Thursday, May 9, 2013

Pastoral Psychologist's Take on the Book of Revelation in Commemorating Ascension of the Lord




昇天後のキリストは、時がくれば戻ってくる、そして、信者のための新しい住処を約束された。 その住処がいったいどういったものか、そして、そこに信者が住めるようになるまでにはいったいどのようなことが起こるのかについて書かれたのが、聖書の一番最後にあるヨハネの黙示録です。


心理の臨床家として、私は、キリストが約束した新しい楽園を心の安泰、すこやかな魂の比喩でもあるととらえます。そして、黙示録に記された新しい楽園までのさまざまなチャレンジ、戦い、は、心の安泰、魂の健やかさを取り戻す為の修行的な努力の比喩でもあると考えます。 だから、森田療法のような心理療法は結構しんどい努力(体得の為の努力)が必要なんです。


地獄界、餓鬼界、畜生界、 修羅界、人界、天界)をぐるぐると輪廻転生でもってめぐり続けるようなものとも考えられましょう。うした終わりなきサイクルが、創世記より黙示録までの聖書にしるされています。そうした中での、人間と神との関係、契約のドラマが聖書の物語の心理的な側面です。まあ、聖書からの教訓としての人間と神の関係とは、何度も浮気する問題のある夫婦関係のようなものにたとえることができます。 

神としても、”浮気”を繰り返す人間にもううんざりし、プッツンしようかとも思ったことかも知れませんが、神はやはり人間を愛している。だから、プッツンできない。そこで、慈悲深き神はあたかも、仏が菩薩の姿となってこの世の人間を救うように、今度は自分がイエスという人間の姿、ある意味では権現様、となってこの世の凡夫との交わりに現れ、悔い改めさせ、福音を伝える。その究極ともいえるのが、黙示録の21章から22章5節までに描かれたあたらしい楽園を得る意味だといえます。 キリスト教でいう改心により罪のサイクルからおさらばして自由になる、そして新しい楽園で神と共に暮らすことは、仏教でいう悟りにより輪廻転生のサイクルから自由になり、浄土で安らかになるということにもたとえられるかと思います。

Theologically, the Book of Revelation is about the second coming of Christ, Parousia,
 as the risen Lord had  indicated before he ascended to the Father. 

John 14 starts with these words of the Lord:

Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me.  In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be” (John 14:1-3).

The place that Jesus has promised to prepare for his faithful believers and followers in the Father’s house is what is to be brought along with his second coming.  It is envisioned in Revelation 21:1-22:5 as the New Jerusalem or the New Eden.  

Appearance of New Jerusalem as the New Eden (Revelation 21:1-22:5) is not exactly the same as recovering the “good old” Eden that Adam and Eve had lost for their sin, Original Sin (Genesis 3). This teaches the fact of impermanence – what is lost is lost forever.  However, what is lost may be replaced with something new that resembles what is lost but comes in a much better form.

As a pastoral psychologist, I find this lesson from the Book of Revelation serves as a helpful therapeutic metaphor to inspire my traumatized clients/patients into post-traumatic growth.  I would like to write on this in more details on another occasion. 

Biblically, ever since the eviction of Adam and Eve from Eden (paradise) in Genesis 3, the relationship between God and the humans has been going through roller-coasters.  With the first murder in humanity, committed by Cain, out of jealousy (Genesis 4:1-8), the relationship between God and the human has become worsened, as the humans have continued to sin against God. In response, God decided to cleanse all sinful corrupted beings, including the humans of wickedness, through the deluge (Genesis 6-8).  

Though there was a mending of the human relationship with God through the covenant ark of Noah, the human, again, sinned and sinned, departed from their loyal relationship with God.  This resembles repeated infidelity committed by pathologically unfaithful spouses. 

This behavioral pattern of infidelity continued in a vicious cycle for generations throughout the biblical canon.  This vicious cycle of human violation of the covenant is one consistent theme found throughout every canonical book in the Bible from Genesis on. 

In response to this vicious cycle of sin offense against God, God decided to incarnate Himself to send more powerful prophetic message to the sinful humans. This is where the New Testament begins.  This decision of God to make himself in the form of the human flesh as Jesus by impregnating Mary, the virgin, was to save the human out of His anger through metanoia, turning the human heart from sin to God.  This is out of God’s love for the humans. 

Nevertheless, the sin of the humans killed Jesus. This greave sinful act somewhat resembles the behavioral pattern of Cain’s murder of Abel.  Yet, Christ resurrected and began to bring the scattered disciples back together, as a shepherd gathers his sheep, and taught the messianic meaning of his death and resurrection before his ascension to the Father.  This is what we read during Easter season to prepare for Ascension and Pentecost. 

Through Jesus’ messianic message given to the disciples, we are hinted at Christ’s return and what will be brought with his return.  The Book of Revelation describes what will happen to the world -  to make the way for his return and what comes with his return (Revelation 5, the opening of the seven-sealed scroll;  Revelation 6-16, the seven seals, the seven trumpets, and the seven bowls; Revelation 17-19:4, the three-fold fall of anti-Christ symbolized with Babylon; Revelation 19:5-21, the victorious arrival of Christ and the marriage of Christ and the Church; Revelation 20, locking and sealing the devil; Revelation 21-22:5, the new paradise as New Jerusalem, New Eden; Revelation 22:6-21, closing exhortation). 

In following the flow of the narratives in the Book of Revelation, we know that it is the promised path to return home – the home that Adam and Eve had lost.  

Eden used to be our home, collectively speaking. 

The humans have been evicted and wondering for way so many years outside Eden. Spiritually, we have been “homeless” and wondering around ever since the Adam and Eve’s eviction from Eden – until the dwelling place in the Father’s house in Jesus’ promise (John 14:3) is brought with his second coming as New Eden. 

Series of disasters brought to cleanse the world through the seven seals, the seven trumpets, the seven bowls by the seven angels (Revelation 6-16) are to make the way for Christ to return, bringing the New Eden, where we will find our new dwelling place.  This is like a house cleaning before we receive an important visitor. A very similar image is invoked in Advent, when we prepare the way for Christ to come (his first coming), recalling Isaiah’s prophetic words:  A voice is calling, "Clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness; Make smooth in the desert a highway for our God (Isaiah 40:3, cf. Mark 1:3).  
Clearing and cleansing the way for Christ to return so that we can return our long-lost home in the totally renewed home – New Eden! This is what the Book of Revelation is about. Thus, reading the Book of Revelation should bring a sense of joy, stimulating our eschatological hope in the fullness of the mystery of Christ. 

Psychologically, it is also important that we prepare our souls as the seven angels prepare the world to return our home in New Eden, in reading the Book of Revelation.  The cleansing the world by the seven angels must concur the internal purification of our soul in order to reach our home in New Eden – internally and externally, through Christ’s apocalyptic guidance in the Book of Revelation. 

The internal cleansing process, which we must embark to purify our soul in order to return home,  shall put us series of tribulations and trials as the world will go through series of seven-fold battles with devils and his collaborators.  Namely, this is our process of metanoia, which Filipino Catholic theologian, Jose DeMesa, framed with “pagbabalik-loob”.  Indeed, our path of “pagbabalik-loob” may come with many challenges – perhaps, seven-fold.

The Filipino (Tagalog) word, “Pagbabalik-loob”,  literally means returning to our true self.  So, what is our true self – our true identity? 

It is our “kapwa”(self-identity in object relation)  found in our covenant with God, rooted in imago Dei (the image of God), in which we are created (Genesis 1:27).  Therefore, in our “pagbabalik-loob” efforts, while the seven angels work hard to cleanse the world through seven seals, the seven trumpets, the seven bowls, we must restore our damaged covenant, wounded object relation, with God, by repenting our sin and receiving the absolution through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.  After all, this is our efforts to restore our “kapwa” with God.  

Further spiritual purification of our soul through appropriate spiritual disciplines, such as the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, is also helpful for our “pagbaballik-loob” efforts to return home in New Eden – to dwell in the Father’s house. 

Let the Book of Revelation be our powerful inspiration to break ourselves free from the vicious cycle of sinning-angering God-reconciling-sinning.  Unless this vicious cycle is completely broken, we cannot attain our “loob”, our true innermost self,  in “pakikipag-kapwa” (harmoniously shared object relation) with God.  Likewise, unless we free ourselves completely from this vicious cycle, we cannot dwell in the New Eden that will come with Christ’s return, which is in Christ’s promise as he ascends. 

In thinking of breaking the vicious cycle that we have been going through for many generations – ever since Adam and Eve’s eviction from the original Eden,  a lesson the Book of Revelation offers echoes the Gautama (Shakamuni) Buddha’s teaching on liberating ourselves from the vicious cycle of transmigration of the soul – the vicious cycle of birth-rebirth – samsara.  

We continue to suffer unless we break free from the cyclical nature of samsara – unless we attain the Buddhahood through awakening, according to Buddhist teaching. 

All these sin-God’s anger-punishment- reconciliation-sin cycles found in the canonical books in the Bible upon Original Sin of Adam and Eve is like samsara of the humans.  Therefore,  attaining “pagbabalik-loob”,  as our internal preparation for Parousia and the New Eden,  parallels the Buddhist’s spiritual efforts to attain the Buddhahood through awakening to the Dharma to be free from samsara.  This is the path toward nirvana (eternal and profound peace) through moksha (liberation).

In the Pure Land Buddhist’s view, those who have attained the Buddhahood through awakening to the Dharma will enter the Pure Land. This is very similar to the Christian eschatological and apocalyptic view we can draw from the Book of Revelation as I have described above.

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