Thursday, December 3, 2020

Advent Reflections: Day 4 – God the Father Sent Christ the Son because His Love for Us Cannot be Changed Even by Our Sins

 Genesis 3:1-15 - Original Sin and God's Salvation Plan through Christ

So far, we have been reminded that Christ already existed with God the Father in heaven as the Word (as well as the Wisdom) before the Creation of the universe. Therefore, God the Father has sent Christ, His only begotten Son, to us as His gift of love. Yes, He loves us so much – even though we have sinned against Him.  His love for us never changes.

Yes, Christ is sent by God the Father to us, because He loves us more than we can think and imagine. Even though our sins upset God the Father and He hid His face from us (i.e. Isaiah 64:4), it does not mean that God stopped loving us.

To understand God’s unchanging love for us, though He may hide His face from us when we upset Him by sinning against Him, we need to go back to the sin of Adam and Eve, known as Original Sin in Genesis 3. And, in this chapter, we can also find out when God probably came up with His plan to send Christ to us.


When God created and blessed us, the humans, starting with Adam and Eve, and placed us in the beautiful place, called Eden, everything was good (Genesis 2:4-25). We had a great time with God in Eden. However, Satan in the snake, very clever in lying and deceiving, came to Eve and called her attention to the fruit that God had told her and her husband, Adam, not to eat (Genesis 2:17), thinking that she was probably curious about the fruit that God had told not to eat. So, Satan was telling Eve, like, “Hey, Eve, aren’t these fruits of the trees in this garden so nice? Don’t you want to eat any of these?”(i.e. Genesis 3:1). To this, Eve reminded Satan that God told her and her husband to eat any fruits but one from the tree in the middle of the garden, the tree of knowledge, because eating that forbidden fruit would result in death (i.e. Genesis 3:2-3; 2:17). Then, Satan lied to Eve, telling, “Oh, c’mon, Eve, don’t worry! You’re not gonna die just because you eat that fruit. You know what?  Eating that fruit will make you feel good because it will make you feel like being God! So, you know !” (i.e. Genesis 3:4-5). And guess what? Eve took a bite on that fruit, forbidden by God and felt so good because she felt as if she had gotten smart, and she shared the forbidden fruit with her husband, Adam, because it was so good. And he also ate it (Genesis 3:6).

At that moment, everything began to change. It was an end of “good old time” between God and us, the human, in the garden of Eden.

It did not take time for God to find this out. God found out that Adam and Eve disobeyed Him as they did not follow His instruction not to eat the fruit of the tree in the middle, the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God knew that Adam and Eve disobeyed Him because Satan in snake fooled and tempted them to eat the forbidden fruit.

Adam and Eve did what God told them not to do. They did what they were not permitted to do.

God was not happy about what Adam and Eve did. In fact, God was very upset about them.

It is like your parents telling you not to drive a car because you are too young to even have a driver’s license. But, you are curious about what it is like to drive a car. And you think driving a car will make you feel so good. And, a friend of yours told you that it is not a big deal to drive a car even you are not allowed to drive. So, this friend tempted you to drive your parents’ car and you had an accident.

Imagine, if you had done such a thing, wouldn’t your parents get upset?  By eating the fruit that God had told Adam and Eve not to eat, they did something like driving your parents’ car without their permission and driver’s license (and crushing it).

Getting upset by Adam and Eve not following His instruction, God kicked them out of the garden of Eden. It was like God telling, “I don’t want to see your faces, as you broke my trust in you. I thought you would obey my instruction and be good to me”.

Yes, God was like an upset parent. But, it does not mean that God stopped loving us, just as your parents never stop loving you. Remember the story of the father of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-24)?

Actually, even when God the Father was so upset, He still loved us, offspring of them, and was thinking to do something for us out of His unchanging love for us.

So, even though God had to punish Adam and Eve, God made a plan to save the descendants (offspring – future children) of them through the Son born of Mary!

This is what is meant by what is written in Genesis 3:15:

I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; They will strike at your head, while you strike at their heel.

God was telling Satan, who made Adam and Eve disobey and upset God the Father by tempting and lying to them about the forbidden fruit. God the Father was telling Satan that the Son of Mary will strike the head of Satan (crushing Satan, defeating Satan). And, the defeating Satan will be completed at the end of time, once Christ returns (Revelation 20:7-10).
  So, Genesis 3:15 is completely fulfilled in Revelation 20:7-10.

What we need to learn today is that God’s love for us does not change even we have made God upset by our sins against God. It is because God is so kind and merciful (i.e. Psalm 34:6;103:8;145:8). It is because God is love (1 John 4:8, 16).

So, even He was upset with Adam and Eve for not following His instruction and angry at Satan for fooling them, God still loved them. So, God was already thinking to send His only begotten Son, who was with Him as the Word, to us.

So, now we know that Christ is coming to us to defeat our enemy, Satan. And, we also know that God’s plan to send His Son, Christ, was already made when Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden of Eden. And, it was because God’s love for us never changes. Because of God’s love for us, God is kind and merciful – even we have sinned against Him, as Adam and Eve did to Him.

Probably, what is written in Genesis 3:15 is the earliest prophecy – indication of God’s plan to send His only begotten Son, Christ, to us for our salvation and defeat of Satan, the ultimate enemy of God and us. 

So, now you can remember that God the Father started planning to send Christ to us way back when Adam and Eve made Him upset with Original Sin, as you look forward to the coming of Christ toward Christmas.

Do you see a connection between Original Sin (Genesis 3) and Christmas (Luke 2) and Defeat of Satan (Revelation 20)?

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