta in peccato originali”(whether the Blessed Virgin was conceived without a trace of the Original Sin) in his commentaries of Peter Lomberd’s Third Lecture, Lectura in Librum Tertium Sententiarum, Mary, as the Theotokos,  had to be gratia plena ever since the moment when she was conceived in Ann’s womb for Logos-Theos to save us by coming to us in the human flesh. It means that Mary has to be preserved completely free from any stain of the Sin of Adam and Eve, from her conception, in order to serve God as the Theotokos - for her to say, "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word" (Luke 1:38).

As to solidify Scotus’ theological argument of the Immaculate Conception of Mary further, Pope Pius IX established the theological doctrine of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Ineffabilis Deus (1854).  Based on this Pope Pius IX’s apostolic constitution, the first reading for the Solemnity of Immaculate Conception Mass, Genesis 3:9-15, 20, reminds us that God was already planning to bring the humans, who had fallen with the sin of Adam and Eve, back to Him. By saying these words to Satan, who defiled Adam and Eve, God had already elected a woman, whose child will defeat Satan and his followers, so that the humans will be saved completely.

I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; They will strike at your head, while you strike at their heel (Genesis 3:15).

Namely, the defeat of Satan and his offspring by Mary’s reflects Revelation 20:7-10 toward the eschaton.  For this God’s salvific plan to be executed and complete, Mary was chosen to be conceived gratia plena – without any trace of the Original Sin., being just as perfect as Adam and Eve before being tempted by Satan, so that she can give the virgin birth to the Son of God, Jesus Christ.

The Latin word for grace, gratia, corresponds to חֵן (chen) in the Old Testament Hebrew and ἔλεος (eleos) in the New Testament Greek. In fact, ἔλεος (eleos) is a Greek translation of the Hebrew word, חֵסֵד (chesed), which characterizes the everlasting covenant love of God for us. חֵסֵד (chesed), חֵן (chen), and רחמים (rachamim) are closely related to one another in the Old Testament, connecting God’s covenant love and mercy to what characterize God’s grace. 

Interestingly, the Hebrew word for womb, רֶחֶם (rechem), is etymologically connected with רחמים (rachamim), which means mercy and connected to חֵסֵד (chesed), חֵן (chen), and ἔλεος (eleos). Therefore, Mary’s Immaculate Conception made her gratia plena, as Angel Gabriel said to her, “εὗρες γὰρ χάριν παρὰ τῷ Θεῷ/ heures gar charin para to Theo” – “invenisti enim gratiam apud Deum” –“ you are found in favor with God” (Luke 1:30), as reflected in the First Reading for this Marian Solemnity.  Because of this, Mary is the one to conceive the Son of God, who is to be named Jesus in her womb (Luke 1:31) through the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:35) though she remained virgin.  See how God’s חֵן (chen) out of His חֵסֵד (chesed) affected the רֶחֶם (rechem) of the Immaculate Virgin Mary to incarnate Logos-Theos to save us through Jesus so that God’s words in Genesis 3:15 will be perfectly fulfilled at the time of Parousia, the actual “Advent”, we are preparing for.  And, this is, indeed, the  רחמים (rachamim) of God!

Deo gratia, quia Christus ex Immaculata Conceptio Mariae ! Laudamus te! Benedicimus te!   Adoramus te! Glorificamus te! Amen!