Monday, March 30, 2015


































Friday, March 27, 2015

Reflection for Friday before Palm Sunday: Cleansing Hidden Fungus in Our Heart

Today is the Friday before Palm Sunday (Passion Sunday).  Thus, engaging in the Stations of the Cross today and praying with the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary is even more meaningful to prepare ourselves psychospiritually to walk more closely with Jesus, as he is about to enter into his intense passion to save us.

The Gospel reading for this Palm Sunday (Mark 14:1-15:47) really follows the last week of Jesus’ life on earth, from entering into Jerusalem to the burial of his corpse upon his death.  You noticed that Jesus was welcomed into the City of Jerusalem, as the residents of this city, waving palms and shouting, “Hosanna in the Highest!”, which means, “Dear messiah, save us in heaven”.   The mood is apparently joyful and hopeful. And, this event took place when the entire city was preparing for Passover celebration, followed by the Festival of the Unleavened Bread.  For the Jewish people, you can imagine, how excited they were to prepare for this set of festival (Exodus 23:5-6), remembering how God saved their ancestors from Egyptian oppression at the time of Moses.

By praising Jesus with their shouting of “Hosanna in the highest!”, the people of Jerusalem must have thought that the man, riding on a donkey to enter into their city was the messiah, whom they have been and their ancestors had been waiting for, based on Zechariah 9:9.

But, as the Gospel reading continues on, you also notice that the mood and their attitude toward Jesus  totally change within the next few days!

It was like, “yesterday, they were praising this man, but today, they are cursing and condemning the same man!”.

Now, you do not have to be a psychologist to be reminded of the very problem of the human by this sudden change in the people’s attitude toward Jesus in the Gospel story.

The problem is the susceptibility of human heart and mind to evil’s persuasion.

This phenomena in the Gospel story is like Hitler persuading the people under his influence to support his evil mission toward the Jewish people in a few days.

The Gospel story is a vivid reminder to all of us on how easily we can activate our potential of hatred.
I am sure none of you, who read this article, think that it was the Jews who killed Christ.

It was evil within all of our hearts, like hidden fungus inside, that killed Christ. The people of Jerusalem at that time, who shouted, “Crucify him! Crucify him!” during the public trial of Jesus, represent us, the sinners.
As we have failed to overcome the hidden evil in our heart, we let ourselves become persuaded by Satan, just in a few days – turning our hope for Jesus into hatred toward him.

We live in the days of propaganda – mass persuasion.  Governments, marketing agencies, media, and all sorts of things in our world are competing to persuade us – to turn us into the means to advance in their own missions.

Chances are, unbeknownst to us, we could be drawn into someone’s persuasion in a way we might regret later on. Of course, to those who have already killed conscience, this would never bother.

Even he did not join the crowds, demanding to execute, Peter totally abandoned him.  It was Peter, who showed how much he cared about Jesus, proclaiming his absolute loyalty to Jesus – even he would have to die (Matthew 26:35). And, it was also Peter, who fought for Jesus as he was to be arrested (John 18:10, Mark 14:47).

How this man, Peter, Simon, who once was so passionate about Jesus, could betray him so suddenly?

It was also the evil hidden in Peter’s heart activated by his fear. Peter failed to acknowledge the evil inside him and could not overcome it due to his ignorance, coupled with a lack of his spiritual discipline.

In preparing for Palm Sunday, and its Gospel reading, let us ask ourselves, “Who in the Gospel story, do we identify ourselves – the crowds in Jerusalem or Peter?”

As we walk the agonizing steps that Jesus took into Calvary, about 2,000 years ago, in Jerusalem, while the same people who once praised him, were cursing with anger and contempt, we must recognize the hidden evil in our own heart and plea to God to cleanse it out of our heart.

Let us now recognize the fungus of evil hidden in our heart and remove it.

For Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, there is no fungus used in the bread dough. No fungus neither in our heart to let Christ rise on Easter! 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


先の私のブログ記事(非武装平和なのか?、武装平和なのか?:歴史を踏まえて日本の安全保障と分断的イデオロギー戦争を考える  - March 23, 2015) について、少子高齢化問題の最前線の現状を誰よりも知られている方から、日本が武装平和という選択をする場合にこの問題が与える影響についてご指摘いただきました。日本の軍備のアキレス腱ともなり得ないようなことを突いた質問故、この記事でもってお答えしたいと思います。





拳銃持ったや~さんに絡まれ、金と乗っているそのいい車よこせ!って言われたら、あなたはどうしますか? そして、このや~さん、金もあるので、いくら警察や法でこの揉め事を解決しようと考えても、そういったものすべて金で握りつぶしますから、それこそ、Good Luck!ですよね。 








はっきりいって、資源や食料に窮し、また、そうなるのではないかという不安は、どこの国でも戦争へと導きます。人間誰でも、不安が募り、そのレベルがあるキャパを超え、ストレスが高まり続ければ、良心を狂わし、獣のような行動に走ります。これは、社会心理学の常識です。このことについてスタンフォード大のPhilipp Zimbardo博士の研究が有名です。












日本には日本特有の国家軍事機密の電磁波要塞を持つことができれば、それこそ、どの国からもそれに穴を開けるられることがないので、日本の砦はinvincible。目に見えない電磁波のFire Wallです。相手の力を跳ね返すことで相手を倒すという、格闘技の精神と似ていませんか?それが、本当の意味での非核武装による平和ではないでしょうか?



Contemplating on Solemnity of Annunciation on the Week before the Holy Week

Today, March 25, we commemorate the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord.  This day, about 2,000 years ago in Nazareth in Galilee, Mary became the mother of God, whose name is Jesus, Emmanuel, which means God being with us (Matthew 1:23).

Mary was still in her teens, engaged to marry an older man, Joseph, who worked hard as a carpenter.  While she spent days, looking forward to be in the matrimonial union with Joseph, out of the blue, Angel Gabriel greets her saying, ““Hail, full of grace ! The Lord is with you”(Luke 1:28).

The way this angel appeared to Mary must have been like a strange man suddenly appearing into a girl’s bedroom, saying, “Hi! You are a favored one!”, given that Mary was perturbed by this and wondered what a heck the greetings might be (Luke 1:29). Noticing Mary’s trembling anxiety, Angel Gabriel said, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God”(Luke 1:29).  Yeah, right! A guy who scares a heck out of a girl always says this kind of thing, right? And, so did even Angel Gabriel! In fact, given that the angel was sent to Mary on behalf of God, this was how God introduces Himself to this young virgin, Mary, who was about marry Joseph.  What a man, God is!

In fact, upon this strange introduction, God, who was obviously in favor of Mary, through the mouth of Angel Gabriel, went on to say, “Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High,  and the Lord God will give him the throne of David his father, and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end”(Luke 1:31-33).  So, this is the very kernel of the whole thing.

God’s messenger, Angel Gabriel, came to greet Mary to announce to her that she has conceived the Son of God, the Most High, to raise him as the King of all kings, the King of the Universe, as prophesized in Daniel’s dream a long time ago (Daniel 7:14) and again, would be told to John later (Revelation 11:15).  But, obviously Mary had no clue about who she has just become pregnant with!  So, she uttered:

“How can this be, since I have no relations with a man?” (Luke 1:34)

God sure had to do a bit of more explanation through Angel Gabriel as Mary wondered about God’s power to make her pregnant as He wishes regardless of her wish and worldly knowledge:

“The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God”(Luke 1:35).

I suppose that Mary felt, as this Tagalog expression, “bahala na”(leave it to God), or this Japanese expression, “shikataga nai”(nothing I can do about it), means, in response to God’s power.
So, Mary said, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Then the angel departed from her” (Luke 1:38).

It was actually smart of Mary to accept God’s surprise “invitation” to serve Him as the mother of His Son, as His agent of making the Word become flesh, for His grand salvific plan.  Just imagine Mary refused this and even tried to commit abortion, because it was shameful, even way back then, for an unmarried woman to be found pregnant.  Pregnancy out of wedlock was subject to the punishment provided in the Law of Moses (Exodus 22:16-17).
 But, Mary accepted her “unplanned” and perhaps, initially unwanted, pregnancy.  Otherwise, there would be no Christmas, no Good Friday, no Easter, and no Pentecost! Imagine, how we could be saved, otherwise.

As this day of solemnity falls during Lent, imagine if we could be subject to the kind of judgement, comparable to the Passion of Jesus. He went through the agonizing road to Calvary and died on the Cross with indescribable suffering and pain, for us!  So, imagine if Mary refused God’s offer to make her Theotokos, the Mother of God, at Annunciation.

Of course, God’s special favor of Mary, did not start at that moment of Annunciation, as it was God who made her be conceived in the womb of her mother, Anna, immaculately.  This God’s early favor on Mary was to prepare for Jesus, His Son, to be born without any influence of the trace of Original Sin, through the virgin conception on Mary’s immaculate womb.  This way, God made the Word flesh (John 3:16) without any problem with Original Sin. How genius God is! He is awesome!

The way Mary responded to God’s annunciation via Gabriel’s greetings also reflects what Jesus meant by his parable of a grain of wheat (John 12:24).  The Gospel narrative that contains this parable was read this past Sunday, 5th Sunday of Lent Year B – John 12:20-33.

"Very, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit” (John 12:24).

Of course, Jesus was speaking of himself through this metaphor. In this, Jesus, who was about to die to save us, sinners, is a grain of wheat that is to fall into the earth, suggesting his death on the Cross (Good Friday) and burial in the grave (Holy Saturday).  Jesus spoke these words to his disciples shortly before hosting his Passover Seder dinner, the Last Supper (Holy Thursday, Maundy Thursday).
Note Jesus’ words immediately follow this grain of wheat metaphor:

“Whoever loves his life will loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will preserve it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant be. The Father will honor whoever serves me (John 12:25-26).

These words of Jesus that follow the grain of wheat metaphor suggest that Jesus was also speaking of the metaphor to invite us, those who follow him, to be like a grain of wheat that falls into the ground and die.   Obviously, Jesus’s words in John 12:24-26 allude to his sayings in Luke 9:23 and 14:27, to bear our cross, meaning a possibility of martyrdom, to follow him and to be entitled to eternal life.  But,  through this grain of wheat metaphor, Jesus is assuring that our martyrdom or our sacrifice become growing seeds for abundant harvest.

In fact, by saying, “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.” Then the angel departed from her” (Luke 1:38), Mary let her own personal wishes and whatever her ego brings fall and die.  The shell of the seed, her ego, died, as she surrendered herself totally to God’s will, even though she could not comprehend.  She did not delay this by trying to argue with God.  That is why she was able to bear the fruit of her womb, Jesus, who is Emmanuel, God being with us. And, as suggested in John 12:24, this fruit of Mary’s immaculate womb, becomes a grain of wheat to bring rich harvest, so that he can become the bread of life for eternal life for us (John 6:35-51).

What about us? How willing are we to serve God – His will – as a grain of wheat that falls into the ground and die? How capable are we to bear abundant fruits by dying?

We sure can bear multifold fruit if we let the Holy Spirit work through us, as a grain of wheat, for God’s will.  Out of the fruit we can bear comes love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, and against such things there is no law (Galatians 5:22-23).

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Reading Jesus' Parable of A Fallen Grain of Wheat (John 12:24) during the Spring Equinox Festive Period of Japan

March 20 is spring equinox. 

This is not just a day of scientific fact of celestial objects movement. 

This unique day, one of the two days when day and night have the equal hours to each other during a year, is observed in different ways across the nations and cultures.

Originally, a religious bearing of  spring equinox was brought to Japan upon the introduction of Buddhism. In response, Japan's indigenous Shinto religious tradition integrated this Buddhism concept. The way the Emperor of Japan officiate the imperial spring equinox ritual reflects this integration. 

The way spring equinox is recognized in Japan seems to have nothing to do with the Judeo-Christian scriptures. However, the fact that we read Jesus' parable of a grain of wheat (John 12:24) while the 14 days of spring equinox Period (7 days before and after Spring Equinox) is being celebrated in Japan makes me discern a parallel between the Japanese Emperor's spring equinox prayer ritual and Jesus' parable of the grain of wheat.

The Japanese Emperor's spring equinox prayer evokes the love of Amaterasu sun-goddess, divine ancestor of the Emperor, while  Jesus' parable of the grain of wheat reminds of God's love.  The former brought rice harvest for the sustenance of life in Japan, while the latter brought the bread of life for deliverance and eternal life.

In this article, I will explore various religious background relevant to the way spring equinox is observed in Japan, to juxtapose the Japanese Emperor's spring equinox prayer to Amaterasu to a biblical meaning in Jesus' grain of wheat parable.
In Japanese Buddhism tradition, the equinox days are when the distance between “this shore” and “that shore” becomes the shortest because neither the North Pole nor the South Pole are tilted in their respective geometrical position with the Sun. 

In this Buddhist view, “this shore” means the world of the “bompu”, who are ordinary people in need to practice paramitas (ways toward perfection) , upaya ( skillful means as guided by Buddha’s teaching ) and nembutsu (chanting prayer) to move toward perfection and awakening  byovercoming  kleshas (inherent defilements and their disposition) . When we overcome kleshas , we reach the other world, “that shore”, which is namely the state of Nirvana, the state free from kleshas

A Buddhist metaphor for what divides this world of those who are with kleshas  and that world free from kleshas – what separates this world of suffering  and that world of Nirvana - is a big river. Thus, engaging in paramitas, upaya, and numbutsu is how Buddhists cross this river. 

To compare this to the Christian view, “this shore” is like the World – this world where we, the sinners, live, while the “that shore” corresponds to the Kingdom that Christ is shepherding and ushering us in. In this regard, Jesus, the Son, was sent to this world, for us to be saved from all the sufferings and other harmful effects of sins in this world, as summed up in John 3:16. Thus, for Christians, what is paramitas to Buddhists is the ways Jesus taught us to practice for perfection – toward the fullness of us into the mystery of the risen Christ. And, the most important “paramita” that Jesus has taught us is to love one another (John 13:34). Including Lenten practice, what Christians engage according to the teaching of Jesus can be paramitas practice, as well as upaya, complimented and enhanced by prayer, to make Christian life as “ora et labora” (prayer and work). 

In the Japanese spiritual context, where Buddhism, which was brought from China during the 6th century, has been well-integrated in the frame of the Japanese indigenous religious tradition, Shinto,  both spring and autumn equinox days are when we practice ancestor reverence with more care. It is because we believe that souls of our passed ancestors have cross the “river” safely and reached the “other shore”, the state of Nirvana.

For Japanese Christians, who continue to value and honor this Buddhist-Shinto tradition, these equinox days are also days to practice one of the Ten Commandments – honoring our parents (Exodus 20:12, Deuteronomy 5:16), further extending the spirit of this commandment to those who before our parents. 

The equinox days are brought twice a year by the law of God’s creation of the universe. And, one way to appreciate this aspect of the Creation is to practice God’s commandment of honoring our ancestors, as Japanese Buddhists make special paramitas, upaya, and numbutsu efforts to assure their connections with their gone ancestors. 

This way, it is our equinox spiritual practice that bridges over the “river” between this world we live and that world our ancestors have been. Because the “river” width becomes the shortest on these days, it is easier to build the “bridge” between these two worlds to assure that we are always together with our ancestors on the equinox days. 

Perhaps, on these equinox days, we can experience a foretaste of the Kingdom or Nirvana.  Through this Japanese-style equinox spiritual practice to be in union with our ancestors, we can also become one with God as we build the “bridge” between God and us.

In the Shinto tradition of Japan, Spring Equinox is also understood as a day to appreciate blessings of mother  nature and to give special reverence to all living beings in nature.  This cultural tradition on spring equinox  reflects Japan’s agrarian roots and its mythological reference to the sun-goddess, Amaterasu

According to Kojiki, a mythological account of Japan, Amaterasu sun-goddess wanted the land of the Japanese archipelago to become a land of abundant harvest. Our of this desire of hers, from heaven, she sent her grandson deity, Ninigino to plant rice in the land of Japan. Ninigino is the grandfather of the very first Emperor of Japan, Jinmu

Thanks to sun-goddess Amaterasu, Japan has become a land of rice cultivation so that people can live in Japan. This is why rice in Japanese is called “ine”, in addition to “kome”, because “ine”, in a Japanese semantic play,  means a root of life, “ine” (inochi no ne), as “I” as a shorten form of “inochi” means life, “no” is a possessive word, and “ne” means root. 

This story of the rice cultivation origin in Japan by Amaterasu and Ninigino  from the Japanese mytology in Kojiki reminds how life was brought to the land of Japan, and echoes  how God gave vegetation to humans so sustain life (Genesis 2:8-9) in the Semitic mythology of the ancient Middle East.

Because  Amaterasu sun-goddess, whose command to her grandson, Ninigino,  to plant rice in the land of Japan, humans can live and sustain life in Japan. Because the Emperor of Japan is descended from Amaterasu, he, as the Chief Priest of Japan, officiates various rituals, to “bridge” between people of Japan and myriads of deities in the universe. Many of these rituals that the Emperor officiates are for the wellbeing of the people of Japan through a good harvest, as the deities help mother nature to cooperate. 

In the Japanese indigenous spiritual view, from which Shinto emerged as its systematized form, before Buddhism was brought to Japan, deity is found virtually everything  that exists in the universe. Some are good, while others may not. But, this depends on circumstances and time. This aspect of the Japanese spirituality is echoed in the Buddhism teaching of the rising causes and condition – “engi”. Furthermore, the Japanese spirituality’s aspect of prevalent existence of deities in the universe can be compared to the Ignatian spirituality of “finding God in all things”.  For those who are not so comfortable that there are more than one deity in the Japanese spiritual view, then, consider these deities are many different spirits that come out of the one spirit – as white light become rays of various colors through a prism. One God, One Spirit, can be recognized in all things in the universe as myriads of deities or spirits.

On behalf of the people of Japan, as the most influential intercessor to all the deities of Japan, including Amaterasu, the Emperor of Japan prayers for abundant harvest, which means sustenance of life in Japan, through his reverence to the imperial divine ancestors.  As one of this set of the priestly duties, the Emperor of Japan officiates a special ritual for Spring Equinox. Adopting the above-mentioned Buddhist tradition of equinoxes, the Emperor of Japan offers special reference to his ancestors – the myriads of deities, including Amaterasu, as he officiates the Imperial Spring Equinox Ceremony, juxtaposing  a prayer to the deities’ care for mother nature to bring abundant harvest around autumn equinox. 

With this spring equinox ritual by the Emperor, farmers in Japan can plant grains of rice with hope and confidence for rich harvest around autumn equinox. Otherwise, how can Japanese farmers plant seeds meaningfully around this time of the year for abundant harvest in autumn? 

Interestingly, the Gospel reading (John 12:20-33) for the 5th Sunday of Lent (Year B) falls during the 14 day-period of spring equinox this year. It is quite interesting to read this Gospel in light of the Japanese agrarian view of the spring equinox because Jesus speaks a parable of a grain of wheat in the Gospel story. 

A punchline of this Gospel story  for this equinox period Sunday during Lent  is “unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit” (John 12:24).  These words in Jesus’ agrarian parable really captures the spirit of the spring equinox in the Japanese agrarian tradition – though it is a grain of rice that represents the Japanese tradition. 

In Japan, grains of rice must sprout around this time of the year. If grains of rice did not sprout around the time of spring equinox, we would not know whether or not to have abundant rice harvest around autumn equinox time.  If Japanese farmers could not harvest enough rice, then, it would be very difficult to survive the winter that follows the poor harvest season and beyond.   

Given this Japanese agrarian background, in which the Emperor of Japan is involved as the chief priest to pray for abundant harvest, the grain of wheat parable of Jesus (John 12:24) gives special meaning to be read during the spring equinox period. 

A grain of rice has to fall on the wet ground in order to sprout. The sprout must be planted in the rice field soon so that it will be ready for abundant harvest around the autumn equinox in Japan. In the Gospel story, a grain of wheat must fall on the ground so that it will bring abundant harvest. 

In the Gospel, the grain of wheat that falls to bring abundant fruit is Jesus himself, metaphorically referring to his own death to bring salvation to sinner.  This is the culmination of what John 3:16 means – what it means for God to send the Word to be made flesh to dwell among us. It is God’s love to save us. 

A grain of wheat falls on Good Friday so that it will bring abundant fruit – the fruit of salvation – on Easter Sunday.  We will celebrate and feast on the abundant of fruit that the fallen grain of wheat brings for the following 50 days with joy. 

There is a striking parallel between God’s salvific  love, symbolized with the fallen grain of wheat, and the Japanese Emperor’s prayer for grains of rice to bring abundant harvest by the grace of deities in mother nature.  

In fact, the fallen grain of wheat will eventually become the bread of life  for us to sustain life (John 6:35-51) by God’s loving grace.  The Gospel context indicates that Jesus told this grain of wheat story as people were preparing for Passover, followed by the Feast of the Unleavened Bread (Leviticus 23:4-8).  Through Passover, God’s people were safely delivered from danger of God’s judgement on Egypt. This saving event was followed by God’s further deliverance out of Egypt’s danger into the 40 years of Exodus journey. Of course, God did not send His people to embark on the journey hungry. So, God instructed His people to make bread fast – Matzo, unleavened bread. 

On spring equinox, the Emperor of Japan finds himself in the nearest position to his divine ancestor, Amaterasu, the sun-goddess, whose care brought rice to the land of Japan.  On this special day, the Emperor’s prayer to Amaterasu ensures the grains of rice to fall on the wet land of Japan so that people in Japan will go on life by eating harvested rice.  Otherwise, they would starve to death, as God’s people would perish shortly after escaping Egypt without Matzo bread from fallen grains of wheat at Passover.