Friday, August 7, 2015

A Psychospiritual Lesson from Hiroshima Day and the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord

6th August - The very day an atomic bomb was used to kill innocent people for the very first time in human history was also the Feast Day of Transfiguration of the Lord on Mt. Tabor.

Ironically, the blast of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima as so bright, beyond human comprehension by any measures. Thus, this fact tempts some people to compare it to the bright light of the Transfiguration of the Lord.

As the faithful, we must be careful not to myopically and uncritically put a blast of atomic bomb explosion in comparison to the bright light of the Transfiguration, because these are quite opposite in essence but present very similar outlooks to human senses. As Descartes pointed out in his “Meditation”, senses can be quite deceptive.  Our sensory-cognitive view is not free from bias and often leads to what psychologists (i.e. Von Hippel and Trivers) call self-deception. In other words, by simply comparing the atomic bomb blast of Hiroshima to the bright light of the Transfiguration, we can be inadvertently fooling ourselves about light.

Not to commit stupidity of self-deception, we must carefully examine what we come to know through our senses. This critical thinking is certainly require in thinking the Hiroshima atomic bomb blast or any atomic bomb blast in comparison to the bright light of the Transfiguration.

Essentially, the atomic blast light in Hiroshima was a light of man-made hell, while the bright light of the Transfiguration was divine light to show God’s joy and delight.
The atomic light symbolizes death, but the light of the Transfiguration reflects a joy of God over the union of the divinity and the humanity through the presence of the Son, Jesus.

Jesus, the Son, in his transfiguration light, has been sent to this world in the God the Father’s grand salvific plan, which will complete with Revelation 22. However, a sun-mimicking artificial nuclear light of an atomic blast was to bring death in a grand scale. Therefore, the former is divine, while the latter is devil. A blast light of an atomic bomb also symbolizes a hell brought by devil through the cooperation of humans, whose soul is tainted by him, because the devil’s mission is destruction and death.

How ironic it is that devil mimics his work of death and destruction to God’s saving act by making an atomic bomb blast bright enough to evoke the divine light of the Transfiguration in some fool’s minds.

Besides he has polluted many people’s logical minds to justify the use of atomic bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki as “moral good”, devil sure has made a hell-making bomb’s blast light bright enough to fool some human minds to associate with the divine light of the Transfiguration.

Given how devil has been cleverly attacking both our logical aspect and sensory aspects of our mind, as we know from an example of our belief and perception of an atomic bomb, we must defend our mind – both our logical and sensory parts from very deceptive challenges by devil and his collaborators.  Otherwise, we may be heading into a destruction of our entire world -  no comparison to the  atomic bombing destructions of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 70 years ago, in the name of “god”.

To prevent this, we must engage in disciplining our mind, both psychologically and spiritually,  so that we know hidden traps in our sensory-cognitive experience, namely, biases, and avoid the stupidity of self-deception. For this,  we must strive for humility, constantly seeking grace of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, which is parakletos, guiding advocate that comes to be on our side. With our confidence in grace and the Holy Spirit, we can prevent our mind to go off the tangent and slip into the devil’s work.

As he is light of God, which can be as bright as the light of the Transfiguration, we are called by Christ to shed is light of the same essence to give life, hope, courage, and joy to this world, on his behalf - while fighting against devil’s constant attacks, which often starts with deceptions. We must know which light we are casting - light of God or light of devil. 

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