Thursday, October 6, 2022

Jesus’ Revelation Puts St. Maria Faustina Kowalska’s Heart Yoked (ἑτεροζυγέω) with His for the Divine Mercy

The memorial feast of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska (October 5) is the day after the memorial feast of St. Francis of Assisi (October 4).  Interestingly, these memorial feast days share the same Gospel Reading: Matthew 11:25-30.  So we may hear the same Gospel reading text two days in row, reflecting St. Francis of Assisi and St. Maria Faustina Kowalska. And there must be something in common between these Saints in regard to the text of Matthew 11:25-30.

This Gospel narrative has two components:

Jesus praising the Father for revealing His wisdom and salvific truth only to those who are humble, while keeping these from those who are arrogant and do not believe (vv.25-27).

Jesus invites all who believe come to him to unburden themselves by yoking themselves with Christ (vv. 28-30).

In fact, Jesus made a revelation to St. Francis and called him to repair his house. And Jesus also appeared to St. Faustina and revealed the salvific truth of the Divine Mercy. And these Saints found rest in their intimate relationship with Jesus,  benefitting the true peace that only Jesus can give (John 14:27). Otherwise, as St. Augustine indicated in his Confession, their hearts would remain restless to be in the world. Because St. Francis and St. Faustina sought Jesus and yoked themselves with him, they were in peace though they were physically in this restless world.  At the same time, Jesus chose them to have the truth on his Christological and soteriological truth be revealed to them, because these Saints were trustworthy to him for their faith and humility. They were blessed anawim for being poor in spirit (Matthew 5:3).

Besides this common aspect with St. Francis of Assisi, as reflected in Mathew 11:25-30, St. Maria Faustina Kowalska has her own uniquely intimate relationship with Jesus, reflecting her mission.

It was on May 27, 1937, as she was praying, Jesus revealed himself to St. Maria Faustina, through these words:

My daughter, let your heart be filled with joy. I, the Lord, am with you. Fear nothing. You are in My heart (Diary of St. Maria Faustina, 1133).

In response, she wrote in her diary:

At that moment, I knew the great majesty of God, and I understood that nothing could be compared with one single perception of God. Outward greatness dwindles like a speck of dust before one act of a deeper knowledge of God (1133). The Lord has poured such a depth of peace into my soul that nothing will disturb it any more. Despite everything that goes on around me, I am not deprived of my peace for a moment. Even if the whole world were crumbling, it would not disturb the depth of the silence which is within me and in which God rests. All events, all the various things which happen are under His foot (1134). This deeper knowledge of God gives me full liberty and spiritual freedom, and nothing can disturb my close union with Him, not even the angelic powers. I feel that I am great when I am united to God. What happiness it is to have the consciousness of God in one's heart and to live in close intimacy with Him (1135).

This intimate revelation of Jesus to St. Maria Faustina reflects these words of Jesus spoken to the crowds, confronting their disbelief and unrepentance, with his testimony to John the Baptist and himself (Matthew 11:7-24).

I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike (Matthew 11:25). Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will (v.26). All things have been handed over to me by my Father. No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and anyone to whom the Son wishes to reveal him (v.27).

What was revealed to St. Maria Faustina, whom Jesus called “my daughter”(1133) is what she describes as deeper knowledge given by God led her to full liberty and spiritual freedom in intimate union with God (1135).

On that day, Jesus further spoke to her from the Eucharistic host:

Here is My repose (1135).

And Jesus said more to Maria Faustina during benediction:

I am pleased to rest in your heart and nothing will stop Me from granting you graces (1135).

On the day of Corpus Christi, 1937, through his revelation, it was made clear that St. Maria Faustina was in Jesus and he in her (her heart), as desired by him (John 14:20; 15:4; 17:23).

Then, on the day of Corpus Christi, June 1, 1937, during the procession, Jesus , again, spoke to Maria Faustina, as her heart was pierced as a flame issued from the Eucharistic host:

Here is My resting place (1140).             

With these words, Jesus found his resting place in the heart of St. Maria Faustina, on the Corpus Christi fest day, 1937.

And she wrote in her diary:

My heart was enflamed, and I felt that I was transformed completely into Him (1140). In the evening, He gave me to understand how fleeting all earthly things are, and how everything that appears great disappears like smoke, and does not give the soul freedom, but weariness. Happy the soul that understands these things and with only one foot touches the earth. My repose is to be united with You; everything else tires me. Oh, how much I feel I am in exile! I see that no one understands my interior life. You alone understand me, You who are hidden in my heart and yet are eternally alive (1141).

St. Maria Faustina’s heart was on holy fire through what Jesus revealed to her. The revelation made her in him and he in her, though she was physically in the world. And this transformative union that she had with him, while being in the world made her tired as if being in exile, assured her of peace and freedom.

Through this revelation of Jesus to her, his daughter, Maria Faustina was yoked with him as one, just as these words of his describe:

Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light (Matthew 11:28-30).

The union between St. Maria Faustina Kowalska and Jesus enjoy, being one (yoked together/ ἑτεροζυγέω (heterozugeo)), is because of his love, which empowered her though having felt tired to be in this sin-plagued world, like being in exile. And this is reflected in these words of St. Paul of Tarsus to the Ephesians, as found in the First Reading on her memorial feast (Ephesians 3:14-19):

He (Christ) may grant you in accord with the riches of his glory to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in the inner self, and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the holy ones what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God (vv. 16-19).

Because of this intimate union with her, reflecting love, Jesus revealed the Christological and soteriological truth about the Divine Mercy to her and asked her to let the world know. So she humbly and faithfully did as Jesus’ God’s beloved daughter and trusted one. And St. John Paul II, as pope, further carried her mission on.


Has Jesus revealed something hidden from those whose own secular knowledge and wisdom blind them to you? If so, are you in him and he in you? In other words, are you yoked with him as one? And is your heart on holy fire? In other words, is your heart burning with the Holy Spirit, the power?

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