Monday, December 7, 2020

Advent Reflections: Day 7 – The Great Light Against the Darkness of Sins

 Isaiah 9:1-6

In response to Adam and Eve’s sin against God, as a result of being tempted by Satan, God indicated His intention to send Christ, the Son, through the woman (Genesis 3:15). And, in response to Ahab’s stubborn refusal to side with God in dealing with a threat by Rezin, king of Syria (Aram) and Pekah, king of Israel (Ephraim), through Prophet Isaiah, God promised to send a sign of Christ’s coming by making the עַלְמָה/almah, which can be translated as “virgin” or simply “young woman” pregnant with a son, who is to be called Emmanuel (Isaiah 7:14).

These indications of Christ’s coming were made as God’s countermeasure to human sinfulness. Adam and Eve knew God and what God had told them. Yet, they did not honor God but honored Satan by following what Satan said but not what God said. Ahaz knew God but he did not honor God but honored Tiglath Pileser III, king of Assyria by submitting him to the power of  Tiglath Pileser III but not to the power of God. Such sinfulness is the darkness of heart (Romans 1:21).

The darkness was not just the state of heart of a sinful man, like Ahaz, but it was also a dark time in history of the House of David, the kingdom of Judah. Because of the foolishness of this apostatized king of Judah, Ahaz, Judah was on the cusp of being demised by foreign powers. For Ahaz’ sin, God could have abandoned him to the hands of Rezin and Pekah, who threatened Ahaz. Instead, in this dark time of Judah’s history, God showed a great care for this man of dark heart, telling him to keep calm and not to worry about the threat from Rezin and Pekah because God will deal with them and promised to give a sign of the עַלְמָה/almah (virgin or a young woman) bearing a son, whose name is Emmanuel, which means “God with us”.  It was a powerful signal to Ahaz, a man of dark heart, for his sins, to turn to God from idols and to trust God not men, like Tiglath Pileser III, just because they are powerful, with a sign of “God with us”(Emmanuel) in the womb of the עַלְמָה/almah (virgin or a young woman).

Now, this prophecy of the coming of Emmanuel – God with us, Christ, in Isaiah 7:14 is further addressed in Isaiah 9:1-6.

Because of Ahaz’s sins and foolishness, the darkness of his heart, people of Judah, ruled by him, lived in the land of gloom – darkness. They lived in fear and anxiety…perhaps, many could have lost hope for the future. However, through Isaiah, God send a message of hope – silver lining!

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; Upon those who lived in a land of gloom a light has shone (Isaiah 9:1).

A great light shining in a land of darkness?

Yes, it is Christ, who is Christ, who is the light of the world and those who are with him will not walk in darkness (John 8:12).

So, the son of the עַלְמָה/almah (virgin or a young woman), named Emmanuel (God with us) (Isaiah 7:14) is Christ, who is the Logos (Word) put in the human flesh of Jesus, sent to us by God’s love to dwell among us – to be with us – so that God be with us (John 1:1, 14; 3:16). And, now, we also know he was foretold as the light shining in the land of darkness – to counter the darkness of sin by Ahaz.

So, Isaiah continued on prophesizing on behalf of God, saying that people will rejoice before God for sending Christ the light, dwelling among them, bringing prosperity and peace (Isaiah 9:2-5).

Though Ahaz’s foolishness to trust Tiglath Pileser III, king of Assyria, rather than God, brought Judah a great risk of wars with foreign states and darkness, Christ will put an end to all of these.

Christ, the son of the עַלְמָה/almah (virgin or a young woman), named Emmanuel (God with us)(Isaiah 7:14) is also the great light shining in darkness (Isaiah 9:1) to be rejoiced (Isaiah 9:2) for bringing peace and prosperity (Isaiah 9:3-5).

Isaiah continued on in further prophesizing:

For a child is born to us, a son is given to us; upon his shoulder dominion rests. They name him Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-Forever, Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:5).

A child born to us (Isaiah 9:5a) is Emmanuel, the son of the עַלְמָה/almah (virgin or a young woman) (Isaiah 7:14; cf. Matthew 1:23). It means that Mary, who is the Blessed Virgin, gave birth to Jesus, the Christ, for us! No wonder Jesus said that Mary is also our mother (John 19:27)! And, he is the Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-Forever, Prince of Peace.

Yes, Christ is the Counselor (Advocate)(1 John 2:1), while the Holy Spirit is another Advocate (John 14:16). Yes, Christ and the Father are one – consubstantial to one another (John 10:30, 38). Yes, Christ is the Prince of Peace, who gives us his peace (John 14:27;16:33).

And after all, Christ is the King of the House of David to rule with justice forever, and sending Christ the King is the passion (zeal) of God the Father for us (Isaiah 9:6).

Though Ahaz is also in the House of David, his sins and foolishness, his refusal to trust God, brought darkness to people. But, God the Father is sending Christ the King of the House of David, as Emmanuel born of Mary, the Blessed Virgin, to shine as the great light forever (Revelation 21:23)!

So, have you seen this great light coming to you? Do you keep hope, along with faith and love, which is the greatest of all (1 Corinthians 13:13)?

Advent is for hope, faith, love, and peace.

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